video released of cop shooting pregnant shoplifter

Moron didn't think that one through that this is exactly what every climate, BLM and Floyd protester he supports has done the past five years! :21:
Yes...those are the kind of stupid people I'm talking about with this cop.
Why would any thinking adult step in front of the car like that? Would you? (I know I'm making a big assumption there)
It was not his best decision. Not the stepping in front of the car part........ it was assuming she wouldn't try to run him over.
It seems there are many people who just do not care. Losing their life is better than the perceptions of how they exist. This still makes law enforcement look bad. People are tiring of authoritarianism, and it is slowly expanding. However, real crimes need to be enforced with intelligence. Escalation causes a lot of issues. And many people do not forget.
People are tiring of authoritarianism, and it is slowly expanding. However, real crimes need to be enforced with intelligence. Escalation causes a lot of issues. And many people do not forget.
The Patriot Act needs to be repealed.
Naw, only one murder charge should be applied.
Fuck, the car was going 2 mph......Cop was WRONG and will be charged.
Was the car The Duke threatening the cops life while traveling at 2mph (or 5 mph)
She was inside the columns (not sure why) but she was.

Why did the cop 'shot to kill'

Fuck......I support cops....but c'mon.
There is one thief who will not be released to reoffend. She could have just taken her punishment and been home for dinner most likely, but she choose to escalate the situation. I am sure those who love her are angry, but they should be mad at her for making a series of poor choices that resulted in her being responsible for ending her life.

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