VIDEO: OUTRAGE ALERT! IRS Seized $940,000 Without Due Process From Navy Veteran’s Business Bank Acco

Yes. It is. It's about time President Selfie take responsibility for all the abuses happening in his administration, Fast and Furious, IRS targeting political opponents, NSA wiretapping, Ben Ghazi, all of it. I'm sick of that asshole skating culpability for his administration's crimes.

I think this is what Orwell was refering to when he coined the term "doublespeak"

You actually think Orwell would have sided with this administration and the actions I just cited?


Poor girl, I'm referring to you saying that Obama isnt at fault but really he is. You're fluent in doublespeak

Right, by citing somebody who WARNED about today's government and the kind of president we now have. It isn't me that Orwell would accuse of double speak.


Sure!!! 1984 is just like todays reality drama queen. This is your 2 min of hate!! Like OMG Obama is like totally kidnapping people.

Stop it, you sound like a prepubescent girl

And you sound like a dumbass citing people who HATED your kind.
I think this is what Orwell was refering to when he coined the term "doublespeak"

You actually think Orwell would have sided with this administration and the actions I just cited?


Poor girl, I'm referring to you saying that Obama isnt at fault but really he is. You're fluent in doublespeak

Right, by citing somebody who WARNED about today's government and the kind of president we now have. It isn't me that Orwell would accuse of double speak.


Sure!!! 1984 is just like todays reality drama queen. This is your 2 min of hate!! Like OMG Obama is like totally kidnapping people.

Stop it, you sound like a prepubescent girl

And you sound like a dumbass citing people who HATED your kind.

People are being locked up for THOUGHT CRIMES OMG!!! Run...hide
Think of it as simple redistribution of maybe, perhaps, ill-got gains and your tummy will settle down.

Have we not accepted a redistributionist "AFRICAN" as our national Messiah?
Think of it as simple redistribution of maybe, perhaps, ill-got gains and your tummy will settle down.

Have we not accepted a redistributionist "AFRICAN" as our national Messiah?

The rich are doing really well right now....Are you saying that "redistribution" is bad?
The rich are doing really well right now....Are you saying that "redistribution" is bad?

You have seen timid efforts at redistribution thus far.

Be patient. Even your piggy bank will not be safe.

So it hasnt happened but it will anyday now....Its just been 6 years.

It hasnt happened but you're complaining about it?

Will he finally be taking our guns away then too? :rolleyes:
Think of it as simple redistribution of maybe, perhaps, ill-got gains and your tummy will settle down.

Have we not accepted a redistributionist "AFRICAN" as our national Messiah?

The rich are doing really well right now....Are you saying that "redistribution" is bad?
And the working poor are working harder to be poor.
Yet you still applaud The Obama
Think of it as simple redistribution of maybe, perhaps, ill-got gains and your tummy will settle down.

Have we not accepted a redistributionist "AFRICAN" as our national Messiah?

The rich are doing really well right now....Are you saying that "redistribution" is bad?
And the working poor are working harder to be poor.
Yet you still applaud The Obama

Why conservatives do not is perplexing. He's helping the rich, not redistributing wealth...a cons dream
Think of it as simple redistribution of maybe, perhaps, ill-got gains and your tummy will settle down.

Have we not accepted a redistributionist "AFRICAN" as our national Messiah?

The rich are doing really well right now....Are you saying that "redistribution" is bad?
And the working poor are working harder to be poor.
Yet you still applaud The Obama

Why conservatives do not is perplexing. He's helping the rich, not redistributing wealth...a cons dream

Conservatives don't believe in crony capitalism.

Think of it as simple redistribution of maybe, perhaps, ill-got gains and your tummy will settle down.

Have we not accepted a redistributionist "AFRICAN" as our national Messiah?

The rich are doing really well right now....Are you saying that "redistribution" is bad?
And the working poor are working harder to be poor.
Yet you still applaud The Obama

Why conservatives do not is perplexing. He's helping the rich, not redistributing wealth...a cons dream

Conservatives don't believe in crony capitalism.



Can America's Descent into Crony Capitalism be Reversed ...

As Stockman explains, for all the talk to this day of Reagan’s fiscal conservatism, the only meaningful conservative policy victory of the time was achieved by the Fed, not the government. Paul Volcker did what was required to stabilise the dollar and bring down inflation following the disastrous stagflationary 1970s, the inevitable consequence of Johnson’s and Nixon’s fiscal largesse, the hugely expensive Vietnam war, soaring government deficits, de-pegging the dollar’s link to gold and the Fed’s accommodation of, among other associated phenomena, higher crude oil prices via OPEC.

As is the consistently the case throughout the book, however, Stockman highlights the links between failed economic policies and their unfortunate social consequences: The relentless growth of moral hazard and crony capitalism. Once Volker had left the stage, replaced by Alan ‘Bubbles’ Greenspan (sic), he explains how the Fed began to de facto target asset prices, in particular the stock and housing markets, and that “Under the Fed’s new prosperity management regime…the buildup of wealth did not require sacrifice or deferred consumption. Instead, it would be obtained from a perpetual windfall of capital gains arising from the financial casinos.” Wow."

Think of it as simple redistribution of maybe, perhaps, ill-got gains and your tummy will settle down.

Have we not accepted a redistributionist "AFRICAN" as our national Messiah?

The rich are doing really well right now....Are you saying that "redistribution" is bad?
And the working poor are working harder to be poor.
Yet you still applaud The Obama

Why conservatives do not is perplexing. He's helping the rich, not redistributing wealth...a cons dream

Conservatives don't believe in crony capitalism.


No one does lol...Just ask them. Yet it still goes on....weird huh
Think of it as simple redistribution of maybe, perhaps, ill-got gains and your tummy will settle down.

Have we not accepted a redistributionist "AFRICAN" as our national Messiah?

The rich are doing really well right now....Are you saying that "redistribution" is bad?
And the working poor are working harder to be poor.
Yet you still applaud The Obama

Why conservatives do not is perplexing. He's helping the rich, not redistributing wealth...a cons dream

Conservatives don't believe in crony capitalism.


No one does lol...Just ask them. Yet it still goes on....weird huh

Not really. Wallstreet has money, we just have votes. Republicans vote for border security, the Chamber of Commerce who donate to the Republicans want amnesty. Politicians don't care about votes as much as they do money.

Mystery solved.
The rich are doing really well right now....Are you saying that "redistribution" is bad?
And the working poor are working harder to be poor.
Yet you still applaud The Obama

Why conservatives do not is perplexing. He's helping the rich, not redistributing wealth...a cons dream

Conservatives don't believe in crony capitalism.


No one does lol...Just ask them. Yet it still goes on....weird huh

Not really. Wallstreet has money, we just have votes. Republicans vote for border security, the Chamber of Commerce who donate to the Republicans want amnesty. Politicians don't care about votes as much as they do money.

Mystery solved.

So crony capitalism happens but it doesnt happen.

Nice talking to you, really

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