VIDEO: FBI Director Wray Reveals Why He Must Be FIRED Immediately

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018


During a recent House Judiciary Hearing on FBI Oversight, FBI Director Christopher Wray, in his first Congressional appearance since the release of the Horowitz Report in December, proved himself to be just a slick dodgeball coverup artist seeking to avoid getting to the root of the corruption in his agency in the wake of revelations of the biggest scandals in its history. Wray's standard answers sound like pre-programmed ways to avoid addressing the corruption answers as you can see in his standard replies of "I find it unacceptable," or "I refer to the IG report," or "I can't comment on a personnel matter."

President Trump has finally cleaned out the NSC in his White House of the Democrat holdevers from the Obama Administration who were actively seeking to undermine him. It should also be time for the FBI to be cleaned up, a task that do-nothing Wray is very obviously avoiding other than with laughably shallow cosmetic changes. To finally root out the corruption at the high levels of the FBI and to prevent it in the future, Wray needs to be fired... NOW!


Seems this is how the Deep State works, Any nominee for FBI, DOJ and Intel leadership has to be approved by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence first. The Chairman of the SSCI is Senator Burr and the Co-chair is Senator Mark Warner and these two are as deep state as one can get. Nobody gets past them that THEY don’t approve of. That is why POTUS got Sessions, Wray and now Barr. Barr, who is Wray’s boss, has stated that his job is to PROTECT the FBI & DOJ.This in turn protects the crooked Senators, Burr and Warner and a whole bunch of others.
That "job to protect" whatever bureaucracy has been a problem for a long time throughout.

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