Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize ThemThe neocon's confession sheds critical light on the U.S.

What's going on in Ukraine?

Why is this illegitimate Biden's Administration developing bio-weapons labs over there?

This is wrong! this is sick!:mad:
Goes back to the Obama administration I heard today. Yes, what's up with all these Lab's being uncovered now ? Were we outsourcing such work because we didn't want to do it on our soil ????? Was it illegal to do on our soil ? Yes many questions need answering.
Goes back to the Obama administration I heard today. Yes, what's up with all these Lab's being uncovered now ? Were we outsourcing such work because we didn't want to do it on our soil ????? Was it illegal to do on our soil ? Yes many questions need answering.

I agree ^^^

This is the only thread on which to address the current cat-fight, as the two square off against each other on International Women's Day, no less. Nuland is most definitely the neo-nazi, supposedly the cutting-edge organismal product of the CIA-MI6 collusion. There is another thread on this, but Zakharova's video is suspicious and is not cited as to source. Here Zakharova responds, according to Pravda:

"Vchera Victoria Nuland, otvechaia na vopros amerikanskikh zakonodatelei, podtverdila sushchestvovanie ne prostop laboratorii, o kotorykh idet rech',a, kak oni eto sobstvenno nazyvaiut, issledovatel'skikh.
Yesterday, Victoria Nuland, in reponse to a question by American legislators, confirmed the existence of not just the laboratories in question but, as they actually call it, research.

I ona proiznesla zamechatel'nuiu frazu, to est' tot samyi korus dokazatel'stv, kotoryi byl nuzhen, kotoryi u nas seichas est', chto oni [USA] delaiut vse, chtoby eti materialy ne popali v ruki Rossii.
And she uttered a remarkable phrase - that is, the very body of evidence that was needed, which we now have - that they [the U.S.] were doing everything so that these materials wouldn't end up in Russia's hands.

Nam ne nuzhno gadat', chto eto za materialy, zdes' uzhe nechego gadat'.
We don't have to guess what kind of materials these are, there is nothing to guess here anymore.

Eto materialy, kotorye dokazyaiut nezakonuiu i prestupnuiu deiatel'nost' USA na territorii Ukrainy.
These are the materials that prove the U.S.' illegal and criminal activity on Ukrainian soil."
We are now sure USMBers are not reading the material already posted. The reasons we were finding within the first half-hour of investigation proved that Kharkiv laboratories were important for pathogens that (do not occur north of 50 deg latitude [italics]). It would have been absolutely impossible not to have studied CCHF at the Kharkiv lab, because Kharkiv lies at precisely 49.56 deg N latitude: temperature mutants. Duh
The link to the hottest pathogens including CCHF is Hamburg.

Pravda Bioproekt UP-4 v Ukraine
Bioproject UP-4 in Ukraine
'....V ramkakh svoego proekta UP-4 s uchastiem laboratorii Kiea, Karkhova i Odessy, USA rabotali nad sozdaniem biologicheskogo oruzhiia.
As part of its UP-4 Project with the participation of laboratories in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa, the United States was working to create a biological weapon.

V Minoborony zaiavbvili, chto poluchennye dokumenty podverzhdaiut peredachu mnogkikh biologicheskikh obraztsov, vziatykh u ukraintsev, za granitsu.
The Ministry of Defense said that the obtained documents confirmed the transfer of many biological samples from the Ukrainian people taken abroad.

Naprimer, Germaniia finantsiruet proekt No. 68727 EN po izucheniiu vozbuditelei krymskogo-kongoleznoi gemorragicheskoi likhoradki i xantavirusov.
For example, Germany is funding Project No. 68727 EN to study the pathogens of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever and hantaviruses.

V ramkakh proekta v Institut tropicheskoi meditsinny v Gamburge byli peredany sotni obraztsov syvorotki krovi, zviatye u zhitelei razlichnykh regionov Ukrainy.
As part of the project, hundreds of samples of blood serum taken from residents of various regions of Ukraine were transferred to the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Hamburg.

Obraztsy prinadlezhali tol'ko slavianskomu etnosu.
The samples belonged only to the Slavic ethnic group.

S bol'shoi dolei veroiatnosti mozhno skazat', chto odnoi iz sadach USA i ikh soiuznikov bylo sozdanie bioagentov, sposobnykh izbiratel'no vozdeistvovat' na razlichnye etnicheskie gruppy naseleniia.
With a high degree of probability, we can say that one of the tasks of the U.S. and its allies was to create bioagents that could selectively target various ethnic groups of the population.'
Here is the Russian version of Obama's involvement so that readers can being to translate it:

2022 marta 10 Izvestiya, About Obama's Connection with Biolaboratories in Ukraine
'....Abdulkhakim Gadzhiyev....'
The CIA has already sabotaged Google Web Translate for Izvestiya, so the reader must translate it by hand. The software at Google Web Translate may also be sabotaged for identity surveillance.
What's going on in Ukraine?

Why is this illegitimate Biden's Administration developing bio-weapons labs over there?

This is wrong! this is sick!:mad:

Perhaps expanding your information universe would help?

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