Veterans Today voice their anger....

Wanna know what I hate more than what happend to the USS Liberty?

Liars that use it to push thier agenda.

You're to fucking stoopud to know fucknut, but I do. The USS Liberty knew who was firing on them. All US allies have this thing called IFF, it's been around a very long time.

Israel knew who they were firing upon and so did we. Since the USS Liberty didn't have the weapons to shoot back, it would have been destroyed had that been the intent.

You're a disgrace.
Wanna know what I hate more than what happend to the USS Liberty?

Liars that use it to push thier agenda.

You're to fucking stoopud to know fucknut, but I do. The USS Liberty knew who was firing on them. All US allies have this thing called IFF, it's been around a very long time.

Israel knew who they were firing upon and so did we. Since the USS Liberty didn't have the weapons to shoot back, it would have been destroyed had that been the intent.

You're a disgrace.

To whom is this complain directed?
Wanna know what I hate more than what happend to the USS Liberty?

Liars that use it to push thier agenda.

You're to fucking stoopud to know fucknut, but I do. The USS Liberty knew who was firing on them. All US allies have this thing called IFF, it's been around a very long time.

Israel knew who they were firing upon and so did we. Since the USS Liberty didn't have the weapons to shoot back, it would have been destroyed had that been the intent.

You're a disgrace.

To whom is this complain directed?

To anyone that claims we buddied up with Israel to kill Americans to invade Egypt.

It's not just utter non-sense, it's offensive.
The use of the term "holocaust" is insulting and perhaps intentionally provocative. Left wingers might fuel their hatred for Israel by remembering an incident in 1967 and promoting the theory that it was an intentional attack on Americans. More likely it was a failure of intelligence and communications.

As was the rescue mission of the Iranian hostages, but Jimmy Carter is still attacked personally for that failure.
I would like to see a cap put on laws. We can have no more numerically than we now have.
You want a new one you have to do away with one.

Unfortunately, that would take another massive federal agency just to keep track. Laws are changed all the time by precedent. It's why we have court battles. If a law as it originally existed stayed in place forever, there would be no need for courts. Open any volume of the federal code, and you'll see the law as written, but then go to the footnotes and you'll see where various precedents have changed that law, as written.
The chummy relationship with Israel has to do with promoting American interests. In that region that means oil. The Saudis hate us and our way of life. We trust them no farther than we could throw them, yet we put up with their crap because we need their oil. They of course need our dollars. Some people are expressing outrage that we were friends with an oppressive Mubarak for 30 years. The Egyptians lack of individual freedoms mattered not to us as long as the peace was maintained.

The truth in a nutshell. Bravo.

Glad to see you again here, Navy. I've often wondered where you disappeared to or if you just posted when I don't. I hope it's been the latter!

[Wrong identity, but I liked the post anyway. I was thinking of Old Navy 1969.]
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What a bunch of shit.

The only interest we should serve is our own, Israel is a just rightous nation, founded because our people beleive in god. Its that simple. It has nothing to do with oil. With or without Oil we are in Israel.

One cheap Democracy and we can not support Israel. Shame.

As far as supporting dictators, so fucking what, we get rid of Saddam but that was wrong, that dictator was good, we support Egypt, wrong again.

No matter who we suppot the dumb ass anti-american-americans are against our actions. There is nothing we could of done different in the world or history that will change the fact that there is a group of people who wish to portray all we do as bad.

Egypt, so lets attack all the countries and demand democracy, that will take a hundred years of education and real men with balls.

Not to many balls around here.

Yes we support our interest, that is because we are right, period. Mistakes get made, sometimes bad people do bad things, but as a nation we are right and we should act like it.

Everyone is infected with this Hate America Marxist Propaganda.

Israel, we should expand into the Sinai, a huge mistake forcing a country to give land to a dictator.

Fight to the death for Israel. Israel is our heritage.
What a bunch of shit.

The only interest we should serve is our own, Israel is a just rightous nation, founded because our people beleive in god. Its that simple. It has nothing to do with oil. With or without Oil we are in Israel.

One cheap Democracy and we can not support Israel. Shame.

As far as supporting dictators, so fucking what, we get rid of Saddam but that was wrong, that dictator was good, we support Egypt, wrong again.

No matter who we suppot the dumb ass anti-american-americans are against our actions. There is nothing we could of done different in the world or history that will change the fact that there is a group of people who wish to portray all we do as bad.

Egypt, so lets attack all the countries and demand democracy, that will take a hundred years of education and real men with balls.

Not to many balls around here.

Yes we support our interest, that is because we are right, period. Mistakes get made, sometimes bad people do bad things, but as a nation we are right and we should act like it.

Everyone is infected with this Hate America Marxist Propaganda.

Israel, we should expand into the Sinai, a huge mistake forcing a country to give land to a dictator.

Fight to the death for Israel. Israel is our heritage.

I'm trying to connect that to what you stated above it. I'm completely confused.

I agree the US needs to support Israel, but we also need to support the plight of the Palestinians who simply want the same damned thing the Israelis wanted: A place to call home. My complaint is that the US pretends to be a fair and balanced broker of peace, when with few exceptions, Israel hasn't had to give in on anything. Israel, by the way, has a booming economy and really doesn't NEED our foreign aid, so why do we give it to them?

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