Very Disturbing Video - not for Children

do you believe that a person needs to be armed to kill another person?

Yeah, most do. If a mentally ill violent person attacks you, you had better be either an expert martial artist, or armed.

And even a martial artist will get damaged in the fight.

So, why fight, and get damaged. Far safer to shoot the mentally ill person.
you said "Why? Based on their record of killing unarmed people, they are the last ones anybody should trust"
Are you contradicting yourself?

You need to read the entire quote, and read for comprehension.

Or are you merely here to troll, as seems more likely.
lard ass.
"their"? "them"? "certain customers"? Speak plainly.
Oh, no!

That is unseemly.

I realize that you are very intelligent and can infer what I am implying.

We should all be more genteel and refrain from being too explicit.

Have a nice day!
He knows what he does is evil. He doesn't care. He has no empathy for the lives he destroys. I usually say a person like this lacks a soul.

But none of this is relevant to the victim. People who do this, regardless of age need to be punished.
I think someone like that, with his history needs to not be allowed free.
Well if you are going to dance around, you may need to expect others to.

Mental illness wasn't brought up til you needed a quick defense.
Unfortunately for you and your knee jerk attacks, I have often brought up mental illness, how it is chronically underfunded, lack of parity, how far too often mentally ill offenders end up in jails that are not equipped to handle or treat them. Not all violent crime has a mental illness behind it, but in this one it was specifically stated that he had a record of it. Another reason I support red flag laws.

Of course what the OP was really trying to make a point of with his "usual suspects" comment was not that he was mentally ill but that he was black

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