Vermont Going To Single Payer By 2017. Kicking Health Insurance Companies Out

And they will experience delays in treatment and more needless deaths, just like European countries and the VA.
Why anyone thinks this is an advance is beyond me.
The bordering states around Vermont are going to get an influx of medical professionals.

Single payer systems always pay below the market value for services. What doctor, nurse, or other professional will willingly take a 50% or more cut in compensation?

Good point...but Obabble will probably promise to make up the difference....period.
Good for Vermont this was always a states rights issue.

It might be pointed out that the health insurance company's cut of the cost is somewhere around 5 percent, is there anyone in their right mind that think the government's cut will be much less? It isn't in anything else they stick their fingers so why would health care be different? The only place they will make a difference is dictating the cost which in my opinion is one place health care has run amuck.
And they will experience delays in treatment and more needless deaths, just like European countries and the VA.
Why anyone thinks this is an advance is beyond me.

47,000 Americans were dying due to the health care system prior to ObamaCare and many more were going bankrupt.

No modern industrialized European country were or are seeing those kind of numbers.

Please prove that claim. While one needless death is one too many it would seem that such a low percentage of the population, well under 1 percent could have been taken care of without effecting the 99.99 percent.

But I find it interesting that you care about 47000, if that is true but the millions killed through abortion, not so much.
I could care less about Vermont. If those people are stupid enough to want it let them have, but this is going to make everyone's insurance more expensive under Obamacare.
47, 000 deaths huh?

so I suppose NO DEATHS have happened since the wonders of OScamCare came on line

this the dishonesty of the left/Progressives/commies

so we DESTROY our health care system to conform to 47. 000 deaths

that many has been destroyed TROUGHT ABORTIONS
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Vermont? With its 3.3% unemployment rate? hmmm....


the great state of Texas has 10 times as many people without health insurance as Vermont has people.

So pick your model.

How is the Cherry picking business these days?

Although the Vermont unemployment rate is low, we shouldn’t be complacent about it, or its steady decline, or its low rate compared to the nation. Vermont’s low unemployment rate?we have the fifth lowest rate in the nation?is not due to stellar economic performance. Rather, its low level is due to our population makeup and demographics.

Vermont does not have as many of the population subgroups that have high unemployment rates?especially young people and people of color?as most states do, or as many as the nation as a whole has.

Over the past twelve months the number of unemployed Vermonters has fallen by 2,400, a number consistent with a declining unemployment rate. But the number of Vermonters working or looking for work?the labor force?has declined by more than 5,000. The reduction in the number of unemployed is good news for the unemployment rate, but not when it’s due to Vermonters dropping out of the labor force. Indeed, 3,000 fewer Vermonters are working today than a year ago. That does not bode well for the future of the state’s economy or for those people’s future.

The story behind Vermont's low unemployment rate | Burlington Free Press |
And they will experience delays in treatment and more needless deaths, just like European countries and the VA.
Why anyone thinks this is an advance is beyond me.

47,000 Americans were dying due to the health care system prior to ObamaCare and many more were going bankrupt.

No modern industrialized European country were or are seeing those kind of numbers.

Lol, when the governments control the health care, its easy for them to hide bad numbers. Just look at how long it took to get the VA information out.

Having a complicit press is just a bonus.
Folks have money for their $30,000 fancy motorcycles, boats, jet skis and big trucks but do not have money to pay their own damn health care bills.
Irresponsible. We have become a nation of milk weak sissies.

May we have some insight on how you pay for your health care? Are you using Obamacare and went through
And they will experience delays in treatment and more needless deaths, just like European countries and the VA.
Why anyone thinks this is an advance is beyond me.
The bordering states around Vermont are going to get an influx of medical professionals.

Single payer systems always pay below the market value for services. What doctor, nurse, or other professional will willingly take a 50% or more cut in compensation?

In single payer the government would get charged by the hospitals for the people the government is currently forcing the hospitals to give free or discounted health care to. Thus they would no longer have to artificially raise the price on the other folks that actually pay.

Further since medicare would be coming out of the general fund govco would be forced to increase payment amounts for medicare procedures up to the amount they are paying for everyone else. Thus eliminating the offloading of medicare payment shortfalls on the rest of the population as they are currently doing.

Still further, no one could sue the insurance companies any more and we could hold harmless government from being sued, or they won't hold government harmless and the lawyers will make triple what they are getting now for suing the government insurer when they don't approve a procedure and the patient dies.

The only thing worse than single payer, is our current system that the government has thoroughly busted through it's regulations.

Or we could go back to the free market system that worked so well before government screwed it up. Nah... we don't believe in free markets any more. Better to just convert this country completely over to marxism and ride out the inevitable economic collapse vs. this current system of handouts for the majority at the expense of the few.
Vermont? With its 3.3% unemployment rate? hmmm....


the great state of Texas has 10 times as many people without health insurance as Vermont has people.

So pick your model.

How is the Cherry picking business these days?

Although the Vermont unemployment rate is low, we shouldn’t be complacent about it, or its steady decline, or its low rate compared to the nation. Vermont’s low unemployment rate?we have the fifth lowest rate in the nation?is not due to stellar economic performance. Rather, its low level is due to our population makeup and demographics.

Vermont does not have as many of the population subgroups that have high unemployment rates?especially young people and people of color?as most states do, or as many as the nation as a whole has.

Over the past twelve months the number of unemployed Vermonters has fallen by 2,400, a number consistent with a declining unemployment rate. But the number of Vermonters working or looking for work?the labor force?has declined by more than 5,000. The reduction in the number of unemployed is good news for the unemployment rate, but not when it’s due to Vermonters dropping out of the labor force. Indeed, 3,000 fewer Vermonters are working today than a year ago. That does not bode well for the future of the state’s economy or for those people’s future.

The story behind Vermont's low unemployment rate | Burlington Free Press |

Trying to shit on a 3/3% unemployment rate is trying way too hard.
Is it only a matter of time before the nation follows suit?

Vermont Wants Aetna, Cigna and Other Health Insurers Dead

Under a single-payer system, there is no role for health insurance companies such as Aetna and Cigna as the government pays all the medical bills. Many hope that the United States will implement a single-payer system.

In Canada, the pay for medical doctors is about 50% lower. In Norway, it is nearly two-thirds lower.

Vermont Wants Aetna, Cigna and Other Health Insurers To Be History - TheStreet


If this is what Vermont wants to do then that's fine. This is the way it should be done. One system for 310 million people isn't.

By the way, Vermont as of now has no method in place to pay for this and moving to a socialist system doesn't eliminate insurance companies.
And they will experience delays in treatment and more needless deaths, just like European countries and the VA.
Why anyone thinks this is an advance is beyond me.

I agree.

Also when they have more people taking the "free" HC then they have paying for it and taxes go up to cover the costs you can bet your ass the taxpayers in Vt. will catch a clue.

Single payer is not an advance. Its a way for those who have to pay for those who don't. Just like the ACA.

You have different objectives than they do. They believe fairness = sameness. Single payer provides sameness.

So does public education. Should we take that away from the poor too?
The fuck is wrong with you right wing nutters. If any state tries to provide for its citizens in a manner that you right wing whackos don't like, all you can do is root for failure. You people are fucked up.

Nobody is rooting for failure. Unlike you, we just happen to learn from history and don't start salivating like Pavlov's dogs as soon as someone talks about "free" stuff.
And they will experience delays in treatment and more needless deaths, just like European countries and the VA.
Why anyone thinks this is an advance is beyond me.

I agree.

Also when they have more people taking the "free" HC then they have paying for it and taxes go up to cover the costs you can bet your ass the taxpayers in Vt. will catch a clue.

Single payer is not an advance. Its a way for those who have to pay for those who don't. Just like the ACA.

single payor does not prohibit you from having your own insurance or having private doctors in any country that I know of.

where do you get this stuff?

and waiting for care is better than NOT HAVING CARE.

Yeah! Just like the ACA!

I would have thought that the cons here would be supportive if this state initiative. Go figure.

Why should conservatives be supportive of a state switching over to marxism? They can eff up their state if they want to and it's none of my business here in TX. Just don't use my tax dollars to do it.
so "states' rights" only exists when you want to do LESS than the federal government, not more?


rightwingers are funny

Who said states rights only when they do less than the federal government, not more? You hearing voices again?
And they will experience delays in treatment and more needless deaths, just like European countries and the VA.
Why anyone thinks this is an advance is beyond me.

I agree.

Also when they have more people taking the "free" HC then they have paying for it and taxes go up to cover the costs you can bet your ass the taxpayers in Vt. will catch a clue.

Single payer is not an advance. Its a way for those who have to pay for those who don't. Just like the ACA.

single payor does not prohibit you from having your own insurance or having private doctors in any country that I know of.

where do you get this stuff?

and waiting for care is better than NOT HAVING CARE.


Single payer does not mean single payer? huh?
The fuck is wrong with you right wing nutters. If any state tries to provide for its citizens in a manner that you right wing whackos don't like, all you can do is root for failure. You people are fucked up.

Recognizing the obvious is not rooting for failure. One doesn't need to jump off a tall building to know that the results of doing so will most likely be fatal.

The VA health care system is a one payer system run by government, and that ought to teach you everything you need to know about government run health care in America.

But, you can always dream.

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