Venezuela: Fully Prepared for War with U.S.

It'd be over in 24 hours....or less. But go ahead and try...dopes, your funerals.

Venezuela Declares Its Military ‘Fully Prepared’ for War with U.S.

Breitbart: Senior Venezuelan socialist official Diosdado Cabello claimed in an interview Sunday his country is “fully prepared” for a war with the United States.

There is little evidence to support Cabello’s claims. Instead, countless reports detail the growing disaffection and dropout rates among troops, many whose salaries fail to cover basic living resources such as food and medicine. Some soldiers have tried to launch low-level coups and rebellions, although such efforts have so far proved unsuccessful.

Venezuela Declares Its Military ‘Fully Prepared’ for War with U.S.
Ha ha ha! I don't know about you, but I'm already shivering in my pantalones just thinking about an imminent war with Venezuela!
Revealing your true nature. You and yours will vote to turn those “2 hours” into 10 years and tens of thousands of our soldiers dead and maimed if you get the chance.

10 years in Venezuela?
Laughable as you truly don't know Trump now, do you?

Ears would have soiled his panties and sent them billions to stop making unmarked bills in suit cases
He had years to do that and didn’t, retard.

Woooosh right over your head.....again

Hint: Think Iran ya stupid fuck
Yes they got rewarded for ending their nuke program and then Trump told them they no longer had to keep from working on nukes. What a negotiation.

It was a terrible deal. That deal did not stop Iran from developing the capabilities for nuclear weapons. Their own Imams were saying this openly in Arabic.

Even if you ignore what their own clergy were saying to their own people.....

1. Iran continued to try and buy nuclear technology that was prohibited under the agreement.

2. Iran continued to operate more centrifuges than was allowed under the agreement.

3. Iran continued to stockpile heavy water, that can only be used for making weapons grade plutonium, in breach of the agreement.

4. Iran refused to allow international inspections of their facilities, as required by the agreement.

And that brainless idiotic fool of a president, gave these lying cheating bastards, tons of untraceable money, which he himself admitted was used by Iran to fund terror groups around the middle east.

This was a horrific deal, and Trump was absolutely right to terminate it. If the rest of Europe wants to set themselves on fire supporting this train wreck, that's their choice, and they can pay for it. But we should hold course, and shut down Iran at every possible step.
It'd be over in 24 hours....or less. But go ahead and try...dopes, your funerals.

Venezuela Declares Its Military ‘Fully Prepared’ for War with U.S.

Breitbart: Senior Venezuelan socialist official Diosdado Cabello claimed in an interview Sunday his country is “fully prepared” for a war with the United States.

There is little evidence to support Cabello’s claims. Instead, countless reports detail the growing disaffection and dropout rates among troops, many whose salaries fail to cover basic living resources such as food and medicine. Some soldiers have tried to launch low-level coups and rebellions, although such efforts have so far proved unsuccessful.

Venezuela Declares Its Military ‘Fully Prepared’ for War with U.S.
Yeah, so was Iraq, Afghanastan, Syria, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Germany, etc, all of whom took staggering losses.
It'd be over in 24 hours....or less. But go ahead and try...dopes, your funerals.

Venezuela Declares Its Military ‘Fully Prepared’ for War with U.S.

Breitbart: Senior Venezuelan socialist official Diosdado Cabello claimed in an interview Sunday his country is “fully prepared” for a war with the United States.

There is little evidence to support Cabello’s claims. Instead, countless reports detail the growing disaffection and dropout rates among troops, many whose salaries fail to cover basic living resources such as food and medicine. Some soldiers have tried to launch low-level coups and rebellions, although such efforts have so far proved unsuccessful.

Venezuela Declares Its Military ‘Fully Prepared’ for War with U.S.

Oh please. This is like NKorea saying they are ready. Never mind they have to post guards along their boarder, not to keep enemies out, but to keep their citizens in. But yeah, they are ready for war.

Please.... Venezuela can't even keep their renewable energy lights on.

What are they going to do? Send their Cuba defecting doctors at us, to give us bad health care? Start launch their empty store shelves across the boarder at our people?

The word is "BORDER"!

Thanks. I'm a product of public edumcation.

You are not the only one who gets it wrong. I have seen three more examples in the last 10 minutes.
10 years in Venezuela?
Laughable as you truly don't know Trump now, do you?

Ears would have soiled his panties and sent them billions to stop making unmarked bills in suit cases
He had years to do that and didn’t, retard.

Woooosh right over your head.....again

Hint: Think Iran ya stupid fuck
Yes they got rewarded for ending their nuke program and then Trump told them they no longer had to keep from working on nukes. What a negotiation.

It was a terrible deal. That deal did not stop Iran from developing the capabilities for nuclear weapons. Their own Imams were saying this openly in Arabic.

Even if you ignore what their own clergy were saying to their own people.....

1. Iran continued to try and buy nuclear technology that was prohibited under the agreement.

2. Iran continued to operate more centrifuges than was allowed under the agreement.

3. Iran continued to stockpile heavy water, that can only be used for making weapons grade plutonium, in breach of the agreement.

4. Iran refused to allow international inspections of their facilities, as required by the agreement.

And that brainless idiotic fool of a president, gave these lying cheating bastards, tons of untraceable money, which he himself admitted was used by Iran to fund terror groups around the middle east.

This was a horrific deal, and Trump was absolutely right to terminate it. If the rest of Europe wants to set themselves on fire supporting this train wreck, that's their choice, and they can pay for it. But we should hold course, and shut down Iran at every possible step.

Their imams speak Farsi, not Arabic.
10 years in Venezuela?
Laughable as you truly don't know Trump now, do you?

Ears would have soiled his panties and sent them billions to stop making unmarked bills in suit cases
He had years to do that and didn’t, retard.

Woooosh right over your head.....again

Hint: Think Iran ya stupid fuck
Yes they got rewarded for ending their nuke program and then Trump told them they no longer had to keep from working on nukes. What a negotiation.

It was a terrible deal. That deal did not stop Iran from developing the capabilities for nuclear weapons. Their own Imams were saying this openly in Arabic.

Even if you ignore what their own clergy were saying to their own people.....

1. Iran continued to try and buy nuclear technology that was prohibited under the agreement.

2. Iran continued to operate more centrifuges than was allowed under the agreement.

3. Iran continued to stockpile heavy water, that can only be used for making weapons grade plutonium, in breach of the agreement.

4. Iran refused to allow international inspections of their facilities, as required by the agreement.

And that brainless idiotic fool of a president, gave these lying cheating bastards, tons of untraceable money, which he himself admitted was used by Iran to fund terror groups around the middle east.

This was a horrific deal, and Trump was absolutely right to terminate it. If the rest of Europe wants to set themselves on fire supporting this train wreck, that's their choice, and they can pay for it. But we should hold course, and shut down Iran at every possible step.
It was a well executed deal

Iran gave up supplies of enriched uranium that took years to produce
They gave up the centerfuges that enrich uranium
They gave up inspections of facilities

We gave them back the money we held from them

Trump is allowing Iran to restart their program AAB well as allowing Russia to build up more nukes

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