Venezuela Accuses U.S. of Secretly Shipping Arms After Weapons Found on Plane with Possible CIA Ties

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Damn those socialists....always catching us trying to help overthrow their government when sanctions aren't devastating the country quite fast enough.

Venezuela Accuses U.S. of Secretly Shipping Arms After Weapons Found on Plane with Possible CIA Ties | Democracy Now!

A North Carolina-based air freight company has halted flights to Venezuela following a report by McClatchy linking it to possible arms smuggling. Last week, Venezuelan authorities claimed they had uncovered 19 assault weapons, 118 ammunition cartridges and 90 military-grade radio antennas on board a U.S.-owned plane that had flown from Miami into Valencia, Venezuela’s third-largest city.

The Boeing 767 is owned by a company called 21 Air based in Greensboro, North Carolina. The plane had made nearly 40 round-trip flights between Miami and spots in Venezuela and Colombia since January 11, the day after Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro was sworn in to a second term. The flights ended after McClatchy first reported on them.

Venezuela accused the U.S. government of sending the arms as part of its attempt to topple the Maduro government. While no definitive links between 21 Air and the U.S. government have been established, McClatchy reports the chairman of 21 Air, Adolfo Moreno, as well as another employee at the company have ties to Gemini Air Cargo, which was involved in the CIA’s rendition program during the administration of George W. Bush.
(continued in above link )


"This Political Prisoner Is Calling the Shots in Venezuela’s Uprising
Andrew Rosati
January 31, 2019, 3:00 AM PST Updated on January 31, 2019, 8:16 AM PST

  • Leopoldo Lopez uses clandestine meetings and messages to help

  • A Caracas living room is the nexus for a global offensive."
Lopez found his useful idiots when Pence and Trump came to DC; although, so far, it is looking like they are encountering more opposition than they bargained for?

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
The Meduro government needs to be toppled, without commenting on this particular matter one way or the other.
This man Meduro, who said he would trade food to starving citizens for votes however in the last election, I believe would do anything to hang onto power, even claiming arms were being smuggled into Venezuela in order to gain sympathy and support for his failed dictatorship.
Iranian-American Farhad Azima is linked to OP's report. There is some resonance linking Azima familial DNA. Maduro became Foreign Minister on 9 Aug 2006, the first first previous Azima resonance was reported on 3 Jul 2006 RFE RL: Iran: "Nazi Azima Declares Mass Hunger Strike to Free Political Prisoners." Another Azima resonance to the Maduro appointment as Foreign Minister came on 28 Aug 2006:

RFE RL Prague: Iran: Signature Drive Targets Gender Discrimination
Iran: Signature Drive Targets Gender Discrimination
'....Radio Farda broadcaster Parnaz Azima contributed to this report.'
Should Maduro agree to new elections supervised by impartial international monitors?

Corruption in Venezuela - Wikipedia

"In early 2000, Chávez's friend and co-conspirator in the 1992 Venezuelan coup d'état attempts Jesus Urdaneta was appointed head of Venezuela's intelligence agency, DISIP.

"Urdaneta began receiving reports that Chávez's allies, Luis Miquilena, leader of the National Assembly and José Vicente Rangel, Chávez's foreign minister, were keeping public funds for themselves.

"Urdaneta brought this to Chávez's attention, but Chávez ignored his advice saying that he needed the political experience of both men in order to establish power.[40]

$22.5 billion of public funds have been transferred from Venezuela to foreign accounts with half of that money being unaccounted for by anyone.[26]

"José Guerra, a former Central Bank executive, claims that most of that money has been used to buy political allies in countries such as Cuba and Bolivia.[26]

"Chávez reportedly made promises and carried out most payments of nearly $70 billion USD to foreign leaders without the consultation of the people of Venezuela and without normal legal procedures."

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