Vaccines vs Ivermectin

No it does not.

The maker of Ivermectin says it does not work to treat Covid.

If you actually read it, all Merck says is they have not seen any evidence it works on covid-19.
They do not say they did any testing at all.
And clinical trials in 6 countries now say it does work.
Merck is just covering themselves.
What single course of treatment do you think is being mandated?

The vaccines. I have natural immunity, yet you demand I get the jab.

Are you always this ignorant?
Small trials of a few dozen people, yes. Larger trials, not so much.

The best data is against it.

No, countries that have done successful clinical trials with Ivermectin on thousands of covid patients include:
Argentina Bangladesh Belize Bolivia Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Cambodia Colombia Czech Republic Dominican Republic Egypt El Salvador Germany Guatemala Honduras India Indonesia Iran Jamaica Japan Lebanon Mexico Nicaragua Nigeria North Macedonia Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Portugal Slovakia South Africa Thailand USA Ukraine Venezuela Zimbabwe .

While I have no idea which work the best or work at all, between Ivermectin, Remdisevir, Fluvoxamine, etc., obviously lots of things SHOULD work.
These coronaviruses are mimicking exosome and attaching to ACE2 receptors. That should be easy to block. Then the deadly aspect is the autoimmune response, the cytokine storm, which also should be easy to prevent. There is no reason for covid-19 to be any sort of problem. The fact the best the CDC can come up with is "flattening the curve", and these ridiculous mRNA spike protein vaccines, is absurd. Obviously the whole CDC has become corrupt and incompetent.
Then do it. Explain declining cases in pro ivermectin India and Biden’s spiking cases in the US.
India's numbers have always been suspect. Cases are spiking here because people like you refuse to vaccinate and then GOP Governors are advocating AGAINST masking and vaccine compliance
Then do it. Explain declining cases in pro ivermectin India and Biden’s spiking cases in the US.
And you think the only difference is ivermectin? I don’t. There’s a million differences.

It’s called an ecological fallacy.
So we will now be getting our medical advice from some lady in SLOVAKIA -
Have Melania or Slovenia weight in yet?? :laughing0301:
Melania should be proud. This is in agreement with Icahn Medical School, New York, Sep 2020:

Ivermectin Docks to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD Attached to ACE2
’Fig. 3. Ivermectin molecule docked with SARS-CoV-2 spike in the region of leucine 91 and histidine 378 of the ACE2 receptor.’

Melania is from Slovenia. This is Slovakia. Do you know the difference? :confused-84:
why is there such a visceral reaction to Ivermectin? It's well known that it has antibacterial and antiviral properties and is used against other RNA viruses (Zika, Dengue and Yellow Fever). It's safe it's been around for 40 years and has had 4 billion doses administered so why exactly do people get so angry about it?

And then the dumb lefty brownshirts (think DrLove) goosestep in unison, shouting "hOrsE deWoRmeR!".

That's the ignorance, incuriosity, and fascism of the left on full display.
Yea...Laura Ingram

Look. Horse dewormer doesn't work

Vaccines DO work

But hey....deworm yourselves.

No one will miss you

Ivermectin for humans is not horse dewormer, retard. It's been used in humans for decades, successfully treating millions of people. It's inventors won a Nobel prize for the drug's treatment of malaria. It's on the Covid treatment plans for several countries. Do you not know any of this basic, readily available information? Jesus, a fifth grader could find this out with ten seconds of Googling! How does someone as dumb as you make it in the world?
No, countries that have done successful clinical trials with Ivermectin on thousands of covid patients include:
Argentina Bangladesh Belize Bolivia Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Cambodia Colombia Czech Republic Dominican Republic Egypt El Salvador Germany Guatemala Honduras India Indonesia Iran Jamaica Japan Lebanon Mexico Nicaragua Nigeria North Macedonia Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Portugal Slovakia South Africa Thailand USA Ukraine Venezuela Zimbabwe .

While I have no idea which work the best or work at all, between Ivermectin, Remdisevir, Fluvoxamine, etc., obviously lots of things SHOULD work.
These coronaviruses are mimicking exosome and attaching to ACE2 receptors. That should be easy to block. Then the deadly aspect is the autoimmune response, the cytokine storm, which also should be easy to prevent. There is no reason for covid-19 to be any sort of problem. The fact the best the CDC can come up with is "flattening the curve", and these ridiculous mRNA spike protein vaccines, is absurd. Obviously the whole CDC has become corrupt and incompetent.
This is not a link to clinical trials. It's a link to countries who have started using ivermectin for COVID.

Everything you say is just ridiculous.
Ivermectin for humans is not horse dewormer, retard. It's been used in humans for decades, successfully treating millions of people. It's inventors won a Nobel prize for the drug's treatment of malaria. It's on the Covid treatment plans for several countries. Do you not know any of this basic, readily available information? Jesus, a fifth grader could find this out with ten seconds of Googling! How does someone as dumb as you make it in the world?
Ya know what it's not recommended for?


But hey. Go for it. You seem invested in it.

It won't work but that doesn't bother me one bit. I won't miss you

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