Vaccines Safer Than Infection

The ways vaccines work is that they stimulate our own bodies antibodies to attack a virus that's already entered our bodies. Therefore there is no way for a vaccine to prevent anyone from being infected, but I think you know that, if you haven't already learned this on your own then you had have been told this numerous times on just this forum alone, but your dogma won't allow to accept this fact, so you continue to spiel the same rhetoric over and over and over again. This must be what it's like to belong to a cult. No matter what anyone tells you you just refuse to listen and continue to repeat the crazy script you read from every day.

That's how the smallpox vaccine worked? The polio vaccine? ha
I took the two original vaccines, just for travel.. (The Draconian measures taken at airports were just awful, the army being employed involved at Frankfurt)

I regret it, as l have suffered on and off bouts of ill health during the last two years. Me, a person who my whole life had robust good health.

No boosters for me. I have a friend who’s had five, and is proud of it.

A clear-eyed assessment. So refreshing. It was repeated, bad experiences with flu shots that made me skeptical of the Covid vaccines in the first place. I'm so grateful I didn't get them; I'm sure they would have messed me up entirely. I did get Covid twice. Moderately ill the first time; barely noticeable the second. Never got close to hospitalization. Since then, I'm rarely ill with anything, and in great overall health.

I hope you enjoy better health soon. There are some natural things you can take that might rid yourself of the spike proteins, fwiw.
I hope you enjoy better health soon. There are some natural things you can take that might rid yourself of the spike proteins, fwiw.

What are they?

l got Covid once, during an admission to an American hospital for emergency intestinal surgery, over two years ago. As l remember, it was just a headache. I’ve had nothing since. Family members and friends didn’t get the shots, and didn’t get Covid.
What are they?

l got Covid once, during an admission to an American hospital for emergency intestinal surgery, over two years ago. As l remember, it was just a headache. I’ve had nothing since. Family members and friends didn’t get the shots, and didn’t get Covid.

To start:

Vitamins C, D, Zinc
Oil of Oregano
Nasal saline washes

etc, etc, etc
Large group study of known, respected, research scientists (unlike antivaxxer studies) shows that infections of covid are much much more damaging than either of the three vaccines.

Key quote:
“The odds of all of these adverse events is still much, much higher when infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), so getting vaccinated is still by far the safer choice,” CEO of biotechnology company Centivaix Jacob Glanville, who is not involved in the study, told Forbes.
My wife and I have been getting our boosters every 6 month since COVID hit.

There are vaccinations for COVID, FLU, Shingles, RSV, Measles, Chickenpox, Hepatitis, Rabies, Polio, Pneumococcal, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, etc...

Vaccinations have been around a long time, yet you have a strong anti-vax community in the Republican party. I guess if they don't want to get vaccinated for anything it's their business, but they shouldn't complain when they get deathly sick.
People who have been vaccinated also get deathly sick.

The polio vax stamped out that particular disease. Why hasn’t the Covid shot done similar? As Joe Biden assured us it would.
The most anti vax people I know are leftists.

The left wants to equate being anti mRNA vaccines with being anti all vaccine. It’s really a childish argument.
Here is the important point: Rare cases of myocarditis—inflammation of the heart—were identified in the first, second and third doses of Pfizer-BioNTech’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines: The highest rate was seen after the second Moderna dose (6.1 times the expected rate of cases), according to the study published in the journal Vaccine.

You are safer to take the vax then face the disease unvaxxed.
Tell that to the people that did from taking this experimental injection
Large group study of known, respected, research scientists (unlike antivaxxer studies) shows that infections of covid are much much more damaging than either of the three vaccines.

Key quote:
“The odds of all of these adverse events is still much, much higher when infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), so getting vaccinated is still by far the safer choice,” CEO of biotechnology company Centivaix Jacob Glanville, who is not involved in the study, told Forbes.
What is a "anti-vaxxer study"?? - provide links/examples to a study done by an anti-vax organization.
Why are you considered to be anti-vax because you decide not to have it?

Free choice, or not?
Why is one considered anti-vax for pointing out it isn't a vax ?

Because when you claim that it's not a prophylactic it's misleading information.

It's an injection that prevents infection of a virus for most people. It isn't perfect because it is dependent upon people's immune systems which are in various conditions. And 1.7 billion Injections have been administered.
All of which is why the mantra "it's not a vaccine" is a manipulation tactic of getting another person to concede to something that is not true. The mechanism the prophylactic works by is different from older technology but that does not mean that it is not a vaccination.

Older technology vaccines have Gulian Barre syndrome as a possible side effect. And that was proven very true with the AstraZenneca/Oxford vaccine. (Also likely true with J&J vaccine but was unstudied)

It signals to everyone you have a political persuasion of opposition to vaccination and of being closed minded instead of willing to have a reasonable conversation about the subject.
Because when you claim that it's not a prophylactic it's misleading information.

It's an injection that prevents infection of a virus for most people. It isn't perfect because it is dependent upon people's immune systems which are in various conditions. And 1.7 billion Injections have been administered.
All of which is why the mantra "it's not a vaccine" is a manipulation tactic of getting another person to concede to something that is not true. The mechanism the prophylactic works by is different from older technology but that does not mean that it is not a vaccination.

Older technology vaccines have Gulian Barre syndrome as a possible side effect. And that was proven very true with the AstraZenneca/Oxford vaccine. (Also likely true with J&J vaccine but was unstudied)

It signals to everyone you have a political persuasion of opposition to vaccination and of being closed minded instead of willing to have a reasonable conversation about the subject.

And it is just as disingenuous to call folks that are not sold on the idea of mRNA covid shots anti-vax.

Because something is called a “vaccine”, does not necessarily also mean it should be administered.

Here’s one example of a vaccine that worked, but created a much larger problem.

And it is just as disingenuous to call folks that are not sold on the idea of mRNA covid shots anti-vax.

Because something is called a “vaccine”, does not necessarily also mean it should be administered.

Here’s one example of a vaccine that worked, but created a much larger problem.

And none of those problems have been witnessed with the use of mRNA vaccines as yet. So it's a red herring discussion.

All of the COVID-19 virus mutations to date have come from people with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (another virus)...which they acquired through unrestrained sexual intercourse. Which some mutated strains have spread rampantly throughout the population...others have remained localized. People who have AIDS do not get vaccinated as it is not beneficial for them and is indeed toxic to them.

Are you advocating isolating those with AIDS from the general population to prevent the mutation of the virus?
And none of those problems have been witnessed with the use of mRNA vaccines as yet. So it's a red herring discussion.

All of the COVID-19 virus mutations to date have come from people with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (another virus)...which they acquired through unrestrained sexual intercourse. Which some mutated strains have spread rampantly throughout the population...others have remained localized. People who have AIDS do not get vaccinated as it is not beneficial for them and is indeed toxic to them.

Are you advocating isolating those with AIDS from the general population to prevent the mutation of the virus?

You are talking of one vaccine for one type of virus. Again you are being disingenuous.

We hear reports of blood clots from embalmers, never seen before the introduction of this vaccine, that are being pulled out of the dead. From the reports out of these mortuaries, the numbers are staggering.

And now the WHO is warning of the next pandemic? Dude, it might already be here.

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