Vaccinations, yes or no?

Vaccinations yes or no and political leanings

  • I'm liberal and vaccinated

  • I'm liberal and not vaccinated

  • I'm conservative and vaccinated

  • I'm conservative and not vaccinated

  • I'm independent and vaccinated

  • I'm independent and not vaccinated

  • Waffles

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Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

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I think the vaccine system of the sixties was proven sufficient and the A-B Heps should be part of that at age eight to ten or so. When lil Twanakeeta starts fuckin everyone in da hood for weed.

Todays systyem is a lot of horseshit. Tetanus boosters are horseshit today. Flu vaxes are BS. A malaria would be nice and Dengue( which I'd chance)
I got a yellow fever vax in Colombia a couple years back. Made in Brazil. No US made with " add ins"horseshit.
Same with the Dengue the Filipinos are testing now.They're close.We need it in the tropics. I already had the "lite" version of Dengue( thought I was dying) so I'm immune now but the hemorrhagic can kill some people.I'm not immune to that gem. I'll get theirs before one of your owners start mass producing the shit.

My doc wants me to get a pneumonia vax but I don't use tobacco(only a little whacky type). I'll take my chances. If I were headed to the great white north( the REAL shitholes) I might go for it but I don't even own long pants.
Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

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Independent and I don't vaccinate my children. Leftists should be all for CHOICE in vaccination they are for choice to let a woman murder a baby but are the ones leading the charge to FORCE poison into kids bodies.
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Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

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Sometimes you just gotta take one for the team and get vaccinated. I think the odds are in your favor if you do get vaccinated. If you don't then you are a healthcare freeloader riding on the backs of those who did, hoping their vaccinations stop whatever from coming and getting you.

Then again both sides have their share of freeloaders.
Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

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Independent and I don't vaccinate my children. Leftists should be all for CHOICE in vaccination they are for choice to let a woman murder a baby but are the ones leading the charge to FORCE poison into kids bodies.
I’m all for choice but why would you want to risk your children getting a fatal “poison” or disease when you could prevent it with a small dose of “poison”? Plus the more who are not vaccinated the greater the public risk. You agree with that right?
Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

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Independent and I don't vaccinate my children. Leftists should be all for CHOICE in vaccination they are for choice to let a woman murder a baby but are the ones leading the charge to FORCE poison into kids bodies.

Where did you go to medical school?
You can see that these people are victims of mercury poisoning from being vaccinated. That it is the only purpose for these vaccines. To create mindless zombies. When people are in that zombie state. That it is very easily to guide them in the direction that you want them to go.

You can see that these people are victims of mercury poisoning from being vaccinated. That it is the only purpose for these vaccines. To create mindless zombies. When people are in that zombie state. That it is very easily to guide them in the direction that you want them to go.

So that's how tRump does it.
Been a lot of discussion over where the antivaxxers are at politically, so let's just find out.

Poll is public and you must vote to see the results.
Independent and I don't vaccinate my children. Leftists should be all for CHOICE in vaccination they are for choice to let a woman murder a baby but are the ones leading the charge to FORCE poison into kids bodies.
I hear that Madagascar is lovely this time of year for anti-vaxxers to visit.

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