Utah man slams into motorcyclist, with intent to kill

I don't know. Just a very odd unusual occurrence in many ways.

Unfortunately, such things seem to be becoming the norm.
Sure are....

I mean even if the guy did see a gun on the motorcyclist, why would he feel the need to run him down?

Plenty of people in our country routinely carry guns now...
I mean even if the guy did see a gun on the motorcyclist, why would he feel the need to run him down?

I looked hard at the video but only saw what looked like a cellphone. The driver came out of a side street already intending to hit this guy and seemed to know right where he was at, so, we are not being told/shown the whole story here.

But odds seem good the driver is a wacko needing removed off public streets.
How fast was the driver going? It's amazing that the biker rider was able to get up so fast after what had just happened and wasn't killed instantly!

God bless you and him always!!!

^^^ It was which is why the maximum sentence had better be what is issued to the perpetrator. If not, bike riders will be flying all over the place.

God bless you and them and the victim always!!!

This guy is crazy! Watch the video with the story it's insane...

So, my question for the class is obvious insane reaction aside who do you believe in this? And do we think it is ok to attack someone in this fashion today?
I am sure he will get decades in jail
. Whites are a menace to society and need to “cleaned “

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