USMB Old/New rules. Pay 'Tention

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que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
ok. So....mods don't like their volunteer jobs any more because of..well..whatever their complaint is. MY opinion is..if you don't like being here...leave. Quit. Don't volunteer any more. Go back to being a regular poster. If you hate your "job" you are going to be really bad at it.

With that said...WE can try to do better, ya think? are the "rules" or "common sense" we should all practice to help 'em out.

1. Stop reporting willy nilly. If someone is really being a dick, i.e. breaking an obvoius rule we ALL should know by now..then by all means report it. But reporting numerous times per day whining and crying ain't cutting it. Stick a pacifier in your mouth and deal with it.

2. BEFORE posting a new thread, read the popup below your title to see if any similar threads are going. Having 10 threads on the same subject is bullshit and the ONLY reason you do it is because you want to be author of that thread so you make a new one. Grow the fuck up already.

3. Knock it off with abusing Coyote. Y'all treat her like a middle eastern man beating the crap out of a woman because she's a woman. Shame on you. Would you treat your mother that way? Grandma? Daughter? Wife? So what if her opinons are different from yours. And so what if it pisses you off so bad you want to spit. Swallow and treat her as a lady. Note: she NEVER hits below the belt but y'all sure beat on her below hers. Just stop it.

4. Troll, but do it with class.

5. Be snarky, but use more class. The best snark is an insult but the insultee doesn't know if it's an insult or not. Confusion is beautiful when you can snicker watching the scratch a bald spot on their head trying to figure out what your intent is in your response.

6. Stop the fucking complaining. You are posting here free. Free. You can donate, or if you can't, it's still free. Sure, some of the staff can be assholes but....its still a free board. Don't like it? You leave too. Lots of boards out there. Or stay and try to assist to the best of your ability without losing who you are as well.

That's about all I can think of that would make me batshit crazy if I were a mod, which I am not, blessedly for y'all cuz I'd be slamming that ban hammer non stop, lol.
Just for curiosity.....

Who is here in the wee hours and is sane, semi patient, has tough love. Did I mention sane? Matter not which way you lean. Are just flat out SANE? And don't have a life cuz yer always here?

Step on up. Mods need a vacay. Temp helpers may be considered? Maybe not. Doesn't hurt to ask.
Maybe mods should be able to use the iggie function. Constant Complainers/reporters/whiners can't be seen cuz they are on iggie, and therefore, like a fly, if it is ignored it might go away? :auiqs.jpg:

bzzzzzzzzzbzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh. Its HIM/HER. Thankfully...iggie! Ah. Peace at last.

So tell the class...why the thumbs down on my OP? Ya don't wanna follow da roolz or sumthin'?
The thumbs down is more in response to the "take it easy on Coyote" nonsense.

The rest is a matter of personal preference, not common sense.

Common sense would tell everyone to stop coming to the website.
Ok. I can dig it. She can irk me too because she is opposite in most things that I am..except for dogs, lol. Still.....there is no reason to get so down and damn dirty with her. Walk away after disagreeing. Just stop punching her so fucking hard, ok? Pull her pigtail, flip her the bird and bail from further discussion. You are NOT going to change her mind any more than she will change yours but at least she won't pull out the cussing gun and shoot ya with it.

So tell the class...why the thumbs down on my OP? Ya don't wanna follow da roolz or sumthin'?
The thumbs down is more in response to the "take it easy on Coyote" nonsense.

The rest is a matter of personal preference, not common sense.

Common sense would tell everyone to stop coming to the website.
Ok. I can dig it. She can irk me too because she is opposite in most things that I am..except for dogs, lol. Still.....there is no reason to get so down and damn dirty with her. Walk away after disagreeing. Just stop punching her so fucking hard, ok? Pull her pigtail, flip her the bird and bail from further discussion. You are NOT going to change her mind any more than she will change yours but at least she won't pull out the cussing gun and shoot ya with it.
I usually do that with anyone. However, the moment someone tells a blatant lie or gets nasty, I pull out all restraint and go medieval on their asses.

There are, in fact, a number of posters here I don't even bother with the nicieties. I just tell them they are liars and to fuck off.

Saves time, if you know what I mean.

Common sense would tell everyone to stop coming to the website.
Have you tried other places? I belong to 3 other boards. Geez. Talk about walking on egg shells. Much as this place disappoints me from time to time..more often than usual lately....its better than the other 3. Plus..we KNOW everyone here. Misery loves company, ya know. Strangers? Dayum. Getting to know who is who, which is sane, which is an ass, which is ok, is a pain in the ass.

So tell the class...why the thumbs down on my OP? Ya don't wanna follow da roolz or sumthin'?
The thumbs down is more in response to the "take it easy on Coyote" nonsense.

The rest is a matter of personal preference, not common sense.

Common sense would tell everyone to stop coming to the website.
Ok. I can dig it. She can irk me too because she is opposite in most things that I am..except for dogs, lol. Still.....there is no reason to get so down and damn dirty with her. Walk away after disagreeing. Just stop punching her so fucking hard, ok? Pull her pigtail, flip her the bird and bail from further discussion. You are NOT going to change her mind any more than she will change yours but at least she won't pull out the cussing gun and shoot ya with it.
I usually do that with anyone. However, the moment someone tells a blatant lie or gets nasty, I pull out all restraint and go medieval on their asses.

There are, in fact, a number of posters here I don't even bother with the nicieties. I just tell them they are liars and to fuck off.

Saves time, if you know what I mean.

:razz: least try to not smack the lady so hard, ok? That's all I ask. I lose it sometimes too, but....well..never mind. I ain't perfect.:eek2yum:
Common sense would tell everyone to stop coming to the website.
Have you tried other places? I belong to 3 other boards. Geez. Talk about walking on egg shells. Much as this place disappoints me from time to time..more often than usual lately....its better than the other 3. Plus..we KNOW everyone here. Misery loves company, ya know. Strangers? Dayum. Getting to know who is who, which is sane, which is an ass, which is ok, is a pain in the ass.
No. This is the only site. I tried a couple of others last year, but they are just as bad as this one. Most of them have allowed the progressives to overrun them. This board, while still fighting back, is slowly losing the battle. Once word gets out, spambots, kiddies with scripts, and SJW with talking points usually just overrun a site with sheer numbers.

I've been giving thought to quitting his place. Again.

I'm thinking that My flying and writing is a far better use of My time than this place.

But as the saying goes. It's a hard habit to break.

So tell the class...why the thumbs down on my OP? Ya don't wanna follow da roolz or sumthin'?
The thumbs down is more in response to the "take it easy on Coyote" nonsense.

The rest is a matter of personal preference, not common sense.

Common sense would tell everyone to stop coming to the website.
Ok. I can dig it. She can irk me too because she is opposite in most things that I am..except for dogs, lol. Still.....there is no reason to get so down and damn dirty with her. Walk away after disagreeing. Just stop punching her so fucking hard, ok? Pull her pigtail, flip her the bird and bail from further discussion. You are NOT going to change her mind any more than she will change yours but at least she won't pull out the cussing gun and shoot ya with it.
I usually do that with anyone. However, the moment someone tells a blatant lie or gets nasty, I pull out all restraint and go medieval on their asses.

There are, in fact, a number of posters here I don't even bother with the nicieties. I just tell them they are liars and to fuck off.

Saves time, if you know what I mean.

:razz: least try to not smack the lady so hard, ok? That's all I ask. I lose it sometimes too, but....well..never mind. I ain't perfect.:eek2yum:
I actually tried to befriend her about six or seven years back. It didn't work. I usually just ignore her unless she gets nasty.
I wanna be a mod so I can ban Admiral Poop Deck and Tommy Tainant.
Why would you ban a million laughs??? They should be compensated for their special retarded expertise
Sloopy, the same goes for you as what I said to Gabe. You have nothing to offer here except a waste of electrons. Put me on ignore if you cannot handle the truth.

So tell the class...why the thumbs down on my OP? Ya don't wanna follow da roolz or sumthin'?
The thumbs down is more in response to the "take it easy on Coyote" nonsense.

The rest is a matter of personal preference, not common sense.

Common sense would tell everyone to stop coming to the website.
Ok. I can dig it. She can irk me too because she is opposite in most things that I am..except for dogs, lol. Still.....there is no reason to get so down and damn dirty with her. Walk away after disagreeing. Just stop punching her so fucking hard, ok? Pull her pigtail, flip her the bird and bail from further discussion. You are NOT going to change her mind any more than she will change yours but at least she won't pull out the cussing gun and shoot ya with it.
I usually do that with anyone. However, the moment someone tells a blatant lie or gets nasty, I pull out all restraint and go medieval on their asses.

There are, in fact, a number of posters here I don't even bother with the nicieties. I just tell them they are liars and to fuck off.

Saves time, if you know what I mean.

:razz: least try to not smack the lady so hard, ok? That's all I ask. I lose it sometimes too, but....well..never mind. I ain't perfect.:eek2yum:
I actually tried to befriend her about six or seven years back. It didn't work. I usually just ignore her unless she gets nasty.
Coyote is not all bad, except when she gets her positions as moderator and poster confused. Unfortunately, that seems to be happening more and more as each day passes.
Did y'all know I used to help small businesses and property management companies deal with burned out employees/staff? Well, I did. Was damn good at it too. I'd go in, hang out, listen to customers talk to clerks at check out, how staff responded to customers, who greeted people when they walked in the door, who ignored them, who answered the phone BEFORE 3 rings instead of continuing to play on their laptop or chat with a friend hanging out, treated tenants like trash, etc.

So here is some free advice. Keep staff you have unless they want to bail. Even if temporary bailing. Get some new temp mods. Ones that have been here awhile, or if not very long (like Claire) that have common sense and are SANE, ones that are around at all hours but not all damn day...just often enough to assist, and let them handle what needs handling while regular staff takes a breather but are sponsors (so to speak) in guiding them in whatever action they want to take. Do it for a month or two or three. Be picky. No hot heads, but ones that won't take shit like nasty pms and blatant rule breaking because they are assholes and/or stupid.

Bet things will get better. And staff gets a vacay and will be recharged.

So tell the class...why the thumbs down on my OP? Ya don't wanna follow da roolz or sumthin'?
The thumbs down is more in response to the "take it easy on Coyote" nonsense.

The rest is a matter of personal preference, not common sense.

Common sense would tell everyone to stop coming to the website.
Ok. I can dig it. She can irk me too because she is opposite in most things that I am..except for dogs, lol. Still.....there is no reason to get so down and damn dirty with her. Walk away after disagreeing. Just stop punching her so fucking hard, ok? Pull her pigtail, flip her the bird and bail from further discussion. You are NOT going to change her mind any more than she will change yours but at least she won't pull out the cussing gun and shoot ya with it.
I usually do that with anyone. However, the moment someone tells a blatant lie or gets nasty, I pull out all restraint and go medieval on their asses.

There are, in fact, a number of posters here I don't even bother with the nicieties. I just tell them they are liars and to fuck off.

Saves time, if you know what I mean.

:razz: least try to not smack the lady so hard, ok? That's all I ask. I lose it sometimes too, but....well..never mind. I ain't perfect.:eek2yum:
I actually tried to befriend her about six or seven years back. It didn't work. I usually just ignore her unless she gets nasty.
Coyote is not all bad, except when she gets her positions as moderator and poster confused. Unfortunately, that seems to be happening more and more as each day passes.
There are more than just her that does that. Personally..I think staff should have TWO names. One as staff and BE staff. One as a regular poster.
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