USMB Members -- Check Announcements for Rule Tweaks..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn

Important that every member read this.. The actual Rules will be slightly modified before end of this week..
We realize that the problems this nation face right now don't ORIGINATE on USMB..

What "problems" would that be? Orange Man Bad? It seems that censorship comes naturally to some people.

When even Congress can't debate and function any more -- That's a problem.

When the media coalesces into political advocacy and cant do straight journalism--- THat's a problem.

When major cities are seeing rioting, arson, vandalism break out for over 2 months -- That's a problem.

Don't you read the news? On USMB -- there's not much discussion anymore.. Mostly personalities clashing with each other.. NOBODY is winning that.. And we have 2 candidates offered for President with serious defects and politicians doing last minute monkey wrenching to our election process..

Again -- point out the "censorship".. There is none here.. We want discussions to be ON TOPIC and people to engage on the SPECIFIC topic.. If they're not interested in THAT topic -- there's a hundred others to choose from.. The noise level and anger HAS to come down.. Or we're just a retarded form of Twitter..

More like promoting the LEVEL of discussion to beyond 5th grade.. That's not censorship...
I think fake thread titles espousing commentary disguised as a question should be outlawed.
“When did Trump resume beating his wife” is not a question but rather an unknown fake offering disguised as a question promoting that he did at one time beat, then stopped and had now resumed.
That’s an easy way to move past 5th grade
Again -- point out the "censorship".. There is none here..
Then why was my post moved to Badlands?
The Mississippi Plan of 1875 was developed by conservative white Democrats as part of the white insurgency during the Reconstruction Era in the Southern United States. It was devised by the Democratic Party in that state to overthrow the Republican Party in Mississippi by means of organized threats of violence and suppression or purchase of the black vote. Democrats wanted to regain political control of the legislature and governor's office. Their success in doing so led to similar plans being adopted by white Democrats in South Carolina and other majority-black states.
To end election violence and ensure that freedmen were excluded from politics, the Democrat-dominated state legislature passed a new constitution in 1890, which effectively disenfranchised and disarmed most blacks by erecting barriers to voter registration and firearms ownership. -Wikipedia

Sound familiar? Violence, intimidation and disarming their opposition have been in the Democrats' playbook for almost 150 years.
Again -- point out the "censorship".. There is none here..
Then why was my post moved to Badlands?
The Mississippi Plan of 1875 was developed by conservative white Democrats as part of the white insurgency during the Reconstruction Era in the Southern United States. It was devised by the Democratic Party in that state to overthrow the Republican Party in Mississippi by means of organized threats of violence and suppression or purchase of the black vote. Democrats wanted to regain political control of the legislature and governor's office. Their success in doing so led to similar plans being adopted by white Democrats in South Carolina and other majority-black states.
To end election violence and ensure that freedmen were excluded from politics, the Democrat-dominated state legislature passed a new constitution in 1890, which effectively disenfranchised and disarmed most blacks by erecting barriers to voter registration and firearms ownership. -Wikipedia

Sound familiar? Violence, intimidation and disarming their opposition have been in the Democrats' playbook for almost 150 years.

I want to discuss this with you.. But not here.. PM me with that link again.. I don't understand it either at first look..
Last edited:
Moved this back up
I think its making a difference, I copy/paste this when I see a post with no content:

1) That rule will edited to read "must contain substantial and relevant topical content".. This means that unsubstantiated generalizations about groups or political opponents is NOT ALONE sufficient as "specific topical content" anymore.. Yeah, you have to stop and think and spend a few calories composing a post..

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