Using your hand to wipe yourself with

Sounds kinda fucked up. No TP at work? Gotta more ways than 1. :auiqs.jpg:
We kept TP in the truck for them times where you're out in the middle of nowhere and gotta go.
If you can't afford TP, you need to start rethinking some life choices.
At work today I had to use the restroom....
I told the clerk that there is no toilet paper...

Somebody got the idea to not mind his own business and tell me to use my hand...

So I said...
Nah, how about if I use yours?!

All your fault for moving. Back in Arkansas, you could have used a corncob.
This is from out of the blue, but...

It is well known that in strictly Islamic countries, a punishment for theft is to chop off a hand.

I HAVE HEARD, but cannot verify, that the worst part of this punishment is that those with their hand removed cannot eat at the communal (family) table. Much of the food is gathered and eaten with bare hands. Because the amputee must eat with the same hand as he "wipes himself," nobody will eat with him.

True or false?
I am NOT a very disturbed person but I happily admit that is one of the lesser tortures I would inflict on a prisoner.
But I would have someone watching and commenting . Not me -- I am after all quite sane .
And obviously no after wash facilities would ever be available .

Barely any food but always coated with excrement in front of them .

Clearly something is badly wrong with me but I feel balanced , content and otherwise fine .
Should I have a chat with my Doctor?
We are involved in a federal fight over the proper pronouns to use at work and employees are told to use their hands to wipe themselves when they complain about the lack of toilet paper? Your employer violated a dozen federal regulations. Are we talking about the United States?

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