US to Veto Palestinian Bid for State

Member of Royal Saudi-Family wrote in NYT that if USA vetoes the Palestinian Statehood Saudi-Arabia will quit cooperation with USA in areas of Afghanistan and Yemen and will pursue an independent foreign policy.

The same Saudi Arabia that educates Muzzies in the madrassas to hate the Great Satan America? Coincidence that most of the 9/11 jihadists were Saudis?

With friends like the Saudis, America doesn't need enemies.:clap2:
"If the US chooses to fly in the face of world opinion and block the Palestine UN bid next week, not only will Israel become more isolated but tensions in the region will be heightened even more," said the China Daily.

"The majority of the international community deems an independent state as the inalienable right of the Palestinians,
China paper warns US against Palestinian UN veto - Yahoo! News

It's like the movie "Saving Private Ryan".
Saving 1 interest whilst many other interests get shot during the process.
USA missed the chance to stand with world-opinion and by that to eliminate much of the tension between USA and Muslim World as it withdraws from this area.

As long as the Jews occupy Washington and USA doesn't implement policies, which indicate that it cares for its relationship with 1.X Billion people, events will develop extremely against US's interests in Muslim World which is just at the beginning of "Arab Spring". For the Muslim in Europe, Africa or Asia the number one issue is Palestine and USA stands obviously on the opposite side.
Many Americans believe, that USA will return to its former "glory" and impose its will upon the world. Nothing like that will happen, the "rest of world" simply grows too much and too fast for the USA still to play its role it did play in 2nd half of 20th century.
but bush/cheney... there are WMD's in Iraq.. did?


Take it up with Bubba Clinton and Shrillary and oh hell, all the fuckwad liberal Democratics in Congress and anybody else who read the intel -- BEFORE W got elected even.

you aren't smart enough to understand that things changed over time?

That's rich. A trite robotic dogmatic-thinking slug like you preaching about recognition that things change. :lol:

when the last report of hans blix was published, he was begging the u.s not to invade iraq because it was stupidity and there wen't any wmd's...

but you know that, or we'd have found them, right?

now... how much money have we spent there over the last 10 years?

good job!!!

The fact that Blix couldn't "find" them meant nothing at the time. His reporting was questionable and flew in the face of much of the intel that we had and credited.

Guys like you and your putrid ilk chose to believe it merely because it suited your political preferences.

And there were a whole array of reasons for going into Iraq anyway, which you dishonest smirking chimp libbies refuse to ever acknowledge. Truth aint your strong suit.
"If the US chooses to fly in the face of world opinion and block the Palestine UN bid next week, not only will Israel become more isolated but tensions in the region will be heightened even more," said the China Daily.

"The majority of the international community deems an independent state as the inalienable right of the Palestinians,
China paper warns US against Palestinian UN veto - Yahoo! News

It's like the movie "Saving Private Ryan".
Saving 1 interest whilst many other interests get shot during the process.
USA missed the chance to stand with world-opinion and by that to eliminate much of the tension between USA and Muslim World as it withdraws from this area.

As long as the Jews occupy Washington and USA doesn't implement policies, which indicate that it cares for its relationship with 1.X Billion people, events will develop extremely against US's interests in Muslim World which is just at the beginning of "Arab Spring". For the Muslim in Europe, Africa or Asia the number one issue is Palestine and USA stands obviously on the opposite side.

America is based on the Judeo-Christian ethic, not your fascist Muhammadan sharia. The Torah is inscribed in the Liberty Bell: "Proclaim Liberty throughout the land."

George Washington thanked the Jews for fighting in the American Revolutionary War and financing the war.

America doesn't like Muslims. Stay out of our business
As long as the Jews occupy Washington

When will the pariah turkey stop occupying cyprus, Islamonazi?

[ame=]The Turkish Invasion of Cyprus - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]George Eugeniou denounces Turkey's occupation of Cyprus - YouTube[/ame]
does the un have any real validity anymore? i think not....look at their human rights violations will find many against israel and few against any arab nations....they are not objective not usefull....the un that is....
America doesn't like Muslims. Stay out of our business

It's the USA who plays "business" in Muslim countries, the result of specific conditions which left the USA as world's sole Superpower and which left the USA as heir to the post-WW1 imperial system of the Brits+French.
These conditions are changing, and you have done nothing which prevents the region's people to say "Stay out of our business".

Your arrogance prevents you to recognize, that you've no business in these countries at first place. The "exceptionalism" in the pace of American decline will soon blow the winds of change even to the most distant US provinces, where you seem to reside in.
"If the US chooses to fly in the face of world opinion and block the Palestine UN bid next week, not only will Israel become more isolated but tensions in the region will be heightened even more," said the China Daily.

"The majority of the international community deems an independent state as the inalienable right of the Palestinians,
China paper warns US against Palestinian UN veto - Yahoo! News

It's like the movie "Saving Private Ryan".
Saving 1 interest whilst many other interests get shot during the process.
USA missed the chance to stand with world-opinion and by that to eliminate much of the tension between USA and Muslim World as it withdraws from this area.

As long as the Jews occupy Washington and USA doesn't implement policies, which indicate that it cares for its relationship with 1.X Billion people, events will develop extremely against US's interests in Muslim World which is just at the beginning of "Arab Spring". For the Muslim in Europe, Africa or Asia the number one issue is Palestine and USA stands obviously on the opposite side.
Many Americans believe, that USA will return to its former "glory" and impose its will upon the world. Nothing like that will happen, the "rest of world" simply grows too much and too fast for the USA still to play its role it did play in 2nd half of 20th century.

Never ever forget, Islamonazi, America is a Judeo-Christian country, not a Muhammadan sharia shithole.

US President John Adams...
I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe, or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization.

George Washington Letter to the Hebrew Congregation at Newport, August 1790, the first synagogue in America called the Touro, acknowledging the role of the Jewish American community in the American Revolutionary War, including financing the war.
May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants--while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree and there shall be none to make him afraid.

May the father of all mercies scatter light, and not darkness, upon our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in His own due time and way everlastingly happy.

G. Washington

Torah Inscribed On Liberty Bell, Philadelphia, US: "Proclaim Liberty Throughout The Land"
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Jillian you don't think this has anything to do with the democrats losing another seat in congress? Thats the first thing I thought of even before I openned the thread. obama's past words an action are now 180 in the other direction. I hope this is not just some politically motivated action on obama's account.

As of Tuesday, prior to the election results in NY9, the Saudi's were already threatening the U.S. over the impending veto. Accoding to the article, the saudi threat was made on the 12th. See article:

Saudi Threatens U.S. Over Palestinian Statehood Veto | Swampland |

:eusa_whistle: Now see you should have stopped here, But you chose to go ahead and make this a defend Obama thread, at the same time you tell me not the turn it into an anti-Obama thread so your a hypocrite? Well that isn’t gonna work

his words and actions weren't a deviation from the policies we've always stated we support. (notwithstanding the neocon hysteria). and, honestly, israel has been pretty much allowed to do what it wants unlike under each president bush and president clinton.

so..... perhaps we need to start actually questioning the repetition of that assertion

if obama's middle name weren't hussain, the cairo speech would have been viewed as a pefect affirmation of U.S. mid east policy. where he went wrong was not welcoming netanyahu with open arms when he first came here. *that* caused more of a perception problem than anything else. on the other hand, netanyahu was pretty disresectful to him, too. so there ya go.
too bad. what i said was true.

and it was in response tto your comments.

you and your buds could have refrained from making it a neocon obama derangement thread and just said "well, here's something we can agree on .. all of us.

but you guys can't do that, it seems.
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too bad. what i said was true.

and it was in response tto your comments.

you and your buds could have refrained from making it a neocon obama derangement thread and just said "well, here's something we can agree on .. all of us.

but you guys can't do that, it seems.

Your the one who wanted to keep this thread going that way even though you won't admit it:eusa_whistle:
no.. i actually asked you not to take it there.

and no, i didn't want the thread there.

but i'm certainly not going to not respond to neocon nuttiness...

why you would expect me to is beyond me. did you think you guys would just say what you want without response? lol..

you so funny,
But I will now make Jilly happy. (Well, it's Jilly, so it won't make her too happy.)

I agree with the Obama Administration that we should use or Security Council Veto against admitting Palestine into the U.N. as a nation state.

Until and unless they COMMIT to recognizing the right of Israel to EXIST as a JEWISH State, and they FURTHER COMMIT to ceasing any efforts to attack Israel or permitting any of their people to engage in attacks against Israel, they should continue to be blocked.

Even so, let us not pretend that such a decision by the U.S. will endear us to those lovely and peaceful, fair-minded Arab states in that region.
no.. i actually asked you not to take it there.

and no, i didn't want the thread there.

but i'm certainly not going to not respond to neocon nuttiness...

why you would expect me to is beyond me. did you think you guys would just say what you want without response? lol..

you so funny,

You never really responed the either Ropey's thread or my thread why is that?
no.. i actually asked you not to take it there.

and no, i didn't want the thread there.

but i'm certainly not going to not respond to neocon nuttiness...

why you would expect me to is beyond me. did you think you guys would just say what you want without response? lol..

you so funny,

When might Barry visit Israel for the first time since being President?
The sticky part is that Abbas does not have the authority to change Palestine's borders.

Palestine and Palestinians are a fiction.

Guy Milliere, Eminent Professor of History and Political Science, Sorbonne, Paris
No one had heard of a Palestinian people before the mid-1960s. They did not exist. Israel under the British Mandate until Israel' s Independence in 1948 was called Palestine. All Jews who were born there until i948 had the word « Palestine » stamped on their passports. The current Palestinians are those Arabs who, for a variety of reasons, decided to leave the land during the 1947 War of Independence, when five countries – Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq – attacked the 600,000 people in the fledgling state of Israel the day after its birth, hoping to kill it in the crib.
The War Against Israel Goes On- by Guy Millière |

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