US spies say Trump's G7 performance suggests he's either a 'russian asset' or a 'useful idiot' for P

US spies say Trump's G7 performance suggests he's either a 'russian asset' or a 'useful idiot' for Putin
REPORTER (Jonathan Lemire from AP): Thank you. A question for each president. President Trump, you first. Just now President Putin denied having anything to do with the election interference in 2016. Every US intelligence agency has concluded that Russia did.

My first question for you, sir, is who do you believe?

TRUMP: I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be

Read the full transcript of the Helsinki press conference
REPORTER (Jonathan Lemire from AP): Thank you. A question for each president. President Trump, you first. Just now President Putin denied having anything to do with the election interference in 2016. Every US intelligence agency has concluded that Russia did.

My first question for you, sir, is who do you believe?

TRUMP: I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be

Read the full transcript of the Helsinki press conference
Meet Donald Trump's biggest Russian supporter

CBS Evening News

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, an ultra-nationalist, just won big in Russia's recent elections. Now, he's hoping Donald Trump will see the ...
so what do you think , who is mr trump ? i vote for the first option

US spies say Trump's G7 performance suggests he's either a 'russian asset' or a 'useful idiot' for Putin"


US spies say Trump's G7 performance suggests he's either a 'Russian asset' or a 'useful idiot' for Putin
Well you know right off that this thread is complete bullshit because spies don't out themselves or say anything to anyone especially anyone even remotely connected to media.
Intelligence report says Putin ordered a campaign to help Trump › comment

Trump said that only stupid people would want bad relations with Russia. Sure, we'd like ...... Clown boy Dump
is now Putin's useful idiot and tool. Recommend.

Some dumb sheep will fall for and believe anything their masters tell them. Let's hear it noww, bahhhhhhaaaa
President Donald Trump is seriously considering a plan to block $250 million in military assistance to Ukraine, a move that would further ingratiate him with Russian President Vladimir Putin


Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, voiced his strong opposition to that idea in a tweet Thursday: "This is unacceptable. It was wrong when Obama failed to stand up to Putin in Ukraine, and it's wrong now."

Ukraine: Trump seriously considering blocking $250M in military aid - CNNPolitics
Paying Putin for his help in advance of the 2020 election....
It's hard to see the bar anymore since it's been pushed so far down the last few years, but President Trump's behavior over the weekend was a new low." — current FBI agent

"We have a Russian asset sitting in the Oval Office. … There is no fathomable explanation for why the president said these things. Letting Russia off the hook for bullying smaller countries and then blaming Obama for it? It's directly out of the Putin playbook." — former senior Justice Department official

”No question” that Trump is behaving like a “spy for the Russians. … The evidence is so overwhelming that in my 35 years in intelligence, I have never seen anything so certain." — Glenn Carle, former CIA covert operative

"I think what's going on right now is an Occam's razor scenario. Trump wants to do deals with Russia when he leaves the presidency. We already know he was interested in building a Trump Tower in Moscow before and during the election. The best way of doing a deal with Putin is to be nice to him, so I think what Trump is doing is currying favor." — Robert Deitz, former lawyer at the CIA and the National Security Agency

Former Justice Department official: 'We have a Russian asset sitting in the Oval Office'

The evidence is indisputable. My vote will go to the Democrat that pledges to prosecute him, and anyone else culperable.
so what do you think , who is mr trump ? i vote for the first option

US spies say Trump's G7 performance suggests he's either a 'russian asset' or a 'useful idiot' for Putin"


US spies say Trump's G7 performance suggests he's either a 'Russian asset' or a 'useful idiot' for Putin
Much ado about nothing
potentially being able to compromise All of our foreign operations in our Russian friends' favor, should be of some concern.

why not abolish our alleged and foreign wars on crime, drugs, and terror, to save money.
Yes, good idea, I agree. As far as compromise goes, lets look at what some of our "sane" presidents did-Kennedy and Cuba, Johnson and VietNam, Nixon and Laos, Carter and Iran, Reagan and Central America, Bush II and Iraq. Yeah, Trump is the BIG worry.
our alleged wars are still in progress with no end in sight. we could have had a base on Mars and coast to coast maglev, underground in a vacuum environment, by now instead.
It's hard to see the bar anymore since it's been pushed so far down the last few years, but President Trump's behavior over the weekend was a new low." — current FBI agent

"We have a Russian asset sitting in the Oval Office. … There is no fathomable explanation for why the president said these things. Letting Russia off the hook for bullying smaller countries and then blaming Obama for it? It's directly out of the Putin playbook." — former senior Justice Department official

”No question” that Trump is behaving like a “spy for the Russians. … The evidence is so overwhelming that in my 35 years in intelligence, I have never seen anything so certain." — Glenn Carle, former CIA covert operative

"I think what's going on right now is an Occam's razor scenario. Trump wants to do deals with Russia when he leaves the presidency. We already know he was interested in building a Trump Tower in Moscow before and during the election. The best way of doing a deal with Putin is to be nice to him, so I think what Trump is doing is currying favor." — Robert Deitz, former lawyer at the CIA and the National Security Agency

Former Justice Department official: 'We have a Russian asset sitting in the Oval Office'

The evidence is indisputable. My vote will go to the Democrat that pledges to prosecute him, and anyone else culperable.

Daily KOS is the Breitbart of the left. Won't waste my time with the nonsense.
About Robert Deitz:

According to the 2009 Draft NSA IG Report, Deitz, on September 20, 2001, suggested to Alberto Gonzales they should consider modifying FISA (which was then being modified as part of the PATRIOT Act); he appears to have gotten no answer. On October 5, 2001 — having asked but not been permitted to read the underlying OLC authorization for it (Addington read him a few lines over the phone), having not participated in the drafting of the Presidential Authorization for it, and having given it just one day of legal review — Deitz said a program violating the exclusivity provision of FISA was legal. On October 8, Deitz briefed the analysts who would carry out this illegal program.

Deitz’ subordinates provided the only oversight of the program at first. (Later in today’s program he claimed the line between domestic and foreign intelligence was rigorously maintained.) To his credit, Deitz ultimately fought to have the Inspector General read into the program after it had operated for some months.

This is a man who provided the legal fig leaf for a patently illegal program (though the IG Report provides no details of Deitz’ actions for the March to May 2004 timeframe, when the program was even more illegal). This is a man who showed awareness of the legally correct way to do this — include this expanded program in PATRIOT — but nevertheless accepted and participated in not doing so.

Former NSA General Counsel Robert Deitz, Who Rubber-Stamped Illegal Wiretap Program, Says All Felonies Should Be Prosecuted | emptywheel
It's hard to see the bar anymore since it's been pushed so far down the last few years, but President Trump's behavior over the weekend was a new low." — current FBI agent

"We have a Russian asset sitting in the Oval Office. … There is no fathomable explanation for why the president said these things. Letting Russia off the hook for bullying smaller countries and then blaming Obama for it? It's directly out of the Putin playbook." — former senior Justice Department official

”No question” that Trump is behaving like a “spy for the Russians. … The evidence is so overwhelming that in my 35 years in intelligence, I have never seen anything so certain." — Glenn Carle, former CIA covert operative

"I think what's going on right now is an Occam's razor scenario. Trump wants to do deals with Russia when he leaves the presidency. We already know he was interested in building a Trump Tower in Moscow before and during the election. The best way of doing a deal with Putin is to be nice to him, so I think what Trump is doing is currying favor." — Robert Deitz, former lawyer at the CIA and the National Security Agency

Former Justice Department official: 'We have a Russian asset sitting in the Oval Office'

The evidence is indisputable. My vote will go to the Democrat that pledges to prosecute him, and anyone else culperable.
Daily Kooks, throwing down with Alex Jones in the tin foil aisle!

And another tree-fiddy for the spam-a-holic OP.

It's called McCarthyism and it's very ugly. Democrats get angry when Republicans do it.
It's hard to see the bar anymore since it's been pushed so far down the last few years, but President Trump's behavior over the weekend was a new low." — current FBI agent

"We have a Russian asset sitting in the Oval Office. … There is no fathomable explanation for why the president said these things. Letting Russia off the hook for bullying smaller countries and then blaming Obama for it? It's directly out of the Putin playbook." — former senior Justice Department official

”No question” that Trump is behaving like a “spy for the Russians. … The evidence is so overwhelming that in my 35 years in intelligence, I have never seen anything so certain." — Glenn Carle, former CIA covert operative

"I think what's going on right now is an Occam's razor scenario. Trump wants to do deals with Russia when he leaves the presidency. We already know he was interested in building a Trump Tower in Moscow before and during the election. The best way of doing a deal with Putin is to be nice to him, so I think what Trump is doing is currying favor." — Robert Deitz, former lawyer at the CIA and the National Security Agency

Former Justice Department official: 'We have a Russian asset sitting in the Oval Office'

The evidence is indisputable. My vote will go to the Democrat that pledges to prosecute him, and anyone else culperable.
This sounds really bad. When do they formally press charges against Trump? Today?

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