US soldiers, sergeants and officers on a worsening morale crisis

I can't really say what the morale is like in the military but it seems to me Obama has never had much of a like of or respect for the military if true that has to have an impact on their morale.
As a military member and seeing first hand the absolute destruction of morale within the service I can assure you that it has nothing whatsoever to do with Obama.
When you've got a gutless, military-hating, race-baiting queer for a Commander in Chief, just where do you suppose morale is going to fall on a scale of 0 - 100? What we need is a general mutiny. If he doesn't resign, we'll just get the lighter fluid and matches out.

I hope there's a special cage set aside for you at Gitmo.

As a retired military man, I can assure you America - hating rabble rousers there is no bad morale in the military - it's prohibited by the UCMJ. We're transitioning to a peacetime force. Don't like it? GTFO.
You are utterly incorrect. The force as it stands today is nothing like it was 10 years ago. Things are changing very quickly and we are losing morale VERY quickly.
When you've got a gutless, military-hating, race-baiting queer for a Commander in Chief, just where do you suppose morale is going to fall on a scale of 0 - 100? What we need is a general mutiny. If he doesn't resign, we'll just get the lighter fluid and matches out.

I hope there's a special cage set aside for you at Gitmo.

As a retired military man, I can assure you America - hating rabble rousers there is no bad morale in the military - it's prohibited by the UCMJ. We're transitioning to a peacetime force. Don't like it? GTFO.
You are utterly incorrect. The force as it stands today is nothing like it was 10 years ago. Things are changing very quickly and we are losing morale VERY quickly.

I can't really say what the morale is like in the military but it seems to me Obama has never had much of a like of or respect for the military if true that has to have an impact on their morale.

Yup. The only time he wants anything to do with the military is when its a photo op.

Case in point SEAL team 6 when UBL was killed.

Other than those photo ops he has nothing but contempt for the military.

No wonder moral is down. Who the hell wants that idiot as CIC when he has nothing but contempt for those doing a job he couldn't do on his best day.
I am currently serving and I can tell you that I see this as well. We are losing any morale within the force and it is getting really bad. Everyone (I repeat EVERYONE) that I know with less than 10 years in wants to get out ASAP. That is a very bad sign. Those that stay only do so for one reason: they have no real options. It is not as though military is all that useful on a job application. Many people like to trump it up as though it means a lot but be honest with yourself - when your MAIN purpose in your last job was killing people, do you really think that the HR director over at Microsoft really thinks you have the skill set they are looking for? Do you think that building bombs or repairing jet engines has a crossover in the civilian world (hint - even something like aircraft repair usually does not jump over). It gives a feeling of being stuck and having the best years of your life taken just adding to the bitterness.

IMHO, the core reasons for the loss of morale are not going to be found anywhere on the net. You will not find the brass talking about its source because, I believe, they are really blind to it. Sure, the deployment schedules really suck and that adds to morale problems but I don't think for one second that is the core reason why. We actually have it fairly good. When I think of what my grandfather faced our trials PALE in comparison. He deployed for LONGER than a year when that is usually the longest we end up in the AOR. When he deployed he could write a letter home every now and then and make a phone call if he was lucky. Now, I Skype with my family almost every single day. There is almost nowhere in the AOR where you are without some sort of communication for more than a few days save for a few carrier fields (and all of those are fields where those people want to be there).

We have better support and deal with less bullshit than military has had to deal with in the past. Further, we are paid better than we ever have been. No, I think that the real loss of morale is directly related to the almost complete loss of camaraderie within the forces. A result of the changing force.

We are inundated with so damn many rules and integrated with a more diverse group of people. When I first joined, the section would all hang out together and were encouraged to do things together. Almost every Friday we would barbecue then go and have drinks. We knew each others families and took care of each other when one had to deploy or needed something. Today such is completely frowned upon and without being around each other off work you don't get that strong relationship with every ones family or understanding of their needs. Going out and having a few drinks with your subordinates is setting a bad example rather than encouraged as it used to be. Holiday parties were the place to be - you would never miss one 10 years ago. Now, you couldn't drag me to a squadron Christmas party if you paid me 100 bucks to go. They went from a place you went to and really had a good time at and had fun to a snore fest with the commander scrutinizing your every action and command patting themselves on the back for all the 'good' we are doing. Should yo do something that is not 'appropriate' the chief is going to tear you up the next day. We are integrating with the guard and civilian aspects of the military as well giving us some advantages but really hampering the cohesiveness that brings people together. It used to be that you were all military dealing with the same bullshit and all around the same age. Now, out of the 20 people I work with only a third even understand what I go through and we range in age from 18 to 60. Not a whole lot of 18 year olds can really have true camaraderie with a 60 year old - they just do not have enough in common.

Camaraderie - I just don't see it anymore and it really all boils down to it is no longer fun to be in the military. The upper brass has managed to suck any such concept out and really put a HUGE hamper on actually caring about those you work with. With it, the shit you dealt with was fine because there were always those next to you that you trusted and relied upon to get you through it. Without it there just isn't anything holding you together anymore. I have an Air Force perspective though. I see the same thing with the army though all the time. Not as much exposure with the navy and Marines so perhaps they have other problems.

Just my perspective from someone that is currently in the military.
When you've got a gutless, military-hating, race-baiting queer for a Commander in Chief, just where do you suppose morale is going to fall on a scale of 0 - 100? What we need is a general mutiny. If he doesn't resign, we'll just get the lighter fluid and matches out.

I hope there's a special cage set aside for you at Gitmo.

As a retired military man, I can assure you America - hating rabble rousers there is no bad morale in the military - it's prohibited by the UCMJ. We're transitioning to a peacetime force. Don't like it? GTFO.
You are utterly incorrect. The force as it stands today is nothing like it was 10 years ago. Things are changing very quickly and we are losing morale VERY quickly.

Was getting to that :D

Had to spend some time typing it up. :tongue:
I can't really say what the morale is like in the military but it seems to me Obama has never had much of a like of or respect for the military if true that has to have an impact on their morale.

From the provided link describing the incident ...

"After the incident, the foreign media reported that “Donald Cook” was rushed into a port in Romania. There all the 27 members of the crew filed a letter of resignation. It seems that all 27 people have written that they are not going to risk their lives. This is indirectly confirmed by the Pentagon statement according to which the action demoralized the crew of the American ship."

The sailors' "morale problem" was the result of their realization that sailors die when the enemy screws their equipment up and can kill them as a result. They felt "demoralized" when a Russian bomber jammed their radar systems and played target practice on their cruiser with simulated missile runs (12 to be precise).

They are a bunch of pussies who don't understand being a soldier or sailor in the real world doesn't mean you won't get killed if the enemy can figure out how to do so. Their problem is cowardice and not morale.


I wonder what military morale would be like if we stopped shoving our nose into the business of other sovereign countries, sending young Americans into horrific conditions, seeing thousands of them die, many thousands more maimed, families destroyed, all at a cost of trillions of dollars we don't have and for causes that are virtually impossible to achieve lasting victory while giving millions of people an excuse to hate us.

I dunno. Maybe a little better.


I wonder what military morale would be like if we stopped shoving our nose into the business of other sovereign countries, sending young Americans into horrific conditions, seeing thousands of them die, many thousands more maimed, families destroyed, all at a cost of trillions of dollars we don't have and for causes that are virtually impossible to achieve lasting victory while giving millions of people an excuse to hate us.

I dunno. Maybe a little better.


Well ... I cannot argue with the idea morale in our current military would improve if the only things soldiers had to worry about was enough money to buy pizza and beer after training ... Or whether or not they could take leave for Spring Break in Florida.

Unfortunately ... That isn't what they sign up for ... And that is made extremely clear when you sign up.


I wonder what military morale would be like if we stopped shoving our nose into the business of other sovereign countries, sending young Americans into horrific conditions, seeing thousands of them die, many thousands more maimed, families destroyed, all at a cost of trillions of dollars we don't have and for causes that are virtually impossible to achieve lasting victory while giving millions of people an excuse to hate us.

I dunno. Maybe a little better.


Well ... I cannot argue with the idea morale in our current military would improve if the only things soldiers had to worry about was enough money to buy pizza and beer after training ... Or whether or not they could take leave for Spring Break in Florida.

Unfortunately ... That isn't what they sign up for ... And that is made extremely clear when you sign up.

I think it's even more stark when you compare what we go through now to what older soldiers had to go through.

It's not even in the same ballpark. The technology alone makes this much easier.
I can't really say what the morale is like in the military but it seems to me Obama has never had much of a like of or respect for the military if true that has to have an impact on their morale.

From the provided link describing the incident ...

"After the incident, the foreign media reported that “Donald Cook” was rushed into a port in Romania. There all the 27 members of the crew filed a letter of resignation. It seems that all 27 people have written that they are not going to risk their lives. This is indirectly confirmed by the Pentagon statement according to which the action demoralized the crew of the American ship."

The sailors' "morale problem" was the result of their realization that sailors die when the enemy screws their equipment up and can kill them as a result. They felt "demoralized" when a Russian bomber jammed their radar systems and played target practice on their cruiser with simulated missile runs (12 to be precise).

They are a bunch of pussies who don't understand being a soldier or sailor in the real world doesn't mean you won't get killed if the enemy can figure out how to do so. Their problem is cowardice and not morale.

The article is based on unsubstantiated Russian propaganda. There is no evidence to support anything in the article other than that the USS Cook was buzzed by a Russian aircraft. The Cook fulfilled it's 21 day mission and was replaced by the USS Taylor which did it's designated 21 day mission and was replaced by the USS Villa Gulf. The ships are accompanied by NATO ships for 21 day deployments as per the Montreux Convention of 1936 which limits the size an duration of ships that can be deployed in the Black Sea.
When you've got a gutless, military-hating, race-baiting queer for a Commander in Chief, just where do you suppose morale is going to fall on a scale of 0 - 100? What we need is a general mutiny. If he doesn't resign, we'll just get the lighter fluid and matches out.
Absolutely, we should let the feelings of the military determine who runs our government. If the military's feelings determined our presidents we would have a much stronger government, similar to some of those governments with military men in charge.
Call in the Doctor!


Seems someone just melted away recently.

Where is old Paint?
My son served in Iraq as a Cav Scout. He got out after his enlistment but has maintained close contact with several of his buddies that did stay in.

He says that his buddies tell him that moral is in the gutter. They are very disappointed in many things and they have absolutely no confidence in or respect for Obama. They have no idea what they are suppose to be doing because they feel a lack of direction from the top.

One of his close friends in the 7th Cav just got back from Afghanistan and said while the troops were doing their job their hearts were not in it and they were more concerned about just getting home than performing the mission, whatever that was.

This latest bombshell about Obama releasing classified information about interrogation is going to cause even more trouble for our troops.

Obama is absolutely the worse Commander in Chief our country ever had. Of course when these idiots elect somebody to office that bragged about hanging out with his Communist friends in college rather than serve in the military then I guess that is what we get. I can't believe that so many Americans were that stupid as to vote for Obama. That level of stupidity absolutely boggles the mind, doesn't it?
I can't really say what the morale is like in the military but it seems to me Obama has never had much of a like of or respect for the military if true that has to have an impact on their morale.

From the provided link describing the incident ...

"After the incident, the foreign media reported that “Donald Cook” was rushed into a port in Romania. There all the 27 members of the crew filed a letter of resignation. It seems that all 27 people have written that they are not going to risk their lives. This is indirectly confirmed by the Pentagon statement according to which the action demoralized the crew of the American ship."

The sailors' "morale problem" was the result of their realization that sailors die when the enemy screws their equipment up and can kill them as a result. They felt "demoralized" when a Russian bomber jammed their radar systems and played target practice on their cruiser with simulated missile runs (12 to be precise).

They are a bunch of pussies who don't understand being a soldier or sailor in the real world doesn't mean you won't get killed if the enemy can figure out how to do so. Their problem is cowardice and not morale.

The article is based on unsubstantiated Russian propaganda. There is no evidence to support anything in the article other than that the USS Cook was buzzed by a Russian aircraft. The Cook fulfilled it's 21 day mission and was replaced by the USS Taylor which did it's designated 21 day mission and was replaced by the USS Villa Gulf. The ships are accompanied by NATO ships for 21 day deployments as per the Montreux Convention of 1936 which limits the size an duration of ships that can be deployed in the Black Sea.

Cool ... Thanks!

I wondered why the sailors in the story would fail to understand their duty has risks. I am aware that the "old Cold War" tactics have been dusted off lately. It will be interesting to see if the Russians will be successful in using media to turn military issues into social issues.

Not being in the military any longer makes it very difficult for me to even comment on the current state of morale. I think the telling figures would be the re-enlistment numbers.

This site @ News Release DoD Announces Recruiting and Retention Numbers for Fiscal 2014 Through December 2013 indicates the retention rate is actually over expectations. It that's the case, why are so many staying? Or, are the figures fake?
No, they aren't fake.
We are in the midst of a MAJOR draw down though. IOW, the 'targeted' numbers include the fact that hundreds of thousands are being let go.

There were a few AFSC's that took hits as high as 50 percent. That is MASSIVE. Then the bad economy helps lock some in as well. Like I said, that hurts morale as well as many feel forced to stay because they have no real out. TA has been hit recently and that really is your only real chance of getting out but then again, using it is very difficult under current workloads.
When you've got a gutless, military-hating, race-baiting queer for a Commander in Chief, just where do you suppose morale is going to fall on a scale of 0 - 100? What we need is a general mutiny. If he doesn't resign, we'll just get the lighter fluid and matches out.
Absolutely, we should let the feelings of the military determine who runs our government. If the military's feelings determined our presidents we would have a much stronger government, similar to some of those governments with military men in charge.

Hey idiot, this nation was created by a rebel army that deposed a rotten corrupt oligarchy, whose contemporary is a marxist criminal regime of degeneracy, that enshrines (if they could get away with it), totalitarianism, mass murder, homosexuality and child rape. Germany had a carbon from 1933-1945, or don't they still teach all this at Karl Marx Junior High?

Military MEN who've been in charge (you won't find contemporary traitorous faggots like Obama & Clinton on this chart:
List of Presidents of the United States by military service - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
As General MacArthur said, liberals created this nation, but I prefer to believe it was liberal ideas that led to the Revolution and Constitution. As for morale the German army under Hitler seemed to have exceedingly high morale at least until the end was apparent.
My sarcasm was meant to infer the types of regime changes that occur in some non-democratic nations that are alien to the U.S. changes.
Looks like our brave soldiers are burned out fighting and dying for the Globalist Elites. They feel no sense of mission anymore. Fighting against Communism? Ha, their Commander in Chief is a Communist for God's sake. Fighting against Terrorists? No, they know their own Government funds & arms Terrorists all over the world and leaves its own Border wide open. So it's very understandable morale is so low. I can't blame them. What is the mission?
When you've got a gutless, military-hating, race-baiting queer for a Commander in Chief, just where do you suppose morale is going to fall on a scale of 0 - 100? What we need is a general mutiny. If he doesn't resign, we'll just get the lighter fluid and matches out.

I hope there's a special cage set aside for you at Gitmo.

As a retired military man, I can assure you America - hating rabble rousers there is no bad morale in the military - it's prohibited by the UCMJ. We're transitioning to a peacetime force. Don't like it? GTFO.
You're no more a retired military man than a slimy turd floating in a toilet is, fuck off and shut up.

I can fully understand why the moral in the military is bad, just as sweetnam says, since we have a fucking POS faggot muslim America hating scab for commander in cheif. If I was active duty right now, I'd ask for a discharge.

If you were active duty right now, they would kick your tinfoil hat wearing ass out.

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