US Set to Bail Out Greece; Italy Next?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
As Greece's "social justice" programs are clearly destroying its economy (wake up , Krugman), Obama and his Commissariat are increasingly concerned that voters in the US may take notice. Hence Treasury Secretary Jack Lew's strident calls for the EU to bail out the Greeks. Given the Germans' hesitancy to throw good money after bad, look for the US to pony up cash (under the guise of the IMF) to postpone the Greek collapse until after the 2016 elections.

After that, who's next? Italy? Puerto Rico? Illinois? (DC is already there, but we don't like to talk about it.)
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Pipe dream. The US has a responsibility to address Puerto Rico's financial instability first, then there is Chicago......and the list goes on....and on...
No need ,he already paved the way, and as the old hag likes to say "old news now lets move on". What is alarming is how many people are oblivious to the consequences resulting from the Fed raising interest rates and effect it will have on the national debt and expense of servicing the debt, not to mention on the sate and local level. But then again as long as evil corporations and other people flip the bill I guess it's ok.
NO ONE, and that is what he has always championed, knock this country down a few pegs and no question in that he succeeded in that. After all it is Baby Bush's fault!
The US should not be bailing any country out of trouble of their own making.
The US does not owe any country, anything
The US should be concerned only about what goes on inside our own borders.
As Greece's "social justice" programs are clearly destroying its economy (wake up , Krugman), Obama and his Commissariat are increasingly concerned that voters in the US may take notice. Hence Treasury Secretary Jack Lew's strident calls for the EU to bail out the Greeks. Given the Germans' hesitancy to throw good money after bad, look for the US to pony up cash (under the guise of the IMF) to postpone the Greek collapse until after the 2016 elections.

After that, who's next? Italy? Puerto Rico? Illinois? (DC is already there, but we don't like to talk about it.)

Not going to happen.

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