US Senator Martha Mcsally (R-AZ) being clobbered by Democrat in new poll

McSally is headed for her second defeat for Senator in the last two years.

Kelly is a national hero and his wife is beloved.
Like Val Demings he will sell out to the Communists. Old Val really threw her fellow cops under the bus. But like Mark was not that good anyway.

What is happening to Martha Mcsally is something epic. She's being clobbered by a former astronaut Mark Kelly:

"Of the five Senate contests polled, Democrats are strongest in Arizona, where ex-astronaut Mark Kelly — the fundraising dynamo and husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) — leads Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) by 16 percentage points, 52 percent to 36 percent, with backing from 14 percent of Republicans. Kelly’s advantage is 9 points larger than Biden’s lead over Trump in the battleground state.

These Republicans simply don't have a health care plan. They should start by coming up with one.

HAHAHAHAHAH! A poll from a leftist garbage pit based on nothing and you cretins buy it. We in Arizona know Mustang Sally ain't trailing Gabby Giffords' weasel husband. If she had been given protection by the Tucson police, she wouldn't have been shot...all democrats, all incompetent. So hubby decides to cash in on the infamy and run for SENATE? Based on what? His wife got shot because nobody thought to have an armed presence for a campaign event in a parking lot any nut could wander into? Get serious.

What is happening to Martha Mcsally is something epic. She's being clobbered by a former astronaut Mark Kelly:

"Of the five Senate contests polled, Democrats are strongest in Arizona, where ex-astronaut Mark Kelly — the fundraising dynamo and husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) — leads Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) by 16 percentage points, 52 percent to 36 percent, with backing from 14 percent of Republicans. Kelly’s advantage is 9 points larger than Biden’s lead over Trump in the battleground state.

These Republicans simply don't have a health care plan. They should start by coming up with one.

She ran against Kyrsten Sinema in 2018 and lost.

It's not surprising to me that she's losing now to Mark Kelly.

The only reason why she's in the senate is because she was appointed by the governor to take McCain's seat when he died.

I think it's great that a democrat will probably be in that seat next year. Which will make both of Arizona's senators democrats.

Wow that would be cool. A state that was a guarantee red vote for so long.

My, my. How things change.
Never thought I’d see Arizona in my lifetime have two Democratic Senators and vote for a Democrat for President

Neither did I.

We will find out in November.

I think it speaks volumes about trump and today's republican party.
McSally is headed for her second defeat for Senator in the last two years.

Kelly is a national hero and his wife is beloved.
Like Val Demings he will sell out to the Communists. Old Val really threw her fellow cops under the bus. But like Mark was not that good anyway.

You make Joe MCCarthy proud

Commie, Commie, Commie
You make Joe MCCarthy proud

Commie, Commie, Commie

Tailgunner Joe was right......the government and Hollywood were full of communist sympathizers and Joe got rid of them. Ike didn't like Joe or he'd be considered a national hero which he was.

What is happening to Martha Mcsally is something epic. She's being clobbered by a former astronaut Mark Kelly:

"Of the five Senate contests polled, Democrats are strongest in Arizona, where ex-astronaut Mark Kelly — the fundraising dynamo and husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) — leads Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) by 16 percentage points, 52 percent to 36 percent, with backing from 14 percent of Republicans. Kelly’s advantage is 9 points larger than Biden’s lead over Trump in the battleground state.

These Republicans simply don't have a health care plan. They should start by coming up with one.

She ran against Kyrsten Sinema in 2018 and lost.

It's not surprising to me that she's losing now to Mark Kelly.

The only reason why she's in the senate is because she was appointed by the governor to take McCain's seat when he died.

I think it's great that a democrat will probably be in that seat next year. Which will make both of Arizona's senators democrats.

Wow that would be cool. A state that was a guarantee red vote for so long.

My, my. How things change.
Never thought I’d see Arizona in my lifetime have two Democratic Senators and vote for a Democrat for President

Neither did I.

We will find out in November.

I think it speaks volumes about trump and today's republican party.

Romney won Arizona by 9
Trump by 3 1/2

McSally lost entirely in 2018

Arizona is shifting left

What is happening to Martha Mcsally is something epic. She's being clobbered by a former astronaut Mark Kelly:

"Of the five Senate contests polled, Democrats are strongest in Arizona, where ex-astronaut Mark Kelly — the fundraising dynamo and husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) — leads Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) by 16 percentage points, 52 percent to 36 percent, with backing from 14 percent of Republicans. Kelly’s advantage is 9 points larger than Biden’s lead over Trump in the battleground state.

These Republicans simply don't have a health care plan. They should start by coming up with one.

She ran against Kyrsten Sinema in 2018 and lost.

It's not surprising to me that she's losing now to Mark Kelly.

The only reason why she's in the senate is because she was appointed by the governor to take McCain's seat when he died.

I think it's great that a democrat will probably be in that seat next year. Which will make both of Arizona's senators democrats.

Wow that would be cool. A state that was a guarantee red vote for so long.

My, my. How things change.
Never thought I’d see Arizona in my lifetime have two Democratic Senators and vote for a Democrat for President

Neither did I.

We will find out in November.

I think it speaks volumes about trump and today's republican party.

Romney won Arizona by 9
Trump by 3 1/2

McSally lost entirely in 2018

Arizona is shifting left

If you say so. LOL

What is happening to Martha Mcsally is something epic. She's being clobbered by a former astronaut Mark Kelly:

"Of the five Senate contests polled, Democrats are strongest in Arizona, where ex-astronaut Mark Kelly — the fundraising dynamo and husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) — leads Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) by 16 percentage points, 52 percent to 36 percent, with backing from 14 percent of Republicans. Kelly’s advantage is 9 points larger than Biden’s lead over Trump in the battleground state.

These Republicans simply don't have a health care plan. They should start by coming up with one.

She ran against Kyrsten Sinema in 2018 and lost.

It's not surprising to me that she's losing now to Mark Kelly.

The only reason why she's in the senate is because she was appointed by the governor to take McCain's seat when he died.

I think it's great that a democrat will probably be in that seat next year. Which will make both of Arizona's senators democrats.

Wow that would be cool. A state that was a guarantee red vote for so long.

My, my. How things change.
Never thought I’d see Arizona in my lifetime have two Democratic Senators and vote for a Democrat for President

Neither did I.

We will find out in November.

I think it speaks volumes about trump and today's republican party.

Romney won Arizona by 9
Trump by 3 1/2

McSally lost entirely in 2018

Arizona is shifting left

If you say so. LOL
Those are the can look them up

What is happening to Martha Mcsally is something epic. She's being clobbered by a former astronaut Mark Kelly:

"Of the five Senate contests polled, Democrats are strongest in Arizona, where ex-astronaut Mark Kelly — the fundraising dynamo and husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) — leads Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) by 16 percentage points, 52 percent to 36 percent, with backing from 14 percent of Republicans. Kelly’s advantage is 9 points larger than Biden’s lead over Trump in the battleground state.

These Republicans simply don't have a health care plan. They should start by coming up with one.

She ran against Kyrsten Sinema in 2018 and lost.

It's not surprising to me that she's losing now to Mark Kelly.

The only reason why she's in the senate is because she was appointed by the governor to take McCain's seat when he died.

I think it's great that a democrat will probably be in that seat next year. Which will make both of Arizona's senators democrats.

Wow that would be cool. A state that was a guarantee red vote for so long.

My, my. How things change.
Never thought I’d see Arizona in my lifetime have two Democratic Senators and vote for a Democrat for President

Neither did I.

We will find out in November.

I think it speaks volumes about trump and today's republican party.

Romney won Arizona by 9
Trump by 3 1/2

McSally lost entirely in 2018

Arizona is shifting left

If you say so. LOL
Those are the can look them up

Another poll?? No thanks.
Same story. Dem takes huge lead over the Summer. Race magically tightens as election nears.

I didn't think anything could beat 2016. But, the outlandish expectations the left is putting out there now is going to cause a meltdown when Trump wins. He may even carry McSally over the finish line in Arizona. It is going to be something to watch.
McSally is headed for her second defeat for Senator in the last two years.

Kelly is a national hero and his wife is beloved.
Like Val Demings he will sell out to the Communists. Old Val really threw her fellow cops under the bus. But like Mark was not that good anyway.

You make Joe MCCarthy proud

Commie, Commie, Commie
Being a Democrat is one thing. Being a Prog is another. If Kelly can not figure out why it cost s several times more for government to send things into space then a private concern, then he is a moron. So he backs up policies that help to lose our competiveness in the name of social justice. But he got his so screw everyone else. So we name ships after gay pedophile politicians and his wife who was shot while heroes who really deserve it and we never hear about get over looked. This age will create new heroes. Maybe not from the Prog controlled media but from word of mouth from the oppressed you claim is not.
Not surprising. McSally is a POS who is only in office because she was appointed by the governor.
Gabby Giffords was shot by a maniac (who shouldn't have had a gun, thank you Sheriff) in Tucson and the local (democrat) sheriff and Gifford's husband tried to blame Rush Limbaugh. Democrats notoriously hate the military as well as successful women so you can expect attack polls on McSally. Notice that Mr. Kelly has to be identified as Gabby Gifford's husband, otherwise nobody would recognize him. I wonder if democrats can get the ballot to say "Gabby Giffords' Husband". Talk about a freaking wimp.
Last edited:

What is happening to Martha Mcsally is something epic. She's being clobbered by a former astronaut Mark Kelly:

"Of the five Senate contests polled, Democrats are strongest in Arizona, where ex-astronaut Mark Kelly — the fundraising dynamo and husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) — leads Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) by 16 percentage points, 52 percent to 36 percent, with backing from 14 percent of Republicans. Kelly’s advantage is 9 points larger than Biden’s lead over Trump in the battleground state.

These Republicans simply don't have a health care plan. They should start by coming up with one.

She ran against Kyrsten Sinema in 2018 and lost.

It's not surprising to me that she's losing now to Mark Kelly.

The only reason why she's in the senate is because she was appointed by the governor to take McCain's seat when he died.

I think it's great that a democrat will probably be in that seat next year. Which will make both of Arizona's senators democrats.

Wow that would be cool. A state that was a guarantee red vote for so long.

My, my. How things change.
Never thought I’d see Arizona in my lifetime have two Democratic Senators and vote for a Democrat for President

Neither did I.

We will find out in November.

I think it speaks volumes about trump and today's republican party.

Romney won Arizona by 9
Trump by 3 1/2

McSally lost entirely in 2018

Arizona is shifting left

No I don't think they are shifting left.

The republicans have run so far right that anyone who isn't a trump supporter is left or a far left.

What is happening to Martha Mcsally is something epic. She's being clobbered by a former astronaut Mark Kelly:

"Of the five Senate contests polled, Democrats are strongest in Arizona, where ex-astronaut Mark Kelly — the fundraising dynamo and husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) — leads Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) by 16 percentage points, 52 percent to 36 percent, with backing from 14 percent of Republicans. Kelly’s advantage is 9 points larger than Biden’s lead over Trump in the battleground state.

These Republicans simply don't have a health care plan. They should start by coming up with one.

She ran against Kyrsten Sinema in 2018 and lost.

It's not surprising to me that she's losing now to Mark Kelly.

The only reason why she's in the senate is because she was appointed by the governor to take McCain's seat when he died.

I think it's great that a democrat will probably be in that seat next year. Which will make both of Arizona's senators democrats.

Wow that would be cool. A state that was a guarantee red vote for so long.

My, my. How things change.
Never thought I’d see Arizona in my lifetime have two Democratic Senators and vote for a Democrat for President

Neither did I.

We will find out in November.

I think it speaks volumes about trump and today's republican party.

Romney won Arizona by 9
Trump by 3 1/2

McSally lost entirely in 2018

Arizona is shifting left

No I don't think they are shifting left.

The republicans have run so far right that anyone who isn't a trump supporter is left or a far left.
Republicans in Arizona run to the right of Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Arizona is just getting tired of them

What is happening to Martha Mcsally is something epic. She's being clobbered by a former astronaut Mark Kelly:

"Of the five Senate contests polled, Democrats are strongest in Arizona, where ex-astronaut Mark Kelly — the fundraising dynamo and husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) — leads Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) by 16 percentage points, 52 percent to 36 percent, with backing from 14 percent of Republicans. Kelly’s advantage is 9 points larger than Biden’s lead over Trump in the battleground state.

These Republicans simply don't have a health care plan. They should start by coming up with one.
I got a health plan. It's called private insurance through my employer. It's worked well for me for a half a century.
Even employers don’t want to be in the health insurance business anymore. What once was a nice benefit they could offer employees has gotten overwhelming.
Time to pursue single payer like most responsible nations have adopted
Wrong again, dingus. Benefits, such as health insurance, attract good employees. Good employees make companies profitable. See how that works?
Used to
Now they just piss off your employees when you are forced to raise premiums and reduce coverage

Employers want out
No they don't. Not unless they just want to employ worthless leftist traitors such as yourself. Major companies know if that happens, profits tank and companies will fail.
How upset would you be if Biden wins in November and the Democrats take the Senate?
Gabby Giffords was shot by a maniac (who shouldn't have had a gun, thank you Sheriff) in Tucson and the local (democrat) sheriff and Gifford's husband tried to blame Rush Limbaugh. Democrats notoriously hate the military as well as successful women so you can expect attack polls on McSally. Notice that Mr. Kelly has to be identified as Gabby Gifford's husband, otherwise nobody would recognize him. I wonder if democrats can get the ballot to say "Gabby Giffords' Husband". Talk about a freaking wimp.
Mark Kelly is a retired Navy Captain and renowned Astronaut

McSally is a rejected Senatorial candidate who had to be appointed to the job to mock the voters.

To Arizona voters, it is no contest

What is happening to Martha Mcsally is something epic. She's being clobbered by a former astronaut Mark Kelly:

"Of the five Senate contests polled, Democrats are strongest in Arizona, where ex-astronaut Mark Kelly — the fundraising dynamo and husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) — leads Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) by 16 percentage points, 52 percent to 36 percent, with backing from 14 percent of Republicans. Kelly’s advantage is 9 points larger than Biden’s lead over Trump in the battleground state.

These Republicans simply don't have a health care plan. They should start by coming up with one.

Not a surprise. No one In Arizona wanted her. She was only appointed because she sucked John McTumor's dick.

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