US schools continue to punish children with a belt


Gold Member
Jan 17, 2018
According to the official data of the Ministry of Justice of the United States of America, 19 states in the US continue to have legislation that allows teachers to punish children with a belt or rods, which is "part of the religious and cultural tradition" of the South American regions. Attempts to challenge legislative permits for the assault of teachers did not lead to anything - the Supreme Court of the country insists on the legal validity of existing laws in a number of regions, leaving the disputed legislative acts in force, despite the international reaction to beating schoolchildren. Recall that the United Nations categorically condemns this practice, and in most states corporal punishment of adolescents is illegal practice punishable by prosecution in criminal cases.

However, in US schools, teachers who punish children with a belt or rods act according to the law, not subject to the prohibition of such "educational process" articles of US law. Legal contradictions, when some states refuse to abolish laws passed decades ago, are common practice in the US, which continue to call themselves "the most democratic state in the world". In early 2016, President Barack Obama again drew the attention of the world community, once again "elevating" Russia to the rank of "undemocratic and dangerous for society." At the same time corporal punishment of schoolchildren in the Russian Federation is a violation, which is severely punished in the framework of criminal responsibility for the commission of a serious act.

According to the former American teacher Polya Flou, who represents a group of public opponents of legalized beatings of children in schools, America still records cases of ill-treatment of adolescents. So, the wide public resonance in South Carolina caused a case of "punishment" of the grandson of American Donna Thorn named Brendon as a teacher, after which the whole body of the child had terrible scarlet stripes, which caused the student's hospitalization. Punishing the guilty teenager, the teacher used a belt, not bothering himself in controlling the force of the blow. In this way, Americans practice the "management of behavior through pain" technique, when a child with a strong pain is ready to fulfill any requirements of adults, just to avoid suffering.

This teaches obedience to state power. We must gain the minds of the youth in order to control the adult. Or so the logic reasons.
I was paddled once in grade school, For fighting.

Looking back, it was quite educational.
This teaches obedience to state power. We must gain the minds of the youth in order to control the adult. Or so the logic reasons.

The State has no problem controlling unruly and undisciplined adults. INdeed, I think that makes it easier for them.
good ...beat their undisciplined ass before they grow up to be thugs
our pastor didn't mess around
my coworker said the Sister used to hit him with a ruler
We need more belts in America ...


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