US ready to launch Syria strike, says Chuck Hagel


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2009
I say it's a forgone conclusion we are going to strike...what say you?

American forces are "ready" to launch strikes on Syria if President Barack Obama chooses to order an attack, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says.

"We have moved assets in place to be able to fulfil and comply with whatever option the president wishes to take," Mr Hagel told the BBC.

The White House said the US would release intelligence on last week's suspected attack in the next few days.

BBC News - US ready to launch Syria strike, says Chuck Hagel
Well, are those troops who do the strike...or push the button........"protecting us", or "fighting for America"?

If they aren't doing either, then we shouldn't do it.

But, by that measure, we wouldn't have gone to Iraq either.
I don't understand Obama's hard on for Assad. I don't get this at all.

But if Obama fucks with got a real problem on your hands.

What the fuck are you doing letting Jarret fuck up the planet? There has to be a reckoning up and coming because this douche bag doesn't have a clue what she is doing.
Well, are those troops who do the strike...or push the button........"protecting us", or "fighting for America"?

If they aren't doing either, then we shouldn't do it.

But, by that measure, we wouldn't have gone to Iraq either.

Iraq was over his kids moron. No one in the ME wanted asswipes kids to take over.

I'll march with Assad on this bullshit though. The man is intelligent. He is educated. He never killed his people in a chemical weapon strike.

AND I will be damned if I will let him go down over the likes of an American President who prefers Al Qaeda.

This is getting crazy.

But if you prefer AQ we are now going to have issues. You prefer MB we now have issues.

Your President prefers terrorists.
Well, are those troops who do the strike...or push the button........"protecting us", or "fighting for America"?

If they aren't doing either, then we shouldn't do it.

But, by that measure, we wouldn't have gone to Iraq either.

Iraq was over his kids moron. No one in the ME wanted asswipes kids to take over.

I'll march with Assad on this bullshit though. The man is intelligent. He is educated. He never killed his people in a chemical weapon strike.

AND I will be damned if I will let him go down over the likes of an American President who prefers Al Qaeda.

This is getting crazy.

But if you prefer AQ we are now going to have issues. You prefer MB we now have issues.

Your President prefers terrorists.

detox, crazypants.
Anyone want to debate Obama loving the terrorists? MB and AQ? Would just one good American try to explain to me why Obama loves the terrorists?
Well, are those troops who do the strike...or push the button........"protecting us", or "fighting for America"?

If they aren't doing either, then we shouldn't do it.

But, by that measure, we wouldn't have gone to Iraq either.

Iraq was over his kids moron. No one in the ME wanted asswipes kids to take over.

I'll march with Assad on this bullshit though. The man is intelligent. He is educated. He never killed his people in a chemical weapon strike.

AND I will be damned if I will let him go down over the likes of an American President who prefers Al Qaeda.

This is getting crazy.

But if you prefer AQ we are now going to have issues. You prefer MB we now have issues.

Your President prefers terrorists.

detox, crazypants.

Hey hannity hamster.............................go fuck yourself. You cannot explain this can you?

Why is the President so driven to try to drive Assad out of office? Well Valerie but she's the President anyway.
Frankly, Obama is writing checks which he can't cash. He ran his mouth with the "red line" crap and now he has to follow through. See liberals? See what happens when you blindly vote for someone without doing any prior research?! He winds up betraying you!

How foolish.
Well, are those troops who do the strike...or push the button........"protecting us", or "fighting for America"?

If they aren't doing either, then we shouldn't do it.

But, by that measure, we wouldn't have gone to Iraq either.

Iraq was over his kids moron. No one in the ME wanted asswipes kids to take over.

I'll march with Assad on this bullshit though. The man is intelligent. He is educated. He never killed his people in a chemical weapon strike.

AND I will be damned if I will let him go down over the likes of an American President who prefers Al Qaeda.

This is getting crazy.

But if you prefer AQ we are now going to have issues. You prefer MB we now have issues.

Your President prefers terrorists.

detox, crazypants.

Common sense, numbskull.
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