US interfering in the UK brexit process.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
US groups raise millions to support rightwing UK thinktanks

Millions of dollars has been raised from anonymous US donors to support British rightwing thinktanks that are among the most prominent in the Brexitdebate.

American donors are giving money to US fundraising bodies that pass the donations to four thinktanks in Britain. A Guardian analysis has established that $5.6m (£4.3m) has been donated to these US entities since 2008.

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), the Adam Smith Institute, Policy Exchange and the Legatum Institute have all received financial support from US backers via this route.

The disclosure leaves the thinktanks facing questions as to whether wealthy Americans have undue influence in British politics, particularly over the form Brexit takes.

What a shock not. I wonder if there is anything ideological going on here or if it is just a punt for profit. Its an unholy alliance with dirty american money propping up unpleasant uk politicians.

Its not just the russians trying to buy influence.
so what TOMMY , you brits tried to interfere in the 'bush - gore' election back in 2000 i think it was . Sending letters to USA VOTERS telling them to vore for 'al gore' . You guys started it Tommy .
US groups raise millions to support rightwing UK thinktanks

Millions of dollars has been raised from anonymous US donors to support British rightwing thinktanks that are among the most prominent in the Brexitdebate.

American donors are giving money to US fundraising bodies that pass the donations to four thinktanks in Britain. A Guardian analysis has established that $5.6m (£4.3m) has been donated to these US entities since 2008.

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), the Adam Smith Institute, Policy Exchange and the Legatum Institute have all received financial support from US backers via this route.

The disclosure leaves the thinktanks facing questions as to whether wealthy Americans have undue influence in British politics, particularly over the form Brexit takes.

What a shock not. I wonder if there is anything ideological going on here or if it is just a punt for profit. Its an unholy alliance with dirty american money propping up unpleasant uk politicians.

Its not just the russians trying to buy influence.
You're welcome.
The British electorate voted FOR Brexit, you fat little git.

It's those traierous authoritarians working to undermine the will of the people who are the problem here.
The consequence of their ignorance, fear, stupidity, and bigotry – just like Trump.
US money is a malign influence all over the world. From extreme right nutters stirring it in Europe to extreme religious bigots in Africa.
US groups raise millions to support rightwing UK thinktanks

Millions of dollars has been raised from anonymous US donors to support British rightwing thinktanks that are among the most prominent in the Brexitdebate.

American donors are giving money to US fundraising bodies that pass the donations to four thinktanks in Britain. A Guardian analysis has established that $5.6m (£4.3m) has been donated to these US entities since 2008.

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), the Adam Smith Institute, Policy Exchange and the Legatum Institute have all received financial support from US backers via this route.

The disclosure leaves the thinktanks facing questions as to whether wealthy Americans have undue influence in British politics, particularly over the form Brexit takes.

What a shock not. I wonder if there is anything ideological going on here or if it is just a punt for profit. Its an unholy alliance with dirty american money propping up unpleasant uk politicians.

Its not just the russians trying to buy influence.
This is yet another example of the ignorance and stupidity of American conservatives who have no understanding of the issue

Most on the US right incorrectly perceive ‘Brexit’ as some sort of ‘emancipation,’ where the UK has ‘liberated’ itself from ‘collectivism,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

And as was the case in the UK, ‘Brexit’ plays to the unwarranted fear US conservatives have with regard to immigration and conservatives’ bigotry toward immigrants; particularly with regard to Muslim immigrants.

‘Brexit’ conforms to the American right’s propensity for nativism and neo-isolationism.
The British electorate voted FOR Brexit, you fat little git.

It's those traierous authoritarians working to undermine the will of the people who are the problem here.
The consequence of their ignorance, fear, stupidity, and bigotry – just like Trump.
US money is a malign influence all over the world. From extreme right nutters stirring it in Europe to extreme religious bigots in Africa.
And let’s not forget America’s 51st state: Israel – the darling of the American right in the ME.
Trump sighs checks as "anonymous"... he is forced to learn humility.

Thinktanks shuld be banned by the law. The working conditions are overly stressful and cause employees to become psychotic and foaming at the mouths while being prodcaste LIVE on tv.
The British electorate voted FOR Brexit, you fat little git.

It's those traierous authoritarians working to undermine the will of the people who are the problem here.

Is he trying to cause trouble again? He's on a roll.

Obama interfered in Brexit. "You'll go to the back of the queue".
------------------------------------------------------ Thanks Mindful . Yeah , mrobama did interfere in 'brexit; and he also interfered in 'Israeli' elections . Go BEBE !!
and Steve Bannon is building 'Right Wing' think tanks and action committees throughout 'europe' . And the new Ambassador to Germany is also doing good 'right wing' Conservative work and organizing in 'germany' . --------------- Go TRUMP .
US groups raise millions to support rightwing UK thinktanks

Millions of dollars has been raised from anonymous US donors to support British rightwing thinktanks that are among the most prominent in the Brexitdebate.

American donors are giving money to US fundraising bodies that pass the donations to four thinktanks in Britain. A Guardian analysis has established that $5.6m (£4.3m) has been donated to these US entities since 2008.

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), the Adam Smith Institute, Policy Exchange and the Legatum Institute have all received financial support from US backers via this route.

The disclosure leaves the thinktanks facing questions as to whether wealthy Americans have undue influence in British politics, particularly over the form Brexit takes.

What a shock not. I wonder if there is anything ideological going on here or if it is just a punt for profit. Its an unholy alliance with dirty american money propping up unpleasant uk politicians.

Its not just the russians trying to buy influence.

You’re a Brit troll that tries to influence US elections. So piss off.
US groups raise millions to support rightwing UK thinktanks

Millions of dollars has been raised from anonymous US donors to support British rightwing thinktanks that are among the most prominent in the Brexitdebate.

American donors are giving money to US fundraising bodies that pass the donations to four thinktanks in Britain. A Guardian analysis has established that $5.6m (£4.3m) has been donated to these US entities since 2008.

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), the Adam Smith Institute, Policy Exchange and the Legatum Institute have all received financial support from US backers via this route.

The disclosure leaves the thinktanks facing questions as to whether wealthy Americans have undue influence in British politics, particularly over the form Brexit takes.

What a shock not. I wonder if there is anything ideological going on here or if it is just a punt for profit. Its an unholy alliance with dirty american money propping up unpleasant uk politicians.

Its not just the russians trying to buy influence.
tries to influence US elections. So piss off.
Only if talking about them is called trying to influence - in which case everyone is trying to influence everything everywhere and the very word influence nearly loses its meaning.
US groups raise millions to support rightwing UK thinktanks

Millions of dollars has been raised from anonymous US donors to support British rightwing thinktanks that are among the most prominent in the Brexitdebate.

American donors are giving money to US fundraising bodies that pass the donations to four thinktanks in Britain. A Guardian analysis has established that $5.6m (£4.3m) has been donated to these US entities since 2008.

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), the Adam Smith Institute, Policy Exchange and the Legatum Institute have all received financial support from US backers via this route.

The disclosure leaves the thinktanks facing questions as to whether wealthy Americans have undue influence in British politics, particularly over the form Brexit takes.

What a shock not. I wonder if there is anything ideological going on here or if it is just a punt for profit. Its an unholy alliance with dirty american money propping up unpleasant uk politicians.

Its not just the russians trying to buy influence.

In Germany the USA supports the new political party AfD. This political party is without any doubt under control of lots of Nazis. This party was also supported from English Tories in Europe before the Brexit came.

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US groups raise millions to support rightwing UK thinktanks

Millions of dollars has been raised from anonymous US donors to support British rightwing thinktanks that are among the most prominent in the Brexitdebate.

American donors are giving money to US fundraising bodies that pass the donations to four thinktanks in Britain. A Guardian analysis has established that $5.6m (£4.3m) has been donated to these US entities since 2008.

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), the Adam Smith Institute, Policy Exchange and the Legatum Institute have all received financial support from US backers via this route.

The disclosure leaves the thinktanks facing questions as to whether wealthy Americans have undue influence in British politics, particularly over the form Brexit takes.

What a shock not. I wonder if there is anything ideological going on here or if it is just a punt for profit. Its an unholy alliance with dirty american money propping up unpleasant uk politicians.

Its not just the russians trying to buy influence.

You’re a Brit troll that tries to influence US elections. So piss off.

You had elections in the USA and as a result the incompetent idiot Trump is now the not existing government of the USA?

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