US families urged to evacuate military bases near Seoul amid fears of war


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Families of US military should leave South Korea because war between America and Pyongyang is “getting close”, according to a senior US Senator and ex-Air Force Colonel. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has warned that the rising tensions between the the US and Kim Jong-un’s corrupt regime means preparations for war need to be taken. The member of the Senate Armed Services Committee...................
US families urged to evacuate military bases near Seoul amid fears of War

Well dam fat boy is getting serious and they don't move military famliesfor the hell of it ..

Then we have this bs going on too


US orders 16,000 troops and 230 jets to get ready for WAR with North Korea TODAY
Families of US military should leave South Korea because war between America and Pyongyang is “getting close”, according to a senior US Senator and ex-Air Force Colonel. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has warned that the rising tensions between the the US and Kim Jong-un’s corrupt regime means preparations for war need to be taken. The member of the Senate Armed Services Committee...................
US families urged to evacuate military bases near Seoul amid fears of War

Well dam fat boy is getting serious and they don't move military famliesfor the hell of it ..

Then we have this bs going on too

View attachment 164251
US orders 16,000 troops and 230 jets to get ready for WAR with North Korea TODAY

this is what happens when your "president" is an insane tweeting moron and the state department is eviscerated.
Families of US military should leave South Korea because war between America and Pyongyang is “getting close”, according to a senior US Senator and ex-Air Force Colonel. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has warned that the rising tensions between the the US and Kim Jong-un’s corrupt regime means preparations for war need to be taken. The member of the Senate Armed Services Committee...................
US families urged to evacuate military bases near Seoul amid fears of War

Well dam fat boy is getting serious and they don't move military famliesfor the hell of it ..

Then we have this bs going on too

View attachment 164251
US orders 16,000 troops and 230 jets to get ready for WAR with North Korea TODAY

You are a serious mental case. Got a mainstream source to confirm all of this rampant speculation?
A war on the Korean Peninsula would have extremely negative impacts on the world economy, possibly as negative as the 2008 Recession. That is, if it stayed on the Korean Peninsula. If the little Hitler in North Korea ended up with his back to the wall, he might just decide to take Korea and the rest of the world with him, and pop a few nukes directly over some of Japan's nuclear installations. There is no way that we can do a preemptive strike that cannot rule out that scenario. We cannot afford to go to war unless North Korea makes the first move.
this is what happens when your "president" is an insane tweeting moron and the state department is eviscerated
The libs always panic when we don't pay off your enemies to buy "peace."

If war must come, Trump is the man to smash this little bug.
Families of US military should leave South Korea because war between America and Pyongyang is “getting close”, according to a senior US Senator and ex-Air Force Colonel. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has warned that the rising tensions between the the US and Kim Jong-un’s corrupt regime means preparations for war need to be taken. The member of the Senate Armed Services Committee...................
US families urged to evacuate military bases near Seoul amid fears of War

Well dam fat boy is getting serious and they don't move military famliesfor the hell of it ..

Then we have this bs going on too

View attachment 164251
US orders 16,000 troops and 230 jets to get ready for WAR with North Korea TODAY

this is what happens when your "president" is an insane tweeting moron and the state department is eviscerated.
Yep, the insane moron threatening war if North Korea nukes us or our allies.
Families of US military should leave South Korea because war between America and Pyongyang is “getting close”, according to a senior US Senator and ex-Air Force Colonel. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has warned that the rising tensions between the the US and Kim Jong-un’s corrupt regime means preparations for war need to be taken. The member of the Senate Armed Services Committee...................
US families urged to evacuate military bases near Seoul amid fears of War

Well dam fat boy is getting serious and they don't move military famliesfor the hell of it ..

Then we have this bs going on too

View attachment 164251
US orders 16,000 troops and 230 jets to get ready for WAR with North Korea TODAY

You are a serious mental case. Got a mainstream source to confirm all of this rampant speculation?
I'll try to lead this one mindwars.

Did you actually click the link?

You didn't like her source?

Did you see the link in the article that said "READ MORE"?

If you did, you'd know the article comes from a British newspaper that's been around since 1927.
This from the Washington Post:

Army counterintelligence officials in South Korea are investigating fake mobile alerts and social media messages warning American military families and Defense Department personnel of orders to evacuate the volatile peninsula on Thursday.

U.S. Forces Korea "did NOT send this message," officials said in a subsequent Facebook post. They warned that Americans living in South Korea with U.S. troops and Defense Department employees should confirm that any evacuation-related communications are legitimate before acting.

Related: [Kim reacts to Trump, says he will ‘tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire’]

"Anyone receiving this false message should not click any links or open any attachments included in the correspondence," the Facebook message said.

The U.S. military did not indicate who it thought had sent the phony messages, and it is unclear whether any military networks were compromised. An advisory issued by the Army and reported by Stars and Stripes urged people who have received the message to report it to an Army counterintelligence unit, which assess attempts by adversaries and their foreign intelligence services to exploit or access U.S. networks.

The fake warnings come at a sensitive time, as President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un trade insults and the United States presses the rogue regime to stop its nuclear weapons program. Such efforts have done little to rein in the dictator. On Friday, after the White House announced a new round of economic sanctions to further isolate the North, Kim — whom Trump has taken to calling "Rocket Man"threatened to detonate a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific Ocean.

The U.S. military command in Korea routinely rehearses such evacuations, typically in the spring and fall. About 28,500 U.S. troops are stationed on the peninsula, along with thousands more family members.

Any such evacuation would be announced by the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, Army officials said.

"If a situation develops quickly and the Department of State requires assistance in the evacuation of noncombatants, the Secretary of State will request that the military assist in the evacuation," the plan states. "During this stage, the military will assemble the noncombatants and then either relocate or evacuate them to a safer place."

The Army advised that if an evacuation is ordered, Americans should carry with them irreplaceable documents, a first-aid kit, extra clothing, a flashlight and a blanket or sleeping bag. The service also recommends that families prepare a kit ahead of time that includes a backpack, legal documents, three days of food, bottled water, prescription medications, toiletries and a handheld radio.

"The Republic of Korea has the most heavily defended border in the world," the plan said. "Though the probability of conflict remains low, the potential of hostilities occurring on the Korean peninsula is greater than in many other parts of the world."

More on Checkpoint:
U.S. general says the size of most recent North Korean nuclear test 'equates to' a hydrogen bomb

Trump says 'talking is not the answer' with North Korea after Pentagon's latest missile-defense test

Mattis says he is now convinced that the Pentagon must keep three ways of launching a nuclear attack
That was from Sept. graham has urged the military not to send families there, and to think about pulling out those there. See my link from cbs above.
This from the Washington Post:

Army counterintelligence officials in South Korea are investigating fake mobile alerts and social media messages warning American military families and Defense Department personnel of orders to evacuate the volatile peninsula on Thursday.

U.S. Forces Korea "did NOT send this message," officials said in a subsequent Facebook post. They warned that Americans living in South Korea with U.S. troops and Defense Department employees should confirm that any evacuation-related communications are legitimate before acting.

Related: [Kim reacts to Trump, says he will ‘tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire’]

"Anyone receiving this false message should not click any links or open any attachments included in the correspondence," the Facebook message said.

The U.S. military did not indicate who it thought had sent the phony messages, and it is unclear whether any military networks were compromised. An advisory issued by the Army and reported by Stars and Stripes urged people who have received the message to report it to an Army counterintelligence unit, which assess attempts by adversaries and their foreign intelligence services to exploit or access U.S. networks.

The fake warnings come at a sensitive time, as President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un trade insults and the United States presses the rogue regime to stop its nuclear weapons program. Such efforts have done little to rein in the dictator. On Friday, after the White House announced a new round of economic sanctions to further isolate the North, Kim — whom Trump has taken to calling "Rocket Man"threatened to detonate a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific Ocean.

The U.S. military command in Korea routinely rehearses such evacuations, typically in the spring and fall. About 28,500 U.S. troops are stationed on the peninsula, along with thousands more family members.

Any such evacuation would be announced by the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, Army officials said.

"If a situation develops quickly and the Department of State requires assistance in the evacuation of noncombatants, the Secretary of State will request that the military assist in the evacuation," the plan states. "During this stage, the military will assemble the noncombatants and then either relocate or evacuate them to a safer place."

The Army advised that if an evacuation is ordered, Americans should carry with them irreplaceable documents, a first-aid kit, extra clothing, a flashlight and a blanket or sleeping bag. The service also recommends that families prepare a kit ahead of time that includes a backpack, legal documents, three days of food, bottled water, prescription medications, toiletries and a handheld radio.

"The Republic of Korea has the most heavily defended border in the world," the plan said. "Though the probability of conflict remains low, the potential of hostilities occurring on the Korean peninsula is greater than in many other parts of the world."

More on Checkpoint:
U.S. general says the size of most recent North Korean nuclear test 'equates to' a hydrogen bomb

Trump says 'talking is not the answer' with North Korea after Pentagon's latest missile-defense test

Mattis says he is now convinced that the Pentagon must keep three ways of launching a nuclear attack
Tell me why we don’t do things like launch balloons or drones or parachutes of million of cell phones into N. Korea. Have a satellite beam directly to the n Koreans. Do it with food. There must be ways to use soft power to get to the NK people. Put Elon Musk on the job. This situation calls for thinking outside the box.
Finally got it off the transcript. Couldn’t copy and paste from the article-

JOHN DICKERSON: North Korea. Where are we with North Korea right now?

LINDSEY GRAHAM: We're getting close to a military conflict because North Korea's marching toward marrying up the technology of an I.C.B.M. with a nuclear weapon on top that cannot only get to America but deliver the weapon. We're running out of time. McMaster said that yesterday. I'm going to urge the Pentagon not to send any more dependents to South Korea.

South Korea should be an unaccompanied tour. It's crazy to send spouses and children to South Korea, given the provocation of North Korea. So I want them to stop sending dependents. And I think it's now time to start moving American dependents out of South Korea.
this is what happens when your "president" is an insane tweeting moron and the state department is eviscerated
The libs always panic when we don't pay off your enemies to buy "peace."

If war must come, Trump is the man to smash this little bug.

Most likely the majority of soldiers in NK will surrender quickly or be crushed
Just throw out some hershey bars they'll come runnin'...
The presumption by many is that if we just leave NK alone, they will behave and act like they are part of the global community.
This may be a grave mistake.
What the Obama administration did with it's purry pants patronizing is speed up their realization of nuclear capability.
Same with Iran. Seems Obama was bent of helping as many of Americas enemies as possible go nuclear as quick as possible. Now Trump has to deal with Obamas messes like a man and a leader.

Also, remember that North Korea doesn't have the sats orbiting to see the bigger picture and NOONE would dare tell the dick-tator his army couldn't stomp America. So out of ignorance and arrogance, they might just do something really stupid.

Do we.........wait for a nuclear knuckle sandwich compliments of NK........or.......

Do we take out their capability while there's still a change to do so?
Once they have nuclear capable subs they pretty much can't be stopped from a pre-emptive strike on the US homeland.

You choose. Not an easy choice is it?
Last edited:
The presumption by many is that if we just leave NK alone, they will behave and act like they are part of the global community.
This may be a grave mistake.
What the Obama administration did with it's purry pants patronizing is speed up their realization of nuclear capability.
Same with Iran. Seems Obama was bent of helping as many of Americas enemies as possible go nuclear as quick as possible.

Also, remember that North Korea doesn't have the sats orbiting to see the bigger picture and NOONE would dare tell the dick-tator his army couldn't stomp America. So out of ignorance and arrogance, they might just do something really stupid.

Do we.........wait for a nuclear knuckle sandwich compliments of NK........or.......

Do we take out their capability while there's still a change to do so?
Once they have nuclear capable subs they pretty much can't be stopped from a pre-emptive strike on the US homeland.

You choose. Not an easy choice is it?

I expect we strike within the next year, and we have no choice
I expect we strike within the next year, and we have no choice

What about China?
I'm pretty sure China would tell the US that a move like that would bring China's military to the table.
China wants the little dicktator tot there to serve as a barrier against the West (SK and the US).

I think China will defend NK when it comes down to it for that reason. Unless.....there is a secret US deal to give NK to China after the dust settles.

But I seriously doubt China would be comfortable about a potential nuclear exchange just south of it's borders.

China could score massive prestige and greatly up the world's perception of it's power if it were to force the US to back down after the US already started a confrontation.

Dunno. I just can't shake the feeling that a US NK conflict would become a US /NK / China conflict quickly. And then what if Putin saw an opportunity and decided to militarily back China?

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