US cops leave Indian temporarily paralyzed


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.



While the family plans to sue the police, the incident underscores the well-chronicled police brutality against minorities and coloured people in America even as its president goes around the world delivering lofty lectures about tolerance, human rights, and civil liberties.

The US has the largest number of incarcerated people in the world, far more than the dictatorships and totalitarian regimes it chastises (and also patronizes), and it hardly seems embarrassed about its awful record.

On Tuesday, the MacArthur Foundation announced an initial five-year, $75 million investment that "seeks to reduce over-incarceration by changing the way America thinks about and uses jails".

The foundation said its safety and justice challenge will support cities and counties across the country "seeking to create fairer, more effective local justice systems that improve public safety, save taxpayer money, and lead to better social outcomes".

According to the foundation, there are nearly 12 million local jail admissions every year in America. Nearly 75% of the population of both sentenced offenders and pretrial detainees are in jail for nonviolent offences like traffic, property, drug, or public order violations. Local jurisdictions now spend $22.2 billion annually on correctional institutions.

Alabama itself has a reputation as a poor, racist, underdeveloped state. Its intolerance is in the news right now on account of many of its local officials defying a federal ruling legalizing same-sex marriages, a situation worthy of a presidential lecture on forbearance.

US cops leave Indian temporarily paralyzed - The Times of India
REUTERS - An Alabama policeman has been charged with assault after a man recently arrived from India said he was left partially paralyzed when an officer threw him to the ground during a morning walk, authorities said on Thursday.

Sureshbhai Patel, 57, sued the city and two officers in a civil rights complaint filed on Thursday, alleging race factored into his treatment, his attorney said. The FBI said it was also investigating.

Police officials in Madison, Alabama, apologized to Patel and his family at a news conference on Thursday afternoon. They said one of the officers involved in the incident last Friday had been arrested on an assault charge, and officials had recommended he be fired.

Patel, who speaks no English, moved from India to northern Alabama about two weeks ago to help his son's family care for a 17-month-old child, said his lawyer, Henry Sherrod.

He was walking on the sidewalk outside his son’s home around 9 a.m., when police said they received a call about a suspicious person, according to the lawsuit in the U.S. Northern District of Alabama.

Patel told police officers who stopped him: “No English, Indian,” and gave the house number for his son, the suit said.

A police officer then tossed Patel, who weighs about 130 pounds, to the ground, according to the complaint.

He was severely injured, requiring surgery to relieve pressure on his spinal cord, the complaint said. He has regained some movement in his arms and legs but remains weak, his attorney said.

“I just can’t believe what they did to this very gentle man who wanted nothing more than to go out for a walk,” Sherrod said.

The police said in an earlier statement that Patel put his hands in his pockets and tried to pull away as officers patted him down.

Police on Thursday released video of the incident, recorded from inside a patrol vehicle. It showed Patel standing with his hands behind his back with two uniformed officers in a residential neighborhood.

Then an officer abruptly flipped him to the ground.

Police also shared a recording of the suspicious person call, which had been questioned by Patel's attorney.

The officer involved "did not meet the high standards and expectations of the Madison Police Department," Police Chief Larry Muncey told reporters.

The federal probe results will be turned over to the U.S. Department of Justice, said an Alabama FBI spokesman.

Alabama policeman charged with assault after Indian man thrown to ground injured Reuters
I cannot believe someone in his/her right mind would donate to this cop.
A crowd-funding page has been created on IndieGoGo for Eric Parker, the Madison police officer who has been fired from his job and arrested for third-degree assault of 57-year-old Sureshbhai Patel.

In a case that has sparked international interest, a dashboard camera video appears to show Parker slamming Patel to the ground after confronting him regarding a call from a neighbor about suspicious behavior.

Patel,who is from India and had been in Madison visiting his son, has undergone spinal surgery and remains partially paralyzed in Huntsville Hospital.

The donation page has a goal of $10,000. As of midmorning Saturday it had raised about $1,165. The description says, simply, "To help with Parker's bills, etc. Any donation is greatly appreciated."

According to the site, the page was organized by Alexa Ward, who has been contacted for this story.

Parker has received messages of support from friends online, who have said, "I've never seen him treat anyone with any disrespect. He may have made a mistake here, but we all do from time to time," and described him as "one of the good guys."

Edited to add: The fundraising page for Patel on has raised more than $133,000 as of midday Saturday.
Fundraising page created for Eric Parker Madison officer arrested for assaulting Indian grandfather
If ignorance of a law is not an affirmitive defense at trial, why is ignorance of the lawful orders of a police officer?

Wanna visit America, learn enough of our lingo so when cops tell you to do something you know to do it.
If ignorance of a law is not an affirmitive defense at trial, why is ignorance of the lawful orders of a police officer?

Wanna visit America, learn enough of our lingo so when cops tell you to do something you know to do it.

There is something definitely wrong with your brain.
If ignorance of a law is not an affirmitive defense at trial, why is ignorance of the lawful orders of a police officer?

Wanna visit America, learn enough of our lingo so when cops tell you to do something you know to do it.

There is something definitely wrong with your brain.

I come from a proud law enforcement family of some note and have a bias in favor of police. I don't deny that. But I'm also well-conversant in matters of criminal law. You're not excused from crimes because you didn't know something was criminal that you did it. So that being the case, why is ignorance of the language being presented as a defense to resist the lawful orders of an officer?
I'll call them a Waaaah-mbulance. If they don't want things like this to happen, then don't bring a non-English speaking relative into the US and let him throw rocks at the cops.
If ignorance of a law is not an affirmitive defense at trial, why is ignorance of the lawful orders of a police officer?

Wanna visit America, learn enough of our lingo so when cops tell you to do something you know to do it.

There is something definitely wrong with your brain.

I come from a proud law enforcement family of some note and have a bias in favor of police. I don't deny that. But I'm also well-conversant in matters of criminal law. You're not excused from crimes because you didn't know something was criminal that you did it. So that being the case, why is ignorance of the language being presented as a defense to resist the lawful orders of an officer?

I watched the entire video. There was no justification for what the cop did. There are plenty of visitors to the U.S. who do not speak English, this does not mean their spine should be broken by the police. It is disturbing to see people like you willing to support even heinous acts when the victim happens to be Indian or of Indian origin. I have seen quite a few posts from you where you have taken racist potshots at Indians. So I know where you are coming from. Furthermore, you lack capacity to think in a logical manner and it is a scary thought that you were a police officer. What is even more scary is that there are bigots like you currently serving in various police departments.

Coming back to the incident, at one point one of the cops suggested that victim lead them to his house. The victim understood that order and proceeded to walk until the criminal cop decided to interject. It seems like the grandfather understood very little English and that was evident from the get go. Once you realize that the person does not speak English then some alternate means should have been deployed unless the guy was a threat. I have looked at the video from two angles and it is clear that there was no threat to the officers whatsoever.
I'll call them a Waaaah-mbulance. If they don't want things like this to happen, then don't bring a non-English speaking relative into the US and let him throw rocks at the cops.

There are plenty of European Americans whose non English speaking relatives visit the U.S. I do not know why you are lying but the guy did not throw any rock at any one.
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There are plenty of European Americans whose non English speaking relatives visit the U.S. I do not know why you are lying but the guy did not throw any rock at any one.

Those individuals shouldn't be allowed into the country either. I had seen a report earlier that he'd supposedly thrown a rock at the officers. Either way, failing to comply with an officer is a shootable offense so far as I'm concerned.
There are plenty of European Americans whose non English speaking relatives visit the U.S. I do not know why you are lying but the guy did not throw any rock at any one.

Those individuals shouldn't be allowed into the country either. I had seen a report earlier that he'd supposedly thrown a rock at the officers. Either way, failing to comply with an officer is a shootable offense so far as I'm concerned.

There is no such report. You are lying. The police department has released videos of the incident captured by two dash board cameras of two distinct police cars.
A police officer in the U.S. state of Alabama has been charged with assault after he threw a 57-year-old man from India to the ground and injured him.

Police said the officer slammed Sureshbhai Patel, who doesn't speak English, to the ground face-first when he didn't respond to commands.

The officer, Eric Parker, is being fired in connection with the Feb. 6 incident. The FBI said it also was investigating.

Video recorded by a police car's dashboard camera shows two police officers approaching Patel as he walked in his son's neighborhood in the town of Madison. When the police confront him, Patel says "no English" and appears to try to walk away. One officer pulls Patel's arms behind his back and slams him into the ground.

Shortly before the confrontation, police had received a phone call that a "suspicious person" was wandering around the neighborhood.

Patel had only recently traveled to the United States to visit his son and help care for his grandson.

Patel has sued, accusing the officers of racism. The complaint says Patel needed surgery to relieve pressure on his spinal cord following the incident.

US Policeman Charged in Attack on Indian Visitor
There is no such report. You are lying. The police department has released videos of the incident captured by two dash board cameras of two distinct police cars.

As I said it's immaterial if there is or not. He is a non-English speaker and a foreigner. That makes him about as valuable as a pile of what comes out the back end of my dog. Only problem is the cops didn't do a good enough job shooting him.
There is no such report. You are lying. The police department has released videos of the incident captured by two dash board cameras of two distinct police cars.

As I said it's immaterial if there is or not. He is a non-English speaker and a foreigner. That makes him about as valuable as a pile of what comes out the back end of my dog. Only problem is the cops didn't do a good enough job shooting him.

You should have said this in the beginning and saved us both some time.
Alabama's governor has apologized to the government of India for the actions of a Madison police officer who seriously injured an Indian grandfather during a police stop in that town on Feb. 6.

Gov. Robert Bentley also ordered the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency to launch a parallel investigation — the Federal Bureau of Investigation has already started its own probe — into the "excessive force" that left Sureshbhai Patel, 57, partially paralyzed.

"I deeply regret the unfortunate use of excessive force by the Madison Police Department on Sureshbhai Patel and for the injuries sustained by Mr. Patel. I sincerely hope that Mr. Patel continues to improve and that he will regain full use of his legs," Bentley said in a letter Tuesday to India's general consul in Atlanta, Ajit Kumar.

"Finally, and most important, please accept our sincere apology for this tragic incident to your government, Mr. Patel, and the citizens of India who reside and work in our state," the letter went on.

Police say Officer Eric Parker slammed Patel to the ground after stopping him when a caller complained of a "skinny black guy" walking around the neighborhood.

Parker is charged with third-degree assault and entered a plea of not guilty in court Tuesday, NBC station WAFF reported. Madison's police chief has recommended that Parker be fired.

Patel, who speaks no English but was questioned by police and given orders in English regardless, was in the country to visit his son and daughter-in-law and to help care for their 17-month old child.

Alabama Gov. Apologizes for Cop s Excessive Force That Injured Indian Grandfather - NBC News
I did not want to start another thread so I am posting it in here.


WASHINGTON/NEW DELHI: There has been strong reactions in India after reports of a Hindu temple being vandalized in the US.

A Hindu temple was vandalized with hate message and swastika spray-painted on its wall in the US state of Washington, the latest incident that has shocked the community ahead of the Maha Shivratri festival.

The incident happened when unidentified miscreants sprayed swastika and painted "Get Out" on one of the walls of the temple in the Seattle Metropolitan area. It is one of the largest Hindu temples in the entire North West.


Outrage in India after Hindu temple vandalized with hate message in US - The Times of India
I did not want to start another thread so I am posting it in here.


WASHINGTON/NEW DELHI: There has been strong reactions in India after reports of a Hindu temple being vandalized in the US.

A Hindu temple was vandalized with hate message and swastika spray-painted on its wall in the US state of Washington, the latest incident that has shocked the community ahead of the Maha Shivratri festival.

The incident happened when unidentified miscreants sprayed swastika and painted "Get Out" on one of the walls of the temple in the Seattle Metropolitan area. It is one of the largest Hindu temples in the entire North West.


Outrage in India after Hindu temple vandalized with hate message in US - The Times of India

Do you know what group (groups) do not like Indian Hindus over there in Seattle? The only people I have known who
did not like Hindus in the USA have been Pakistanis and
Indian muslims------but my "experience" is in the northeast.
There have not been ----as far as I know----hate crimes against hindu Indians in the northeast
Hindu temples have always been a target in the U.S. I personally think it was some Christian nutcases given their history.

Quote from the above article:

Of late there has been increasing incidents of vandalism of Hindu temples in the US including one in Loudoun County, Virginia and Monroe, Georgia last year.
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