Update On The Battlefront


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….or, sometimes the bad guys win.

1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
If Georgia had a brain, they would do a lock out of new registrations. Weird that THE DNC wants people to move to Georgia as if 'there weren't actually enough voters" to win the first time.

That is what you call a "tell" in poker. Places like Atlanta Georgia dumped in tens of thousands of votes in to the system, just like the other 5 states that stopped counting when Trump was running away with it in all 6 states.

The only reason to tell people to move to Georgia is because Georgia most likely will not allow massive fake mail in ballots to be mailed out for the run off. So its going to be harder to cheat this time around.
….or, sometimes the bad guys win.

1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
Giuliani and Powell say Maduro and Merkel are behind the rigged machines. Guess what I think about that claim.
….or, sometimes the bad guys win.

1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
Giuliani and Powell say Maduro and Merkel are behind the rigged machines. Guess what I think about that claim.

"Guess what I think about that claim."

Please avoid the use of the term 'think' with reference to yourself: fact not in evidence.
The GA elections really don't matter because Joe Manchin already said he will not vote to end the 60-vote filibuster requirement.
So what will the democrats be able to pass in the Senate with 60-votes? Not much.
….or, sometimes the bad guys win.

1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
Giuliani and Powell say Maduro and Merkel are behind the rigged machines. Guess what I think about that claim.

"Guess what I think about that claim."

Please avoid the use of the term 'think' with reference to yourself: fact not in evidence.
Apropos evidence. We are waiting.
….or, sometimes the bad guys win.

1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
"We will be getting organized - but in the meantime if you have a room available in Georgia for volunteers post it here. We are going to fight it out in GA. Much more to come! 9:03 PM · Nov 7, 20"

He clearly says that he's calling for volunteers to go to Georgia. Says nothing about going there to vote.
The GA elections really don't matter because Joe Manchin already said he will not vote to end the 60-vote filibuster requirement.
So what will the democrats be able to pass in the Senate with 60-votes? Not much.

1. Never believe Manchin.....he's a Democrat, and falls in line when they need him.
2. Don't forget Rino Romney.
3. The end of America is within their grasp.
….or, sometimes the bad guys win.

1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
Giuliani and Powell say Maduro and Merkel are behind the rigged machines. Guess what I think about that claim.

"Guess what I think about that claim."

Please avoid the use of the term 'think' with reference to yourself: fact not in evidence.
Apropos evidence. We are waiting.

You have my permission to default to your ubiquitous post:

“It is all made up. “

This Guy Is Smarter Than Any Of Us Recognized!

“Everything in here is totally made up …”

This Guy Is Smarter Than Any Of Us Recognized!

“Made up.”

This Guy Is Smarter Than Any Of Us Recognized!

“…made up…”

Germany will CUT defense spending

“… made up.”

one more knife in putler back : Turkey agrees to back NATO anti-maskal plans for Baltic: Lithuania
….or, sometimes the bad guys win.

1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
Giuliani and Powell say Maduro and Merkel are behind the rigged machines. Guess what I think about that claim.

"Guess what I think about that claim."

Please avoid the use of the term 'think' with reference to yourself: fact not in evidence.
Apropos evidence. We are waiting.

You have my permission to default to your ubiquitous post:

“It is all made up. “

This Guy Is Smarter Than Any Of Us Recognized!

“Everything in here is totally made up …”

This Guy Is Smarter Than Any Of Us Recognized!

“Made up.”

This Guy Is Smarter Than Any Of Us Recognized!

“…made up…”

Germany will CUT defense spending

“… made up.”

one more knife in putler back : Turkey agrees to back NATO anti-maskal plans for Baltic: Lithuania
The courts will do that for me this time.
….or, sometimes the bad guys win.

1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
"We will be getting organized - but in the meantime if you have a room available in Georgia for volunteers post it here. We are going to fight it out in GA. Much more to come! 9:03 PM · Nov 7, 20"

He clearly says that he's calling for volunteers to go to Georgia. Says nothing about going there to vote.

Notice: it is not necessary for you to prove the depth of your stupidity on a daily basis: readers have memories.


Democrats are openly urging people to commit a form of voter fraud by temporarily “moving” to Georgia to vote for the two Democrat challengers in the state’s upcoming Senate runoff races.

On Jan. 5, eligible voters will cast their votes for either incumbent Republican Sen. David Perdue or his challenger Democrat Jon Ossoff and GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler or the other Democratic candidate, Raphael Warnock.

Less than a week after the 2020 election and the announcement of the runoff, New York Times Columnist Tom Friedman encouraged leftists to take interest in the race by relocating to the state and voting for the two Democrat candidates."
I am 100% computer illiterate.

Actually 101%.

But I assume that in this computerized world, some bad guys can manipulate computers to change votes from A to B.

I also assume that it might be possible -- if given enough time and enough incentive -- to detect the manipulation.

From a practical point of view, Mr. Biden (or possibly Ms. Harris) will be inaugurated on January 20 as the 46th President. Even top Pubs are dismissing the possibility of fraud. Fraud in Philadelphia or Atlanta? Out of the question, they assure us.

I can only hope that some intelligent people (that leaves me out!) will spend their time in the coming years or decades trying to find out if the November 3, 2020, election results were the consequence of hacking (did I use the right word? My ignorance of computers is pitiful).
….or, sometimes the bad guys win.

1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
Giuliani and Powell say Maduro and Merkel are behind the rigged machines. Guess what I think about that claim.
We know you are hungry for US charity.
4. Biden plans to rejoin the World Health Organization, which lied to us about the Wuhan, is run by a trained Marxist, who himself was put in charge of the WHO by the Communist Chinese. Wouldn’t be much of a stretch, as the Democrat Party supported and shielded the Chinese Communists, rather than the American President, throughout the epidemic.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Political partyTigray People's Liberation Front
Other political
Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (before 2019)

Democrat Cuomo who sentenced thousands of elderly to death during the epidemic, still calls it the European Virus, to continue homage to China.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a virus (more specifically, a coronavirus) identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China.
….or, sometimes the bad guys win.

1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
Giuliani and Powell say Maduro and Merkel are behind the rigged machines. Guess what I think about that claim.
We know you are hungry for US charity.
So? What´s in for me?
Not only did Communist China own and operate the Wuhan Red Death for their benefit, along with owning and operating the Biden Family....but they had lots of homicidal Leftists organizing the virus to defeat Trump.

"Jane Fonda calls coronavirus 'God's gift to the left'"


The Left has never been shy about shrugging off the deaths of other human beings.

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