Update; alabama immigration law


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Update: Top Alabama lawmaker says new immigration law will withstand court challengeJuly 21, 2011,

"Make no mistake, this lawsuit will not undo Alabama's immigration law. If the court finds problems with parts of the law, tweaks can be made," Hubbard said in a statement issued after today's motion was filed. "But Alabama is not going to be a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants. Alabama will have a strict immigration law and we will enforce it."
Update: Top Alabama lawmaker says new immigration law will withstand court challenge | al.com
Hispanics Flee Alabama’s Immigration Law
Jun 28, 2011

When Tuscaloosa, Alabama, begins rebuilding more than 7,200 homes and businesses leveled by an April 27 tornado, it may find itself missing a workforce capable of putting the city together again.
Hispanics Flee Alabama

What they are saying is that Americans will not do the job but Americans are not capable of doing the job. WTF?

America's workers face a battle for their jobs. They are the finest workers in the world. American workers grow, harvest, and mine some of the world's highest quality and most plentiful raw materials.
Kit Bond

American workers are first rate.
Christopher Dodd
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The Monitor's View
'Jobs that Americans won't do'

With millions of native-born people desperate for income, those jobs presumed to be too menial are now acceptable – a point to remember in the immigration debate.

With people desperate for income, downward mobility may be on the way up. News reports show long lines of applicants for a janitor's job or for work at a factory after a federal raid clears out the illegal workers.

Maybe it's a myth that Americans won't take certain jobs. In fact, a study by the Center for Immigration Studies used 2005-07 data to look at 465 occupations. Only four had a majority of immigrants in them: plasterers and stucco masons, agricultural graders and sorters, personal appliance workers, and tailors and dressmakers.
In every other occupation, such as janitors, maids, and groundskeepers, a large majority were filled by native-born Americans. The report's conclusion: "The often-made argument that immigrants only take jobs Americans don't want is simply wrong."

'Jobs that Americans won't do' - CSMonitor.com
`Bama immigration law put on hold...
Federal Judge Blocks Alabama Immigration Law
August 30, 2011 - A U.S. federal judge has temporarily blocked a controversial immigration law that was set to go into effect Thursday in the southern U.S. state of Alabama.
U.S. District Judge Sharon Lovelace said Monday she decided to block the law until September 29 so she could further consider lawsuits filed against it. Last month, a coalition of civil rights groups filed a class action lawsuit against the measure, saying it invites racial profiling and will target for harassment anyone who looks "foreign."

The law would allow Alabama police to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally when that person is stopped for any other reason. It would also make it a crime to knowingly transport or harbor an illegal immigrant, and compel public schools to verify the immigration status of students.

Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Justice challenged the act, saying it would conflict with federal immigration policies. In her statement Monday, Judge Lovelace said she was not addressing the merits of the law or the suits against it. She says she plans to address the legality of the measure by the end of September. There are an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.

Who did the damn jobs before 30,000,000+ illegals????

The uneducated whites and blacks and the legals. So who is this country letting down??? The uneducatd whites and blacks and the legals. And of course the rest of the poor who were not given perks or special preference to attend college 'for not having the advantage of being in this country illegally'. Go figure!!
Federal Judge Blocks Alabama Immigration Law

This is not surprising and completely appropriate.

The ‘reporting requirement’ with regard to undocumented children attending school, while it doesn’t prohibit enrollment, will clearly intimidate parents and keep children from enrolling in violation of Plyler v Doe.
Federal Judge Blocks Alabama Immigration Law

This is not surprising and completely appropriate.

The ‘reporting requirement’ with regard to undocumented children attending school, while it doesn’t prohibit enrollment, will clearly intimidate parents and keep children from enrolling in violation of Plyler v Doe.
Illegal immigration is wrong on all levels.
Federal Judge Blocks Alabama Immigration Law

This is not surprising and completely appropriate.

The ‘reporting requirement’ with regard to undocumented children attending school, while it doesn’t prohibit enrollment, will clearly intimidate parents and keep children from enrolling in violation of Plyler v Doe.
Illegal immigration is wrong on all levels.

In the 80's the schools in CA had to keep files on who was here illegally but then the bleeding hearts made sure that was stopped. And now look at where we are! Foolish people those bleeding heart liberals.
I live in Alabama and the Hispanics here are pissed.

They shouldn't have a problem with the laws if they are here legally.

The legal ones are pissed also.

Too bad. If they have an issue with following laws that's their problem.

I don't even believe illegal children should be permitted access to public schools, they should pay for a private school or stay in their home country.

I have no problem whatsoever with legal immigration. I think it's great to have such a variety in our culture. But illegals? I have no pity for them in the least. They need to go home where they belong and refrain from sucking off the teats of the US taxpayers.
They shouldn't have a problem with the laws if they are here legally.

The legal ones are pissed also.

Too bad. If they have an issue with following laws that's their problem.

I don't even believe illegal children should be permitted access to public schools, they should pay for a private school or stay in their home country.

I have no problem whatsoever with legal immigration. I think it's great to have such a variety in our culture. But illegals? I have no pity for them in the least. They need to go home where they belong and refrain from sucking off the teats of the US taxpayers.

I agree with you 100%, however alot of Hispanics tend to look at the illegals the same way a Free Black looked at Runaway slaves a few hundred years ago. Alot of them have a parent or grand parent who was illegal so they feel sympathy for them.
The legal ones are pissed also.

Too bad. If they have an issue with following laws that's their problem.

I don't even believe illegal children should be permitted access to public schools, they should pay for a private school or stay in their home country.

I have no problem whatsoever with legal immigration. I think it's great to have such a variety in our culture. But illegals? I have no pity for them in the least. They need to go home where they belong and refrain from sucking off the teats of the US taxpayers.

I agree with you 100%, however alot of Hispanics tend to look at the illegals the same way a Free Black looked at Runaway slaves a few hundred years ago. Alot of them have a parent or grand parent who was illegal so they feel sympathy for them.

The two to not compare, not even close and I'd love to go up against someone who claims otherwise.

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