Unsealing the Prophetic Book of Daniel

When you say cleansing are you claiming a great purge or the water which already flowed on the mount back around 1999 as cleansing?
Daniel 8:14 states that the temple will be cleansed after 2,300 days; Jesus says the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so all shall be made like unto Him after the 2,300th day of Daniel 8:14, Holy Family Saturday, December 29, 2018 A.D.

As a process, the beginning of this blessing can be seen on the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12, thus a window of 965 days; there now remains 498 days.
When you say cleansing are you claiming a great purge or the water which already flowed on the mount back around 1999 as cleansing?
Daniel 8:14 states that the temple will be cleansed after 2,300 days; Jesus says the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so all shall be made like unto Him after the 2,300th day of Daniel 8:14, Holy Family Saturday, December 29, 2018 A.D.

As a process, the beginning of this blessing can be seen on the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12, thus a window of 965 days; there now remains 498 days.

But Daniel's HaSheva(redeemer) is Michael not Jesus, which is why you skip Dan 12:1.

It would help if you knew also;
1)The Dead Sea Scrolls mentions a man named "Night".
2)Daniel says his visions are a
vision "of the Night" not of the morning star-rev 22:16.
Look it up:
Shalem (Shelim)is the Evening Star the one who rises-Dan 12:1-4 which is why the
legend of The city of Shalem becoming the city of Shalom is when "the Night" (Michael)removes the Day(Lucifer the imposter messiah)
3)Jesus claims to be the Nemesis of Daniel's revealer and redeemer(HaSheva) thus admits being the first fallen false prophet imposter messiah.
“... from my Father (Baal). To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

Further important Sources backing this:
HaShevas Name is to be in the name of the Temple (MIKdash)-helps to know what dash means in Hebrew. Clearly Mikael is in the name we use for Temple not Jesus, therefore your revision of the temple being the vessel body means you admit the spirit comes within a Mike not a Jesus.
And remember to remember the body through the Shew(Shev) bread and
Man/is/Shev/itz wine. ;-)

Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place
His Name(HaShem)”

In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23, 24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name(HaShem). That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as "Yerushalayim".
1 Kings 11:36 & In the Words of the Archangel Michael Scroll(4Q529, 6Q23).
Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemerating his name and essence.
So the Name must be in the name of the City of YeruShalem, because he has God's name in him.
Even Muslims teach this with the
Al Isra=Night Journey, whereby they say peace comes when Night HaShevs(returns) to YeruShalem.
That might put his 499 days out considerably by another 2500 days or so
You attempt to describe some sort of conspiracy theory with regard to the four digit numbers used in the Book of Daniel, while, in fact, the actual closing and sealing, in conjunction with the opening and unsealing, produce an obvious formula and solution for the ascertainment of the last days.

There was visible tampering, however, to the Book of Daniel begun in 1535 A.D. with the printing of the Coverdale Bible which moved the word "vile" in Daniel 11:20 to Daniel 11:21; most translations of the Holy Bible have followed suit even to this day.
But Daniel's . . .is Michael
Michael is the great prince who standeth for the children of Daniel's people, also known as the Angel Michael or the Archangel Michael.

As chief of the heavenly hosts, one can see the 965 days between the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12, Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D. and the 2,300th day of Daniel 8:14, Holy Family Saturday, December 29, 2018 A.D., to be the time when "the powers of heaven shall be moved" (St. Luke 21:25-26), powers here being used to describe all the ranks of the heavenly angels.

There has been a more recent description of him as Michael Fighting.

Interestingly enough, we are nearing the midpoint of this 965 day transition with a solar eclipse in the US serving as a marker only some 10 days apart.

I have presented the two largest four digit numbers in the Book of Daniel with a level of finality and sanctity with regard to the written blessing foretold in Daniel 12:12, inclusive to a final Day of Indiction, September 1, 2015 A.D., to be echoed yet again at this midpoint.

If one receives the 1,335th day blessing, what can be said then of this blessing with regard to Daniel 12:1?

It is, at least, the beginning of the Judgment, the General Resurrection of the Dead, ". . . and at that time thy people shall be delivered . . ." (cf. Daniel 12:1).
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But Daniel's . . .is Michael
Michael is the great prince who standeth for the children of Daniel's people, also known as the Angel Michael or the Archangel Michael.

As chief of the heavenly hosts, one can see the 965 days between the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12, Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D. and the 2,300th day of Daniel 8:14, Holy Family Saturday, December 29, 2018 A.D., to be the time when "the powers of heaven shall be moved" (St. Luke 21:25-26), powers here being used to describe all the ranks of the heavenly angels.

There has been a more recent description of him as Michael Fighting.

Interestingly enough, we are nearing the midpoint of this 965 day transition with a solar eclipse in the US serving as a marker only some 10 days apart.

I have presented the two largest four digit numbers in the Book of Daniel with a level of finality and sanctity with regard to the written blessing foretold in Daniel 12:12, inclusive to a final Day of Indiction, September 1, 2015 A.D., to be echoed yet again at this midpoint.

If one receives the 1,335th day blessing, what can be said then of this blessing with regard to Daniel 12:1?

It is, at least, the beginning of the Judgment, the General Resurrection of the Dead, ". . . and at that time thy people shall be delivered . . ." (cf. Daniel 12:1).

Think about what you said carefully, and the importance of meaning of words and how roles (words defining them) can have many descriptions for the same persona.

FACT: the Pastors and Priests, evangelists and Theology teachers teach you Lucifer is the fallen arch (top)angel (messenger prophet).
Research who is called the
head(arch) of the hosts (Kohanim)and Scroll commentary backs this.
If an archangel is a man prophet mistakingly deemed Moshiach then the overturner seen as head priest is Moshiach, & that is why commentary says Michael is the "Shiloh" (overturner who's right it is) of Genesis and Ezekiel
The new compiled one world religion is exposed in how it tainted how you view simple interpretations & context by changing the perception of simple words in making them fantasy mythology (from pagan ideas) & changing precepts into supernatural myths instead of reality defined.

In Revelations it talks about the stars around the son of man at his Temple throne.
In their own texts it shows
Star=angel-Revelation 1:20
Most biblical scholar knows star=malakh-messenger/prophet
Jesus claimed in Rev 22:16 to be the
Bright (top/main) Morning (sun god) Star (angel) aka Lucifer.
So 2 places Revelations tells of Jesus as a malakh-angel and Theslonians tells about him as an angel and his aposltes where called angels and the Pope calls the cardinals and bishops angels It is a term used of an ordinary messenger (Job 1:14: 1 Sam. 11:3; Luke 7:24; 9:52), of prophets (Isa. 42:19; Hag. 1:13), of Rabbis (Mal. 2:7), and your ministers of the New Testament (Rev. 1:20).

Fact; whenever angels appeared to man it was always in a human form (Gen. 18:2; 19:1, 10; Luke 24:4; Acts 1:10

Ante-Nicene Fathers, V.10 (10), Page 466 Origen [d.AD 254],
Commentaries of Origen, Gospel of John, Book 1, 13 -The Angels Also Are Evangelists

This is why Theslonians mimicking or plagiarizing Daniel 7 is saying son of man is coming with the
"voice of the archangel"
and whyvthe name is in the Temple(Mikdash), in the Bible(Mikra), in the Torah portions(Miketz), and in the name of the Holy City.
YOU CAN SAY "IeSous" (Jesus) all you want but it will always be "the swine" forbidden to
partake of and forbidden in the Temple.
-Deuteronomy 23:2 No illegitimate children can belong to the LORD's assembly(can not enter the Temple)
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That might put his 499 days out considerably by another 2500 days or so
You attempt to describe some sort of conspiracy theory with regard to the four digit numbers used in the Book of Daniel, while, in fact, the actual closing and sealing, in conjunction with the opening and unsealing, produce an obvious formula and solution for the ascertainment of the last days.

There was visible tampering, however, to the Book of Daniel begun in 1535 A.D. with the printing of the Coverdale Bible which moved the word "vile" in Daniel 11:20 to Daniel 11:21; most translations of the Holy Bible have followed suit even to this day.
You are completely misunderstanding I was merely pointing out that your calculations are completely off simply because the calendar being used today is tainted and was never fixed.... Further we were told that Satan(meaning the Adversary) would change the times and the places.....We were warned of this and it was done constantly from changing the Sabbath day from the Seventh day(Sheva) to the first day etc etc...You mentioned the Cloverdale bible and yet you fail to mention all the tampering that went on beforehand and afterwards....You cannot just pick and choose whatever you like that is called Cherry picking and it is dishonest and deceitfull.... I am not accussing you of this but I am merely pointing out that your calculations based on whatever tainted manuscript you are basing it on most certainly are flawed if you are using such texts...
No, I'm not; you just haven't realized how filthy you are in your own cowardice.
You are completely misunderstanding
You see you did exactly what I said you do...You picked and choose my first couple of words and ignored the rest of what I said showing that although you have ears you refuse to listen, although you have eyes you refuse to see and although you have a mouth you refuse to acknowledge but you do accuse me of being filthy and of cowardice for pointing these things out to you...I am pretty observant "Edward" but not "Edword" and your true colours are showing by instead of defending your message you attack me personally because there is no truth in you and you have nothing to defend it with....
Since I was brought to the understanding concerning the 1,290 and 1,335 day periods of Daniel 12:11 & 12, respectively, I have marvelled how true the words of Daniel 12:9 are :

9 "And he said: 'Go, Daniel, because the words are shut up, and sealed until the appointed time'."

Unbeknownst to me at the time, the day I joined this site, September 7, 2012 A.D., was only 5 days away from when the counting of those 1,290 and 1,335 periods of days began.

When I read stupid garbage like that, I wonder if anyone really believes it. If you believe it, why can't you present it coherently? It's like you're either totally batsh1t crazy or you're just trolling for those who are.

That's correct, I see.

And this is about the unsealing of the prophetic Book of Daniel, not your filthy, greedy, hateful, idolatrous, incestuous, lying, murdering, thieving agenda.
The funny thing after Ed( Ward... you need to go to one...seriously...) tirade .. Is that he mentions Daniels book as being prophetic..Which it might be... But it is not included in the Prophets section of the Torah but only in the writings section section... This is a little known fact and any reading this can easily have a look at this for their own knowledge... Regardless There was an interesting book I read as a young adult called the Mote in Gods Eye it was a very entertaining and well written book but in Motie society they had what was known as the " Crazy Eddie" factor that kept pulling their society down... Wink...
He's always welcome to help hasten the
building of the MIKdash (not the Jesusdash) and find out first hand who Daniel names twice -First, given, and last name in those 3 Daniel verses he posted.
Did he find his Glasses sitting on his head yet?
He's always welcome to help hasten the
building of the MIKdash (not the Jesusdash) and find out first hand who Daniel names twice -First, given, and last name in those 3 Daniel verses he posted.
Did he find his Glasses sitting on his head yet?
How true that is...The problem is he might need a magnifying glass to find it as the lying scribes have covered the fine print of the Jewish scriptures with so much New crap and obscure writings that the original texts are so hard to find...Of course they are trying to do that to Israel as well as the incredibly shrinking country as they try to take a piece off here and there... Funny how the world is behaving like the Queen of hearts in Alice in wonderland and any who disagree will get the off with their head treatment....

That's correct, I see.

And this is about the unsealing of the prophetic Book of Daniel, not your filthy, greedy, hateful, idolatrous, incestuous, lying, murdering, thieving agenda.
Wow, I leave for 2 minutes and you are already having a bad day and in need of guidance.

It isn't about me having a bad day nor being in need of guidance; it is about your temple being cleansed for yet some 483 days; you indeed may all dwell in security, but it doesn't change the fact that you are still filthy, lying, thieving, murdering scumbags.

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