Unemployment rates were made worse by Bush, not Obama!

Starting in Jan. 20, 2001, at the beginning of George W. Bush’s administration, the rate was 2.4 percent, but by the time he left in January 2009 it had reached 7 percent. The rate now is 5.9% and is on track to get even lower.


Sweet MOTHER that is hysterical. The Unemployment rate in the US remains well over 15%.

The International Financial Markets were crashed by the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, wherein Leftists in the US Legislature coerced the US lending markets to set aside sound, actuarial lending principle, and replaced with an irrational notion of "FAIRNESS", in the name of the great unfairness, OKA: Socialist Justice.

This treachery occurred over the latter decades of the 20th, finally culminating in the last half of the first decade of the 21st Century, in what will forever be known as The Greatest Depression.

The above post is a lie, known to the individual bringing it as Deceit, despite their claiming it as truth, advanced through Fraudulent means, for the purpose of influencing the Ignorant.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Three Fundamental Elements of Socialism.

Oh, brother! Another ignoramus who failed to read the posts made subsequent to the initial op. LINK please! Your bad breath isn't credible evidence of anything except the need for a better mouthwash!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
What concession? I just underlined your failure to read what has already been said in this thread chuckles! You are a bit late. BTW, have you ever heard of the BLS? The present 5.9% UE rate came from them. Have you a better source than that? Rush and Hannity don't count.
That one can only count as high as 20 if he employs all of his fingers and toes ... 20 and a half if he pulls his pants down.
Starting in Jan. 20, 2001, at the beginning of George W. Bush’s administration, the rate was 2.4 percent, but by the time he left in January 2009 it had reached 7 percent. The rate now is 5.9% and is on track to get even lower.


Sweet MOTHER that is hysterical. The Unemployment rate in the US remains well over 15%.

The International Financial Markets were crashed by the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, wherein Leftists in the US Legislature coerced the US lending markets to set aside sound, actuarial lending principle, and replaced with an irrational notion of "FAIRNESS", in the name of the great unfairness, OKA: Socialist Justice.

This treachery occurred over the latter decades of the 20th, finally culminating in the last half of the first decade of the 21st Century, in what will forever be known as The Greatest Depression.

The above post is a lie, known to the individual bringing it as Deceit, despite their claiming it as truth, advanced through Fraudulent means, for the purpose of influencing the Ignorant.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Three Fundamental Elements of Socialism.

Oh, brother! Another ignoramus who failed to read the posts made subsequent to the initial op. LINK please! Your bad breath isn't credible evidence of anything except the need for a better mouthwash!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
What concession? I just underlined your failure to read what has already been said in this thread chuckles! You are a bit late. BTW, have you ever heard of the BLS? The present 5.9% UE rate came from them. Have you a better source than that? Rush and Hannity don't count.

The concession wherein you claim that a chart pulled from the internet, set by the fraudulent standards created by the fraudulent executive branch... represents something other than deceit.

But hey, you're animated by evil and that's pretty much what one should reasonably expect from evil.

See how that works?
Starting in Jan. 20, 2001, at the beginning of George W. Bush’s administration, the rate was 2.4 percent, but by the time he left in January 2009 it had reached 7 percent. The rate now is 5.9% and is on track to get even lower.


Sweet MOTHER that is hysterical. The Unemployment rate in the US remains well over 15%.

The International Financial Markets were crashed by the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, wherein Leftists in the US Legislature coerced the US lending markets to set aside sound, actuarial lending principle, and replaced with an irrational notion of "FAIRNESS", in the name of the great unfairness, OKA: Socialist Justice.

This treachery occurred over the latter decades of the 20th, finally culminating in the last half of the first decade of the 21st Century, in what will forever be known as The Greatest Depression.

The above post is a lie, known to the individual bringing it as Deceit, despite their claiming it as truth, advanced through Fraudulent means, for the purpose of influencing the Ignorant.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Three Fundamental Elements of Socialism.

Oh, brother! Another ignoramus who failed to read the posts made subsequent to the initial op. LINK please! Your bad breath isn't credible evidence of anything except the need for a better mouthwash!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
What concession? I just underlined your failure to read what has already been said in this thread chuckles! You are a bit late. BTW, have you ever heard of the BLS? The present 5.9% UE rate came from them. Have you a better source than that? Rush and Hannity don't count.

The concession wherein you claim that a chart pulled from the internet, set by the fraudulent standards created by the fraudulent executive branch... represents something other than deceit.

But hey, you're animated by evil and that's pretty much what one should reasonably expect from evil.

See how that works?
What "fraudulent standards created by the executive branch?"
And what credibility does your claim of "well above 15% have?
Now you want us to believe that a United States President is going to stand up there ,knowing the political consequences of lying, and undermine his chances of being a two-termer? Nah! Obama was just given the wrong information. Or, he expected the GOP to keep the promise of more jobs if the tax cuts for the
Wealthy stayed in place.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.
Yeah, tell me about it.

So if Obama got the wrong information, who got fired? I mean it isnt like there is one guy giving him advice or information. It goes through many hands before ending up on his desk and they discuss it etc.
As for the GOP, the Dems controlled both Houses of Congress. The GOP was powerless to stop anything.

If I remember correctly Obama kept a number of Republicans in his administration. His naivete showed when he allowed the GOP to take advantage of his desire for bipartisanship. While he may have intended to keep his enemies close so he could keep his eye on them, it is clear now that their designs were to undermine his presidency from the start.

I notice you keep avoiding the fact that the tax cuts for the rich and the GOPs promise of job creation
may have had a deeper impact on Obama's thinking than you care to admit.
That's like totally irrelevent. A complete non response. And of course wrong.
The Republicans kept were Gates at Defense. There wasnt a single Republican on his economic team. So that's a lie.
Obama never allowed the GOP to take any advantage at all. His porkulus bill passed with very few GOP votes,none on the House as I recall. So that's a lie
There wwere no "tax cuts for the rich." That meme is old and discredited. There were tax cuts across the board. Tax cuts Democrats voted to extend.
You have no idea what Obama's thinking was. You're making shit up.
IOW, another total fraud of a posting from someone who doesnt know his ass from a hole i the ground.

Your credibility sucks around here. With the shreds of your last argument hanging off your ass like toilet paper, I wouldn't get too cocky just yet! Gimme a link to all that BS above or STFU!
"Your credibility sucks" = You're eating my lunch.
All of that is well founded and you can use Google like any adult with two brain cells. Show me the Republicans among Obama's economic advisors. Show me the Republicans he held over besides Gates. There arent any.
You're just sore because you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about.

I said that Obama "kept" Republicans in his administration. What I meant by "keeping" is that the appointment of Republicans like like Chuck Hegel and Eric Shinseki proves his dedication to bipartisanship. After Shinseki resigned he was replaced by another Republican. Counting Gates
3+ 1 plus one equals 4.

Now, I said nothing about economics or which department heads were given to Republicans. That's your insertion. Thats your problem...you lie in plain plain view where everyone can see it. You are a worthless scum bag.
Last edited:
Starting in Jan. 20, 2001, at the beginning of George W. Bush’s administration, the rate was 2.4 percent, but by the time he left in January 2009 it had reached 7 percent. The rate now is 5.9% and is on track to get even lower.


Sweet MOTHER that is hysterical. The Unemployment rate in the US remains well over 15%.

The International Financial Markets were crashed by the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, wherein Leftists in the US Legislature coerced the US lending markets to set aside sound, actuarial lending principle, and replaced with an irrational notion of "FAIRNESS", in the name of the great unfairness, OKA: Socialist Justice.

This treachery occurred over the latter decades of the 20th, finally culminating in the last half of the first decade of the 21st Century, in what will forever be known as The Greatest Depression.

The above post is a lie, known to the individual bringing it as Deceit, despite their claiming it as truth, advanced through Fraudulent means, for the purpose of influencing the Ignorant.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Three Fundamental Elements of Socialism.

Oh, brother! Another ignoramus who failed to read the posts made subsequent to the initial op. LINK please! Your bad breath isn't credible evidence of anything except the need for a better mouthwash!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
What concession? I just underlined your failure to read what has already been said in this thread chuckles! You are a bit late. BTW, have you ever heard of the BLS? The present 5.9% UE rate came from them. Have you a better source than that? Rush and Hannity don't count.

The concession wherein you claim that a chart pulled from the internet, set by the fraudulent standards created by the fraudulent executive branch... represents something other than deceit.

But hey, you're animated by evil and that's pretty much what one should reasonably expect from evil.

See how that works?

You are a stark raving lunatic. The BLS , a government agency that has existed long before Obama became president, puts data on the Internet for all of for all of us to read and heed. If you want to reject that source then where did you get your second hand information? Please tell us...
I am holding my chuckles just for you.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.
Yeah, tell me about it.

So if Obama got the wrong information, who got fired? I mean it isnt like there is one guy giving him advice or information. It goes through many hands before ending up on his desk and they discuss it etc.
As for the GOP, the Dems controlled both Houses of Congress. The GOP was powerless to stop anything.

If I remember correctly Obama kept a number of Republicans in his administration. His naivete showed when he allowed the GOP to take advantage of his desire for bipartisanship. While he may have intended to keep his enemies close so he could keep his eye on them, it is clear now that their designs were to undermine his presidency from the start.

I notice you keep avoiding the fact that the tax cuts for the rich and the GOPs promise of job creation
may have had a deeper impact on Obama's thinking than you care to admit.
That's like totally irrelevent. A complete non response. And of course wrong.
The Republicans kept were Gates at Defense. There wasnt a single Republican on his economic team. So that's a lie.
Obama never allowed the GOP to take any advantage at all. His porkulus bill passed with very few GOP votes,none on the House as I recall. So that's a lie
There wwere no "tax cuts for the rich." That meme is old and discredited. There were tax cuts across the board. Tax cuts Democrats voted to extend.
You have no idea what Obama's thinking was. You're making shit up.
IOW, another total fraud of a posting from someone who doesnt know his ass from a hole i the ground.

Your credibility sucks around here. With the shreds of your last argument hanging off your ass like toilet paper, I wouldn't get too cocky just yet! Gimme a link to all that BS above or STFU!
"Your credibility sucks" = You're eating my lunch.
All of that is well founded and you can use Google like any adult with two brain cells. Show me the Republicans among Obama's economic advisors. Show me the Republicans he held over besides Gates. There arent any.
You're just sore because you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about.

I said that Obama "kept" Republicans in his administration. What I meant by "keeping" is that the appointment of Republicans like like Chuck Hegel and Eric Shinseki proves his dedication to bipartisanship. After Shinseki resigned he was replaced by another Republican. Counting Gates
3+ 1 plus one equals 4.

Now, I said nothing about economics or which department heads were given to Republicans. That's your insertion. Thats your problem...you lie in plain plain view where everyone can see it. You are a worthless scum bag.
You claimed Obama's failure in his prediction on the unemployment rate was because he retained Republicans.
Of course he did not retain Republicans. The only one was Gates. Hegel was appointed later. Shinseki, who was probably not a Republican to begin with, was appointed later. Neither one had anything to do with economics.
So your point is refuted by your own words.
Your attempt to deflect is turned back.
Your refutation and humiliation is complete.
Now go hang yourself.

Sweet MOTHER that is hysterical. The Unemployment rate in the US remains well over 15%.

The International Financial Markets were crashed by the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, wherein Leftists in the US Legislature coerced the US lending markets to set aside sound, actuarial lending principle, and replaced with an irrational notion of "FAIRNESS", in the name of the great unfairness, OKA: Socialist Justice.

This treachery occurred over the latter decades of the 20th, finally culminating in the last half of the first decade of the 21st Century, in what will forever be known as The Greatest Depression.

The above post is a lie, known to the individual bringing it as Deceit, despite their claiming it as truth, advanced through Fraudulent means, for the purpose of influencing the Ignorant.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Three Fundamental Elements of Socialism.

Oh, brother! Another ignoramus who failed to read the posts made subsequent to the initial op. LINK please! Your bad breath isn't credible evidence of anything except the need for a better mouthwash!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
What concession? I just underlined your failure to read what has already been said in this thread chuckles! You are a bit late. BTW, have you ever heard of the BLS? The present 5.9% UE rate came from them. Have you a better source than that? Rush and Hannity don't count.

The concession wherein you claim that a chart pulled from the internet, set by the fraudulent standards created by the fraudulent executive branch... represents something other than deceit.

But hey, you're animated by evil and that's pretty much what one should reasonably expect from evil.

See how that works?

You are a stark raving lunatic. The BLS , a government agency that has existed long before Obama became president, puts data on the Internet for all of for all of us to read and heed. If you want to reject that source then where did you get your second hand information? Please tell us...
I am holding my chuckles just for you.
You have no credibility. You have been unmasked as an unserious partisan hack with low information.
Unemployment June 2008 5.8%
2014 Sept 5.9%


now look closely
June 2008 66.1%
September 2014 62.7%

Now fuck off
You are showing a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people.
In July 2008 (not June) when the UE rate was 5.8%, there were 8,937,000 unemployed, 154,464 ,000 in the labor force, and a population of 233,864,000
So 8 937,000/154,464,000 = 5.8% and 154,464,000/233,864,000=66.1%

For September, unemployment was 9,262,000, labor force was 155,862,000, and population was 248,446,000
9,262,000/155,862,000=5.9% and 155,862,000/248,446,000=62.7%

The number of people in the labor force is higher, but as a percent of the population, it's lower.
"a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people"
Do you drink before you post? Do you even think before you comment to defend the fuck up in the white house?
When Bush had 5.8% unemployment more people were in the workforce so spin that shit somewhere else.
If I remember correctly Obama kept a number of Republicans in his administration. His naivete showed when he allowed the GOP to take advantage of his desire for bipartisanship. While he may have intended to keep his enemies close so he could keep his eye on them, it is clear now that their designs were to undermine his presidency from the start.

I notice you keep avoiding the fact that the tax cuts for the rich and the GOPs promise of job creation
may have had a deeper impact on Obama's thinking than you care to admit.
That's like totally irrelevent. A complete non response. And of course wrong.
The Republicans kept were Gates at Defense. There wasnt a single Republican on his economic team. So that's a lie.
Obama never allowed the GOP to take any advantage at all. His porkulus bill passed with very few GOP votes,none on the House as I recall. So that's a lie
There wwere no "tax cuts for the rich." That meme is old and discredited. There were tax cuts across the board. Tax cuts Democrats voted to extend.
You have no idea what Obama's thinking was. You're making shit up.
IOW, another total fraud of a posting from someone who doesnt know his ass from a hole i the ground.

Your credibility sucks around here. With the shreds of your last argument hanging off your ass like toilet paper, I wouldn't get too cocky just yet! Gimme a link to all that BS above or STFU!
"Your credibility sucks" = You're eating my lunch.
All of that is well founded and you can use Google like any adult with two brain cells. Show me the Republicans among Obama's economic advisors. Show me the Republicans he held over besides Gates. There arent any.
You're just sore because you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about.

I said that Obama "kept" Republicans in his administration. What I meant by "keeping" is that the appointment of Republicans like like Chuck Hegel and Eric Shinseki proves his dedication to bipartisanship. After Shinseki resigned he was replaced by another Republican. Counting Gates
3+ 1 plus one equals 4.

Now, I said nothing about economics or which department heads were given to Republicans. That's your insertion. Thats your problem...you lie in plain plain view where everyone can see it. You are a worthless scum bag.
You claimed Obama's failure in his prediction on the unemployment rate was because he retained Republicans.
Of course he did not retain Republicans. The only one was Gates. Hegel was appointed later. Shinseki, who was probably not a Republican to begin with, was appointed later. Neither one had anything to do with economics.
So your point is refuted by your own words.
Your attempt to deflect is turned back.
Your refutation and humiliation is complete.
Now go hang yourself.
I made no such claims, fool. That's just your wild imagination running amok again. Your reading comprehension is as bad as ever. But I don't want you to go hang yourself. You are a living offering to the gods of ultimate ignorance and a shill for the demons of stupidity.
I explained what I meant and I explained what I said; I don't need you to try to interpret either. You can barely comprehend a simple graph, let alone a complex exchange about what someone said in
Post you didn't write. Idiot!
Unemployment June 2008 5.8%
2014 Sept 5.9%


now look closely
June 2008 66.1%
September 2014 62.7%

Now fuck off
You are showing a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people.
In July 2008 (not June) when the UE rate was 5.8%, there were 8,937,000 unemployed, 154,464 ,000 in the labor force, and a population of 233,864,000
So 8 937,000/154,464,000 = 5.8% and 154,464,000/233,864,000=66.1%

For September, unemployment was 9,262,000, labor force was 155,862,000, and population was 248,446,000
9,262,000/155,862,000=5.9% and 155,862,000/248,446,000=62.7%

The number of people in the labor force is higher, but as a percent of the population, it's lower.
"a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people"
Do you drink before you post? Do you even think before you comment to defend the fuck up in the white house?
When Bush had 5.8% unemployment more people were in the workforce so spin that shit somewhere else.
Yes Bush did. What about it?
Starting in Jan. 20, 2001, at the beginning of George W. Bush’s administration, the rate was 2.4 percent, but by the time he left in January 2009 it had reached 7 percent. The rate now is 5.9% and is on track to get even lower.


Sweet MOTHER that is hysterical. The Unemployment rate in the US remains well over 15%.

The International Financial Markets were crashed by the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, wherein Leftists in the US Legislature coerced the US lending markets to set aside sound, actuarial lending principle, and replaced with an irrational notion of "FAIRNESS", in the name of the great unfairness, OKA: Socialist Justice.

This treachery occurred over the latter decades of the 20th, finally culminating in the last half of the first decade of the 21st Century, in what will forever be known as The Greatest Depression.

The above post is a lie, known to the individual bringing it as Deceit, despite their claiming it as truth, advanced through Fraudulent means, for the purpose of influencing the Ignorant.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Three Fundamental Elements of Socialism.

Oh, brother! Another ignoramus who failed to read the posts made subsequent to the initial op. LINK please! Your bad breath isn't credible evidence of anything except the need for a better mouthwash!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
What concession? I just underlined your failure to read what has already been said in this thread chuckles! You are a bit late. BTW, have you ever heard of the BLS? The present 5.9% UE rate came from them. Have you a better source than that? Rush and Hannity don't count.
You failed in life you failed at this thread
Unemployment June 2008 5.8%
2014 Sept 5.9%


now look closely
June 2008 66.1%
September 2014 62.7%

Now fuck off
You are showing a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people.
In July 2008 (not June) when the UE rate was 5.8%, there were 8,937,000 unemployed, 154,464 ,000 in the labor force, and a population of 233,864,000
So 8 937,000/154,464,000 = 5.8% and 154,464,000/233,864,000=66.1%

For September, unemployment was 9,262,000, labor force was 155,862,000, and population was 248,446,000
9,262,000/155,862,000=5.9% and 155,862,000/248,446,000=62.7%

The number of people in the labor force is higher, but as a percent of the population, it's lower.
"a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people"
Do you drink before you post? Do you even think before you comment to defend the fuck up in the white house?
I don't know why you think that's defending the White House. And I note that that you can't show anything wrong with my post. It's pretty clear.
Thanks for pointing to your error
What error?
It's really puzzling that you don't seem to understand the difference between number of people and percent.
You puzzle easily you seem to get stumped at 1+1 =5 when no one accepts your answer
You are showing a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people.
In July 2008 (not June) when the UE rate was 5.8%, there were 8,937,000 unemployed, 154,464 ,000 in the labor force, and a population of 233,864,000
So 8 937,000/154,464,000 = 5.8% and 154,464,000/233,864,000=66.1%

For September, unemployment was 9,262,000, labor force was 155,862,000, and population was 248,446,000
9,262,000/155,862,000=5.9% and 155,862,000/248,446,000=62.7%

The number of people in the labor force is higher, but as a percent of the population, it's lower.
"a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people"
Do you drink before you post? Do you even think before you comment to defend the fuck up in the white house?
I don't know why you think that's defending the White House. And I note that that you can't show anything wrong with my post. It's pretty clear.
Thanks for pointing to your error
What error?
It's really puzzling that you don't seem to understand the difference between number of people and percent.
You puzzle easily you seem to get stumped at 1+1 =5 when no one accepts your answer
Well of course I get stumped when you claim 1+ 1 = 5
But let's try some basics.
How many people were in the Labor Force in July 2008 and how many people were in the Labor Force in September 2014.
No charts, tables, or links…just state how many millions.
Last edited:
That's like totally irrelevent. A complete non response. And of course wrong.
The Republicans kept were Gates at Defense. There wasnt a single Republican on his economic team. So that's a lie.
Obama never allowed the GOP to take any advantage at all. His porkulus bill passed with very few GOP votes,none on the House as I recall. So that's a lie
There wwere no "tax cuts for the rich." That meme is old and discredited. There were tax cuts across the board. Tax cuts Democrats voted to extend.
You have no idea what Obama's thinking was. You're making shit up.
IOW, another total fraud of a posting from someone who doesnt know his ass from a hole i the ground.

Your credibility sucks around here. With the shreds of your last argument hanging off your ass like toilet paper, I wouldn't get too cocky just yet! Gimme a link to all that BS above or STFU!
"Your credibility sucks" = You're eating my lunch.
All of that is well founded and you can use Google like any adult with two brain cells. Show me the Republicans among Obama's economic advisors. Show me the Republicans he held over besides Gates. There arent any.
You're just sore because you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about.

I said that Obama "kept" Republicans in his administration. What I meant by "keeping" is that the appointment of Republicans like like Chuck Hegel and Eric Shinseki proves his dedication to bipartisanship. After Shinseki resigned he was replaced by another Republican. Counting Gates
3+ 1 plus one equals 4.

Now, I said nothing about economics or which department heads were given to Republicans. That's your insertion. Thats your problem...you lie in plain plain view where everyone can see it. You are a worthless scum bag.
You claimed Obama's failure in his prediction on the unemployment rate was because he retained Republicans.
Of course he did not retain Republicans. The only one was Gates. Hegel was appointed later. Shinseki, who was probably not a Republican to begin with, was appointed later. Neither one had anything to do with economics.
So your point is refuted by your own words.
Your attempt to deflect is turned back.
Your refutation and humiliation is complete.
Now go hang yourself.
I made no such claims, fool. That's just your wild imagination running amok again. Your reading comprehension is as bad as ever. But I don't want you to go hang yourself. You are a living offering to the gods of ultimate ignorance and a shill for the demons of stupidity.
I explained what I meant and I explained what I said; I don't need you to try to interpret either. You can barely comprehend a simple graph, let alone a complex exchange about what someone said in
Post you didn't write. Idiot!
If I remember correctly Obama kept a number of Republicans in his administration. His naivete showed when he allowed the GOP to take advantage of his desire for bipartisanship. While he may have intended to keep his enemies close so he could keep his eye on them, it is clear now that their designs were to undermine his presidency from the start.
Post 470.
That was exactly what you claimed. Obama retained Republicans in his administration and they undermined him by giving him bad info.
Sucks being you.
Unemployment June 2008 5.8%
2014 Sept 5.9%


now look closely
June 2008 66.1%
September 2014 62.7%

Now fuck off
You are showing a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people.
In July 2008 (not June) when the UE rate was 5.8%, there were 8,937,000 unemployed, 154,464 ,000 in the labor force, and a population of 233,864,000
So 8 937,000/154,464,000 = 5.8% and 154,464,000/233,864,000=66.1%

For September, unemployment was 9,262,000, labor force was 155,862,000, and population was 248,446,000
9,262,000/155,862,000=5.9% and 155,862,000/248,446,000=62.7%

The number of people in the labor force is higher, but as a percent of the population, it's lower.
"a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people"
Do you drink before you post? Do you even think before you comment to defend the fuck up in the white house?
When Bush had 5.8% unemployment more people were in the workforce so spin that shit somewhere else.
Yes Bush did. What about it?
Liar! :eusa_liar:
Unemployment June 2008 5.8%
2014 Sept 5.9%


now look closely
June 2008 66.1%
September 2014 62.7%

Now fuck off
You are showing a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people.
In July 2008 (not June) when the UE rate was 5.8%, there were 8,937,000 unemployed, 154,464 ,000 in the labor force, and a population of 233,864,000
So 8 937,000/154,464,000 = 5.8% and 154,464,000/233,864,000=66.1%

For September, unemployment was 9,262,000, labor force was 155,862,000, and population was 248,446,000
9,262,000/155,862,000=5.9% and 155,862,000/248,446,000=62.7%

The number of people in the labor force is higher, but as a percent of the population, it's lower.
"a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people"
Do you drink before you post? Do you even think before you comment to defend the fuck up in the white house?
When Bush had 5.8% unemployment more people were in the workforce so spin that shit somewhere else.
Yes Bush did. What about it?
Liar! :eusa_liar:
Laughing my ass off at your stupidity
"a larger PERCENT of th population in the labor force, not larger number of people"
Do you drink before you post? Do you even think before you comment to defend the fuck up in the white house?
I don't know why you think that's defending the White House. And I note that that you can't show anything wrong with my post. It's pretty clear.
Thanks for pointing to your error
What error?
It's really puzzling that you don't seem to understand the difference between number of people and percent.
You puzzle easily you seem to get stumped at 1+1 =5 when no one accepts your answer
Well of course I get stumped when you claim 1+ 1 = 5
But let's try some basics.
How many people were in the Labor Force in July 2008 and how many people were in the Labor Force in September 2014.
No charts, tables, or links…just state how many millions.
No what you have been saying is like saying 1+1=5 and then you expect others to believe it.
Starting in Jan. 20, 2001, at the beginning of George W. Bush’s administration, the rate was 2.4 percent, but by the time he left in January 2009 it had reached 7 percent. The rate now is 5.9% and is on track to get even lower.


Sweet MOTHER that is hysterical. The Unemployment rate in the US remains well over 15%.

The International Financial Markets were crashed by the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, wherein Leftists in the US Legislature coerced the US lending markets to set aside sound, actuarial lending principle, and replaced with an irrational notion of "FAIRNESS", in the name of the great unfairness, OKA: Socialist Justice.

This treachery occurred over the latter decades of the 20th, finally culminating in the last half of the first decade of the 21st Century, in what will forever be known as The Greatest Depression.

The above post is a lie, known to the individual bringing it as Deceit, despite their claiming it as truth, advanced through Fraudulent means, for the purpose of influencing the Ignorant.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Three Fundamental Elements of Socialism.

Oh, brother! Another ignoramus who failed to read the posts made subsequent to the initial op. LINK please! Your bad breath isn't credible evidence of anything except the need for a better mouthwash!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
What concession? I just underlined your failure to read what has already been said in this thread chuckles! You are a bit late. BTW, have you ever heard of the BLS? The present 5.9% UE rate came from them. Have you a better source than that? Rush and Hannity don't count.
You failed in life you failed at this thread

Your failure to recognize the salient points comprised through sound reasoning, does not render that reasoning failed.

You're an inveterate liar, who exhibits the unmistakable symptoms of delusion common to clinical sociopathy.

That you're also an advocate for obama, merely reinforces the mountain of evidence which demonstrates that evil cannot exist except in the presence of deceit, fraud and ignorance.
Your credibility sucks around here. With the shreds of your last argument hanging off your ass like toilet paper, I wouldn't get too cocky just yet! Gimme a link to all that BS above or STFU!
"Your credibility sucks" = You're eating my lunch.
All of that is well founded and you can use Google like any adult with two brain cells. Show me the Republicans among Obama's economic advisors. Show me the Republicans he held over besides Gates. There arent any.
You're just sore because you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about.

I said that Obama "kept" Republicans in his administration. What I meant by "keeping" is that the appointment of Republicans like like Chuck Hegel and Eric Shinseki proves his dedication to bipartisanship. After Shinseki resigned he was replaced by another Republican. Counting Gates
3+ 1 plus one equals 4.

Now, I said nothing about economics or which department heads were given to Republicans. That's your insertion. Thats your problem...you lie in plain plain view where everyone can see it. You are a worthless scum bag.
You claimed Obama's failure in his prediction on the unemployment rate was because he retained Republicans.
Of course he did not retain Republicans. The only one was Gates. Hegel was appointed later. Shinseki, who was probably not a Republican to begin with, was appointed later. Neither one had anything to do with economics.
So your point is refuted by your own words.
Your attempt to deflect is turned back.
Your refutation and humiliation is complete.
Now go hang yourself.
I made no such claims, fool. That's just your wild imagination running amok again. Your reading comprehension is as bad as ever. But I don't want you to go hang yourself. You are a living offering to the gods of ultimate ignorance and a shill for the demons of stupidity.
I explained what I meant and I explained what I said; I don't need you to try to interpret either. You can barely comprehend a simple graph, let alone a complex exchange about what someone said in
Post you didn't write. Idiot!
If I remember correctly Obama kept a number of Republicans in his administration. His naivete showed when he allowed the GOP to take advantage of his desire for bipartisanship. While he may have intended to keep his enemies close so he could keep his eye on them, it is clear now that their designs were to undermine his presidency from the start.
Post 470.
That was exactly what you claimed. Obama retained Republicans in his administration and they undermined him by giving him bad info.
Sucks being you.

Again, your interpretation of what I said is wrong. Obama to this very day has kept Republicans in his administration. Do you understand, dummy? BTW, how is that short reading coming along?

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