Unemployment rate falls as 161000 jobs added

Fake numbers. Made up.

Gas should get below $3.00 a gallon.

94,600,000 not in the workforce, but please tell us more about those great TacoBell jobs

Why are you concerned with 50 million retirees?

Even by your math, how does 46,000,000 not working make a sub 5% ue, Jake

Well lets start with the 50 million retirees
Then add 13 million stay at home moms, 12 million students 16-24, 9 million handicapped, 2.5 million in prison

Why are you so concerned that they are not in the workforce?
We'll wait until 6 weeks from now when the actual numbers are adjusted DOWN, as they have been for years with the Obama administration.
Expect Obama to declare the economy grew 20%!!!!! last month thanks to Hillary this Saturday morning.

Employment Situation Summary
The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for August was revised up from +167,000
to +176,000, and the change for September was revised up from +156,000 to +191,000. With
these revisions, employment gains in August and September combined were 44,000 more than
previously reported.
See...if George W. knew that simply forcing people out of the labor force an onto unemployent so long they gave up looking for work would lower the unemployment rate, we could have had 0% unemployment.....
You do know that Bush had 80+ million not in the labor force and 12+ million unemployed when he left.
Seeing that we need 200,000 just to meet increasing population, this is being damned by faint praise.
Try 132,917 to maintain the 4.9% UE rate accounting for population growth.

Jobs Calculator
Right.with an interactive calculator you can also come up with 500,000 jobs a month or 40,000 if you wish and claim Obama quadrupled it. Try it on someone as enlightened as yourself. You might just get away with it.

Government jobs as % of total U.S. jobs, under…
Reagan: 16.6%
Clinton: 15.7%
W Bush: 16.7%
Obama: 15.3%

Good numbers and Hillary is beginning to move up at fivethiftyeight.com

Alt Righters were celebrating a little early.
Unemployment under 5%
Obamagas at $2 a gallon
The President at 54% approval

Looks like Republicans can't run on the economy

Good thing Obama gas is finally under $5 bucks a gallon people can now put that money tp their sky high premiums , deductable under obozo care

*Sheesh* you would think this was a conspiracy or something..

Middle class can't win from losing under this POS...lol

Obama has the highest number of citizens employed in US history.

Obama has the 2nd highest percent of working age population employed in US history. Clinton holds the record.

Obama set record for most conservative months of job growth in US history.

Clinton created more Jobs than Republican Presidents Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!!!

Obama created more Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!!!
Obama has the highest number of citizens employed in US history.

Obama has the 2nd highest percent of working age population employed in US history. Clinton holds the record.

Obama set record for most conservative months of job growth in US history.

Clinton created more Jobs than Republican Presidents Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!!!

Obama created more Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!!!

LOL! Any lie, and act. 3 days.

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