Unemployment rate drops to 3.8%

There are lairs, damn liars and statistics. Keep this in mind when only one statistic is used to make a conclusion (which usually suits the narrative of the poster).
Ok, here are your answers using the most recent estimates available.

Q. How many are FT jobs
For May 2018, 129,014,000 people usually work full time (35+ hrs/week), but 7,819,000 worked fewer than 35 hours May 6-12: 6,491,000 for personal reasons (mostly vacation) and 1,328,000 for business reasons.

Q. How many offer health insurance and a retirement package
For March 2017, 63% of all civilian workers (78% of all full-time workers) had access to both a retirement plan and medical care.

Q. How many are seasonal
Unknown, but in May 2018, 147,000 people who wanted to and were available to work 35+ hours, worked fewer because of seasonal jobs. About half had been in this situation for the last 6 months.

Q. How many pay minimum wage
The annual average for 2017 was 1,824,000 working at or below the minimum wage

Q. How many pay a living wage
That’s too subjective to even define, let alone measure.

Q. How many include sick pay and vacation pay
For March 2017, 63% of all workers (76% of full time workers) had access to both sick leave and vacation days.
Q. How many which once were Union Jobs are now jobs for self contractors.
There’s no way to measure that.

Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2017 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

A-25. Persons at work 1 to 34 hours in all and in nonagricultural industries by reason for working less than 35 hours and usual full- or part-time status[/B]

Table A-9. Selected employment indicators

Paid leave combinations: Access

Medical care benefit combinations: Access
more bad news for our friends on the left
the unemployment rate was 3.8 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.
Donnie Dirt Bag himself says that number is FAKE!
He says the real number is the "not in labor force" total which increased by 170,000 causing the LFPR to drop another .1%
Donnie Dirt Bag's unemployment percent is due to loss of available workers.

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

Laughing Out Loud and Oh My Goodness! You are simply dishonest. When some conservatives cited the U-6 rate during the Obama years, you guys hollered up and down that it was "irrelevant," "meaningless," etc., etc. You insisted on just going by the U-3 rate. My, my, how times have changed. Of course, you insisted on ignoring the U-6 rate because it was historically high under Obama.

I have personally already shown you that the U-6 rate is at historically low levels. Right now it's at 7.6%. Do you know the last time it was that low? May 2001, 17 years ago. Under Obama, the U-6 was at 9%-plus for most of his presidency and only dipped below 8% one time (to 7.9% in October 2017).

By the way, the economy added 18,000 manufacturing jobs in May, another solid increase in this vital field.
Those were not manufacturing jobs. They were burger flipping jobs. I guess Trump figures making a hamburger counts as manufacturing

I'm sure you have a link on that.

Even if it were true, a burger job will make a heck of a lot more than a "shovel-ready" job....dumbass.

Shovel Ready jobs were construction and roadwork jobs...$20 an hour plus

Trump Jobs pay minimum wage

I really doubt they would be minimum wage, although that would be a heck of a lot more than Obama's shovel ready jobs.
.,,at the peak of the recession and unemployment, public employee unemployment was unchanged at 3.8%.
I don’t think so:

Two things here:
The total UE rate is smoothed out to adjust for normal seasonal changes, while the government employee rate is not adjusted, so shows more ups and downs.

And 2010 was a Census year so a large number of people were hired as temporary census employees, and yet the unemployment rate for government workers still went up.

Note that military personnel are not included in either rate.

We are talking about STATE public employees not federal and not military. The question is how did STATES spend the stimulus money, the answer is they spent it on STATE public employee payroll to avoid laying off STATE public employees. You seeing the pattern here, STATE level.
Public employees include federal. But besides that, there are no official published statistics differentiating between state/local and federal. All government employees are lumped together. So where did you get your 3.8% claim?

But ok, let’s look at state (not federal, not local) government payrolls, as that data is published.


I’m seeing a slight drop once the stimulus was passed.

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