Understanding What You Have Done....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…had you understood what you voted for.

1.Full disclosure…whether Trump or Biden is declared the ultimate victor, I don’t believe that America, nor Western Civilization, have a great deal of time left. Part of reason is that perpetuity of any culture is not documented in history’s record.
The fact of having been born is a bad augury for immortality. George Santayana

2. The second reason for that observation is that, in my experience, human beings far more often become lazy, rather than become industrious. And lazy becomes the basis for thought and behavior. It is simpler to simply accept what one is told rather than doing the reading/research necessary to be certain. And the Left sees to it that they are told, over and over, what they need the lazy to believe.
And the result is Reagan’s adage: "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.”

3. Although Left controls all the manner of dissemination of information…schools, media, entertainment industry, publishing….one cannot declare Liberals, Democrat voters, free of blame.

Because they are lazy and accepting of what they are told, we are about to lose the closest humanity has ever come to Utopia: This is what we had within our grasp:
Compared to an earlier time, mothers and their children can expect to survive childbirth, and their children live another eight decades. Almost every American lives in a climate-controlled home with food and a TV. They have a car, refrig, microwave, and a cell phone. We have computers with internet, buy products from all over the globe, and cheaply, at that. None will be enslaved, few murdered, and free to have unpopular views or lifestyles. You can worship as you wish, or not at all. There is no institutional racism, and no governmental requirement to have or not have children. There is no aristocracy, no perennial wealth class, and most will die richer than when they were born. Western Civilization, here, and promised to the whole world.

If Democrat voters had been adults, and not the infantilized followers that they have become, they would have judged the policies of the party they voted for, and recognized that the figurehead is far less important.

Any of these policies benefit America?

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.
Can't get over Trump's historic loss?

…had you understood what you voted for.

1.Full disclosure…whether Trump or Biden is declared the ultimate victor, I don’t believe that America, nor Western Civilization, have a great deal of time left. Part of reason is that perpetuity of any culture is not documented in history’s record.
The fact of having been born is a bad augury for immortality. George Santayana

2. The second reason for that observation is that, in my experience, human beings far more often become lazy, rather than become industrious. And lazy becomes the basis for thought and behavior. It is simpler to simply accept what one is told rather than doing the reading/research necessary to be certain. And the Left sees to it that they are told, over and over, what they need the lazy to believe.
And the result is Reagan’s adage: "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.”

3. Although Left controls all the manner of dissemination of information…schools, media, entertainment industry, publishing….one cannot declare Liberals, Democrat voters, free of blame.

Because they are lazy and accepting of what they are told, we are about to lose the closest humanity has ever come to Utopia: This is what we had within our grasp:
Compared to an earlier time, mothers and their children can expect to survive childbirth, and their children live another eight decades. Almost every American lives in a climate-controlled home with food and a TV. They have a car, refrig, microwave, and a cell phone. We have computers with internet, buy products from all over the globe, and cheaply, at that. None will be enslaved, few murdered, and free to have unpopular views or lifestyles. You can worship as you wish, or not at all. There is no institutional racism, and no governmental requirement to have or not have children. There is no aristocracy, no perennial wealth class, and most will die richer than when they were born. Western Civilization, here, and promised to the whole world.

If Democrat voters had been adults, and not the infantilized followers that they have become, they would have judged the policies of the party they voted for, and recognized that the figurehead is far less important.

Any of these policies benefit America?

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.
The agenda of the left is to destroy the US from within. Cloward/Piven boldly expressed it and along with Alinsky published detailed plans on how to do so. These ARE NOT fellow patriots with a different perspective on economics and social freedom. These "people" are either mindless drones with brains baked by leftist apparatchiks, or malicious criminal sociopaths deliberately working on a marxist agenda to make America subservient to a global collectivist state. Just like the soviets hoped to make Moscow the international capital of a global government, the modern leftist elites seek to make UN headquarters in NYC their capital. If the biggest domino on earth falls, the rest will be a piece of cake.

Any of these policies benefit America?
Unjust wars, foreign and domestic and never ending?

Monetary policy used to enslave for world wide hegemony?

Global colonization?

Public Education?

Borrow to spend?

Less evil is better than more evil?

Official lies are official lies- whose best interest is served?

Interventionism that costs lives and money? Who benefits?

intellectual dishonesty- who benefits?
…had you understood what you voted for.

1.Full disclosure…whether Trump or Biden is declared the ultimate victor, I don’t believe that America, nor Western Civilization, have a great deal of time left. Part of reason is that perpetuity of any culture is not documented in history’s record.
The fact of having been born is a bad augury for immortality. George Santayana

2. The second reason for that observation is that, in my experience, human beings far more often become lazy, rather than become industrious. And lazy becomes the basis for thought and behavior. It is simpler to simply accept what one is told rather than doing the reading/research necessary to be certain. And the Left sees to it that they are told, over and over, what they need the lazy to believe.
And the result is Reagan’s adage: "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.”

3. Although Left controls all the manner of dissemination of information…schools, media, entertainment industry, publishing….one cannot declare Liberals, Democrat voters, free of blame.

Because they are lazy and accepting of what they are told, we are about to lose the closest humanity has ever come to Utopia: This is what we had within our grasp:
Compared to an earlier time, mothers and their children can expect to survive childbirth, and their children live another eight decades. Almost every American lives in a climate-controlled home with food and a TV. They have a car, refrig, microwave, and a cell phone. We have computers with internet, buy products from all over the globe, and cheaply, at that. None will be enslaved, few murdered, and free to have unpopular views or lifestyles. You can worship as you wish, or not at all. There is no institutional racism, and no governmental requirement to have or not have children. There is no aristocracy, no perennial wealth class, and most will die richer than when they were born. Western Civilization, here, and promised to the whole world.

If Democrat voters had been adults, and not the infantilized followers that they have become, they would have judged the policies of the party they voted for, and recognized that the figurehead is far less important.

Any of these policies benefit America?

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.
Let you s know when you have anything if to say that is reality based.
…had you understood what you voted for.

1.Full disclosure…whether Trump or Biden is declared the ultimate victor, I don’t believe that America, nor Western Civilization, have a great deal of time left. Part of reason is that perpetuity of any culture is not documented in history’s record.
The fact of having been born is a bad augury for immortality. George Santayana

2. The second reason for that observation is that, in my experience, human beings far more often become lazy, rather than become industrious. And lazy becomes the basis for thought and behavior. It is simpler to simply accept what one is told rather than doing the reading/research necessary to be certain. And the Left sees to it that they are told, over and over, what they need the lazy to believe.
And the result is Reagan’s adage: "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.”

3. Although Left controls all the manner of dissemination of information…schools, media, entertainment industry, publishing….one cannot declare Liberals, Democrat voters, free of blame.

Because they are lazy and accepting of what they are told, we are about to lose the closest humanity has ever come to Utopia: This is what we had within our grasp:
Compared to an earlier time, mothers and their children can expect to survive childbirth, and their children live another eight decades. Almost every American lives in a climate-controlled home with food and a TV. They have a car, refrig, microwave, and a cell phone. We have computers with internet, buy products from all over the globe, and cheaply, at that. None will be enslaved, few murdered, and free to have unpopular views or lifestyles. You can worship as you wish, or not at all. There is no institutional racism, and no governmental requirement to have or not have children. There is no aristocracy, no perennial wealth class, and most will die richer than when they were born. Western Civilization, here, and promised to the whole world.

If Democrat voters had been adults, and not the infantilized followers that they have become, they would have judged the policies of the party they voted for, and recognized that the figurehead is far less important.

Any of these policies benefit America?

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.
Thank you, PC, :thankusmile:
Ok but when the US falls, do I get to stay in Merica Damn It or do I have to pilgrimage to the land of my ancestors?
…had you understood what you voted for.

1.Full disclosure…whether Trump or Biden is declared the ultimate victor, I don’t believe that America, nor Western Civilization, have a great deal of time left. Part of reason is that perpetuity of any culture is not documented in history’s record.
The fact of having been born is a bad augury for immortality. George Santayana

2. The second reason for that observation is that, in my experience, human beings far more often become lazy, rather than become industrious. And lazy becomes the basis for thought and behavior. It is simpler to simply accept what one is told rather than doing the reading/research necessary to be certain. And the Left sees to it that they are told, over and over, what they need the lazy to believe.
And the result is Reagan’s adage: "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.”

3. Although Left controls all the manner of dissemination of information…schools, media, entertainment industry, publishing….one cannot declare Liberals, Democrat voters, free of blame.

Because they are lazy and accepting of what they are told, we are about to lose the closest humanity has ever come to Utopia: This is what we had within our grasp:
Compared to an earlier time, mothers and their children can expect to survive childbirth, and their children live another eight decades. Almost every American lives in a climate-controlled home with food and a TV. They have a car, refrig, microwave, and a cell phone. We have computers with internet, buy products from all over the globe, and cheaply, at that. None will be enslaved, few murdered, and free to have unpopular views or lifestyles. You can worship as you wish, or not at all. There is no institutional racism, and no governmental requirement to have or not have children. There is no aristocracy, no perennial wealth class, and most will die richer than when they were born. Western Civilization, here, and promised to the whole world.

If Democrat voters had been adults, and not the infantilized followers that they have become, they would have judged the policies of the party they voted for, and recognized that the figurehead is far less important.

Any of these policies benefit America?

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.
Let you s know when you have anything if to say that is reality based.

"You are a stupid and crazy person. Seek therapy." - Kavik Kang, on the programmed Progressive response
I agree with some of the op. I don't see laziness growing however. Young people are working and with their skills are productive as ever. Despite who is the potus it doesn't really matter. The only big difference that I see is a growing number of married couples are choosing not to have kids so they can focus on their careers and build wealth. That isn't in the end a bad thing it's just one I notice. But life will forge ahead no matter who ends up being declared the winner.
…had you understood what you voted for.

1.Full disclosure…whether Trump or Biden is declared the ultimate victor, I don’t believe that America, nor Western Civilization, have a great deal of time left. Part of reason is that perpetuity of any culture is not documented in history’s record.
The fact of having been born is a bad augury for immortality. George Santayana

2. The second reason for that observation is that, in my experience, human beings far more often become lazy, rather than become industrious. And lazy becomes the basis for thought and behavior. It is simpler to simply accept what one is told rather than doing the reading/research necessary to be certain. And the Left sees to it that they are told, over and over, what they need the lazy to believe.
And the result is Reagan’s adage: "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.”

3. Although Left controls all the manner of dissemination of information…schools, media, entertainment industry, publishing….one cannot declare Liberals, Democrat voters, free of blame.

Because they are lazy and accepting of what they are told, we are about to lose the closest humanity has ever come to Utopia: This is what we had within our grasp:
Compared to an earlier time, mothers and their children can expect to survive childbirth, and their children live another eight decades. Almost every American lives in a climate-controlled home with food and a TV. They have a car, refrig, microwave, and a cell phone. We have computers with internet, buy products from all over the globe, and cheaply, at that. None will be enslaved, few murdered, and free to have unpopular views or lifestyles. You can worship as you wish, or not at all. There is no institutional racism, and no governmental requirement to have or not have children. There is no aristocracy, no perennial wealth class, and most will die richer than when they were born. Western Civilization, here, and promised to the whole world.

If Democrat voters had been adults, and not the infantilized followers that they have become, they would have judged the policies of the party they voted for, and recognized that the figurehead is far less important.

Any of these policies benefit America?

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.
Let you s know when you have anything if to say that is reality based.

Wow....seems you haven't gotten over the embarrassment of my giving you a lesson in constitutional law about state legislatures being required to alter voting procedure.....


. Not only has it been decided in the US Supreme Court that only the state legislature, and not any court, may alter or set the dates, but this played an important role in the 2000 Gore v Bush case.

“U.S. Supreme Court

McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 (1892)

McPherson v. Blacker

Argued Oct. 11, 1892
Decided Oct. 17, 1892

“The validity of a state law
providing for the appointment of electors of President and Vice President having been drawn in question before the highest tribunal of a state as repugnant to the laws and Constitution of the United States, and that court having decided in favor of its validity, this Court has jurisdiction to review the judgment under Rev.Stat. § 709. Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several states have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed.

Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature.”

You wrote this:
"Bush v gore does not apply silly ijit.
1. It applies to a recount
2. The case specifically says it has no value as precedent. Something you would know if you ever actually read it. "

....and I had to school you.

Let me know if you need another lesson in the law.
4. Once we, our nation, accepted the guidance of the Bible, and the Constitution. We were that ‘shining city on the hill.’
But the lust for power took over, and materialism, colloquially known as Marxism, offered a temptation that certain individuals could not resist: a new religion with themselves as the object of worship.

“It [Communism] is not new. It is, in fact, man's second oldest faith. Its promise was whispered in the first days of the Creation under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: "Ye shall be as gods." It is the great alternative faith of mankind. Like all great faiths, its force derives from a simple vision. Other ages have had great visions. They have always been different versions of the same vision: the vision of God and man's relationship to God. The Communist vision is the vision of Man without God.
It is the vision of man's mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world.” Whittaker Chambers,

5. You’ve given up religion, and the Constitution….and now you’ve voted to give up our nation.
“Joe Biden Vows Amnesty for All Illegal Aliens in First 100 Days: ‘We Owe Them’

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden promised the largest amnesty in United States history at Thursday night’s presidential debate, telling Americans that they “owe” illegal aliens a pathway to American citizenship.

“Within 100 days, I’m going to send to the United States Congress a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people,” Biden said. “And all of those so-called DREAMers, those DACA kids, they’re going to be immediately certified to be able to stay in this country and put on a path to citizenship.”

“We owe them, we owe them,” Biden said, referring to illegal aliens in the U.S.” Joe Biden Vows Amnesty for All Illegals in First 100 Days: 'We Owe Them'

"...citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people,”

Do you know how many there actually are.....or are you as stated in the OP: too lazy to do the research?
We were that ‘shining city on the hill.’
Not really- it was image over substance- and it continues-

But the lust for power took over, and materialism,
Nearly every person I know, is "conservative" (Republican) and very materialistic on top of being hypocrites-

The Bible? Old or New Testament? KJ version? Torah version? Catholic version? Islamist version?

Inquiring minds want to know which god to subscribe to? Which set of men are we mere mortals to believe?
....and I had to school you.

Let me know if you need another lesson in the law.

You don't believe that jabbering imbecile "learned" anything do you? If these sniveling moonbats had the capacity to learn anything they wouldn't still be moonbats. It's bad enough they shit in the streets, but I'm wondering if some of them are even house broken.


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