Understand The Danger We Are In


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
We have a "news" media that blatantly lies to us! Not a lie here and there about little things...but on a minute by minute basis about things of global importance!

For example, in the last week the media has been telling us that we are moving very close to the impeachment of the president of the united states. It could happen at any time now.

The truth is we are no closer to impeachment than we were a year ago...2 years ago. There has not even been a vote to formally INVESTIGATE for impeachment, or draw up articles of impeachment...nothing!

This is dangerous folks! This is the stuff of nazi germany!
Saturating the news with blatant lies 24 hours a day is not helping their cause. The number of people who believe them is shrinking. They're beginning to ask themselves a simple question: If even half of the things the media have accused him of were true, why hasn't he already been impeached? The logical answer is: They must be lying. They're losing credibility on a daily basis.
Saturating the news with blatant lies 24 hours a day is not helping their cause. The number of people who believe them is shrinking. They're beginning to ask themselves a simple question: If even half of the things the media have accused him of were true, why hasn't he already been impeached? The logical answer is: They must be lying. They're losing credibility on a daily basis.

I'd like to believe line that "the american people are waking up"...but I don't....not really. I have little faith in the much-touted wisdom of the "American people" considering that a big chunk of them voted for hillary and many weren't even born in this country.
We have a "news" media that blatantly lies to us! Not a lie here and there about little things...but on a minute by minute basis about things of global importance!

For example, in the last week the media has been telling us that we are moving very close to the impeachment of the president of the united states. It could happen at any time now.

The truth is we are no closer to impeachment than we were a year ago...2 years ago. There has not even been a vote to formally INVESTIGATE for impeachment, or draw up articles of impeachment...nothing!

This is dangerous folks! This is the stuff of nazi germany!
I have not heard that. I don't watch tv anymore, though. Even my NYT daily briefing I get by email doesn't say anything like that.
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing. We need them. We are all smart enough to notice bias and work around it.
Trashing the media is not a great idea, Thunk. Conservatives bitch about CNN and MSNBC and the op eds in WaPo, as if those are the only sources of news out there.

Without the media we'd be like populace of any dictatorship.
We have a "news" media that blatantly lies to us! Not a lie here and there about little things...but on a minute by minute basis about things of global importance!

For example, in the last week the media has been telling us that we are moving very close to the impeachment of the president of the united states. It could happen at any time now.

The truth is we are no closer to impeachment than we were a year ago...2 years ago. There has not even been a vote to formally INVESTIGATE for impeachment, or draw up articles of impeachment...nothing!

This is dangerous folks! This is the stuff of nazi germany!
I have not heard that. I don't watch tv anymore, though. Even my NYT daily briefing I get by email doesn't say anything like that.
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing. We need them. We are all smart enough to notice bias and work around it.
Trashing the media is not a great idea, Thunk. Conservatives bitch about CNN and MSNBC and the op eds in WaPo, as if those are the only sources of news out there.

Without the media we'd be like populace of any dictatorship.

The majority of the news media even aside from bad examples like CNN and MSNBC all do the same things. Stir up trouble, blow things out of proportion especially if a story might have anything at all to do with racism or sexism. Like the recent nationwide coverage of that black middle schooler who lied about white students cutting her dreadlocks. Why does schoolground disputes need to be made national headlines? Why can't journalists bother to fact check?

Because white man bad, thats why.
We have a "news" media that blatantly lies to us! Not a lie here and there about little things...but on a minute by minute basis about things of global importance!

For example, in the last week the media has been telling us that we are moving very close to the impeachment of the president of the united states. It could happen at any time now.

The truth is we are no closer to impeachment than we were a year ago...2 years ago. There has not even been a vote to formally INVESTIGATE for impeachment, or draw up articles of impeachment...nothing!

This is dangerous folks! This is the stuff of nazi germany!
I have not heard that. I don't watch tv anymore, though. Even my NYT daily briefing I get by email doesn't say anything like that.
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing. We need them. We are all smart enough to notice bias and work around it.
Trashing the media is not a great idea, Thunk. Conservatives bitch about CNN and MSNBC and the op eds in WaPo, as if those are the only sources of news out there.

Without the media we'd be like populace of any dictatorship.

The majority of the news media even aside from bad examples like CNN and MSNBC all do the same things. Stir up trouble, blow things out of proportion especially if a story might have anything at all to do with racism or sexism. Like the recent nationwide coverage of that black middle schooler who lied about white students cutting her dreadlocks. Why does schoolground disputes need to be made national headlines? Why can't journalists bother to fact check?

Because white man bad, thats why.
You seem to be pretty well versed on the side of the story you like, though.
So there's another side of the story out there that you don't like. Tough cookies. Too many people are just following the pro-Trump crowd with his ignorant wish to do away with the watchdogs entirely.
We have a "news" media that blatantly lies to us! Not a lie here and there about little things...but on a minute by minute basis about things of global importance!

For example, in the last week the media has been telling us that we are moving very close to the impeachment of the president of the united states. It could happen at any time now.

The truth is we are no closer to impeachment than we were a year ago...2 years ago. There has not even been a vote to formally INVESTIGATE for impeachment, or draw up articles of impeachment...nothing!

This is dangerous folks! This is the stuff of nazi germany!
I have not heard that. I don't watch tv anymore, though. Even my NYT daily briefing I get by email doesn't say anything like that.
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing. We need them. We are all smart enough to notice bias and work around it.
Trashing the media is not a great idea, Thunk. Conservatives bitch about CNN and MSNBC and the op eds in WaPo, as if those are the only sources of news out there.

Without the media we'd be like populace of any dictatorship.

The majority of the news media even aside from bad examples like CNN and MSNBC all do the same things. Stir up trouble, blow things out of proportion especially if a story might have anything at all to do with racism or sexism. Like the recent nationwide coverage of that black middle schooler who lied about white students cutting her dreadlocks. Why does schoolground disputes need to be made national headlines? Why can't journalists bother to fact check?

Because white man bad, thats why.
You seem to be pretty well versed on the side of the story you like, though.
So there's another side of the story out there that you don't like. Tough cookies. Too many people are just following the pro-Trump crowd with his ignorant wish to do away with the watchdogs entirely.

What's the other side of the story about the girl who lied about white boys attacking her? What's the justification for the media "watchdogs" making a huge spectacle of a goddamn playground incident that turned out to be a lie?
We have a "news" media that blatantly lies to us! Not a lie here and there about little things...but on a minute by minute basis about things of global importance!

For example, in the last week the media has been telling us that we are moving very close to the impeachment of the president of the united states. It could happen at any time now.

The truth is we are no closer to impeachment than we were a year ago...2 years ago. There has not even been a vote to formally INVESTIGATE for impeachment, or draw up articles of impeachment...nothing!

This is dangerous folks! This is the stuff of nazi germany!
I have not heard that. I don't watch tv anymore, though. Even my NYT daily briefing I get by email doesn't say anything like that.
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing. We need them. We are all smart enough to notice bias and work around it.
Trashing the media is not a great idea, Thunk. Conservatives bitch about CNN and MSNBC and the op eds in WaPo, as if those are the only sources of news out there.

Without the media we'd be like populace of any dictatorship.
You almost are. You're the next thing to a mushroom right now.
We have a "news" media that blatantly lies to us! Not a lie here and there about little things...but on a minute by minute basis about things of global importance!

For example, in the last week the media has been telling us that we are moving very close to the impeachment of the president of the united states. It could happen at any time now.

The truth is we are no closer to impeachment than we were a year ago...2 years ago. There has not even been a vote to formally INVESTIGATE for impeachment, or draw up articles of impeachment...nothing!

This is dangerous folks! This is the stuff of nazi germany!
I have not heard that. I don't watch tv anymore, though. Even my NYT daily briefing I get by email doesn't say anything like that.
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing. We need them. We are all smart enough to notice bias and work around it.
Trashing the media is not a great idea, Thunk. Conservatives bitch about CNN and MSNBC and the op eds in WaPo, as if those are the only sources of news out there.

Without the media we'd be like populace of any dictatorship.

The majority of the news media even aside from bad examples like CNN and MSNBC all do the same things. Stir up trouble, blow things out of proportion especially if a story might have anything at all to do with racism or sexism. Like the recent nationwide coverage of that black middle schooler who lied about white students cutting her dreadlocks. Why does schoolground disputes need to be made national headlines? Why can't journalists bother to fact check?

Because white man bad, thats why.
You seem to be pretty well versed on the side of the story you like, though.
So there's another side of the story out there that you don't like. Tough cookies. Too many people are just following the pro-Trump crowd with his ignorant wish to do away with the watchdogs entirely.

What's the other side of the story about the girl who lied about white boys attacking her? What's the justification for the media "watchdogs" making a huge spectacle of a goddamn playground incident that turned out to be a lie?

How did you want the media to report the story?

"Sixth grader alleged victim of hate crime. Can she be believed?"
We have a "news" media that blatantly lies to us! Not a lie here and there about little things...but on a minute by minute basis about things of global importance!

For example, in the last week the media has been telling us that we are moving very close to the impeachment of the president of the united states. It could happen at any time now.

The truth is we are no closer to impeachment than we were a year ago...2 years ago. There has not even been a vote to formally INVESTIGATE for impeachment, or draw up articles of impeachment...nothing!

This is dangerous folks! This is the stuff of nazi germany!
I have not heard that. I don't watch tv anymore, though. Even my NYT daily briefing I get by email doesn't say anything like that.
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing. We need them. We are all smart enough to notice bias and work around it.
Trashing the media is not a great idea, Thunk. Conservatives bitch about CNN and MSNBC and the op eds in WaPo, as if those are the only sources of news out there.

Without the media we'd be like populace of any dictatorship.

The majority of the news media even aside from bad examples like CNN and MSNBC all do the same things. Stir up trouble, blow things out of proportion especially if a story might have anything at all to do with racism or sexism. Like the recent nationwide coverage of that black middle schooler who lied about white students cutting her dreadlocks. Why does schoolground disputes need to be made national headlines? Why can't journalists bother to fact check?

Because white man bad, thats why.
You seem to be pretty well versed on the side of the story you like, though.
So there's another side of the story out there that you don't like. Tough cookies. Too many people are just following the pro-Trump crowd with his ignorant wish to do away with the watchdogs entirely.

What's the other side of the story about the girl who lied about white boys attacking her? What's the justification for the media "watchdogs" making a huge spectacle of a goddamn playground incident that turned out to be a lie?

How did you want the media to report the story?

"Sixth grader alleged victim of hate crime. Can she be believed?"

Kids bullying one another on a playground isn't even worthy of local news coverage. Happens all the time but I guess it's a big deal if its a black kid who is on the losing end.
Saturating the news with blatant lies 24 hours a day is not helping their cause. The number of people who believe them is shrinking. They're beginning to ask themselves a simple question: If even half of the things the media have accused him of were true, why hasn't he already been impeached? The logical answer is: They must be lying. They're losing credibility on a daily basis.

I'd like to believe line that "the american people are waking up"...but I don't....not really. I have little faith in the much-touted wisdom of the "American people" considering that a big chunk of them voted for hillary and many weren't even born in this country.
There will always be the Trump haters that will still support anyone who runs against him even though they know they're being lied to but Trump supporters still support him and can see through the bullshit from the media. It's the independents that will sway the election and they're the ones I had in mind. Even out here in So. Ca. it's not that hard to make the case that Trump is not the monster the media are trying to paint him as.
It all comes down to discernment.

I asked several people if they truly believe that republicans want dirty air and water...they answered "YES".

I then asked...don't repub's and dem's breathe the same air? Drink the same water?

They refused to answer the question.

I've given up on people like that...they are beyond hope or help. I will leave them to their own fate.
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing.

We don't have a clue what they are doing. Not only is the "news" media non-existent...they are counter-productive by confusing people with their lies.

Saying something is happening when it's not happening isn't bias...it's an outright lie.
We have a "news" media that blatantly lies to us! Not a lie here and there about little things...but on a minute by minute basis about things of global importance!

For example, in the last week the media has been telling us that we are moving very close to the impeachment of the president of the united states. It could happen at any time now.

The truth is we are no closer to impeachment than we were a year ago...2 years ago. There has not even been a vote to formally INVESTIGATE for impeachment, or draw up articles of impeachment...nothing!

This is dangerous folks! This is the stuff of nazi germany!
I have not heard that. I don't watch tv anymore, though. Even my NYT daily briefing I get by email doesn't say anything like that.
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing. We need them. We are all smart enough to notice bias and work around it.
Trashing the media is not a great idea, Thunk. Conservatives bitch about CNN and MSNBC and the op eds in WaPo, as if those are the only sources of news out there.

Without the media we'd be like populace of any dictatorship.
Have you ever worked a day in your life?
We have a "news" media that blatantly lies to us! Not a lie here and there about little things...but on a minute by minute basis about things of global importance!

For example, in the last week the media has been telling us that we are moving very close to the impeachment of the president of the united states. It could happen at any time now.

The truth is we are no closer to impeachment than we were a year ago...2 years ago. There has not even been a vote to formally INVESTIGATE for impeachment, or draw up articles of impeachment...nothing!

This is dangerous folks! This is the stuff of nazi germany!

The media will get locked up when Donald Trump—Andrew Jackson makes his move !!
We have a "news" media that blatantly lies to us! Not a lie here and there about little things...but on a minute by minute basis about things of global importance!

For example, in the last week the media has been telling us that we are moving very close to the impeachment of the president of the united states. It could happen at any time now.

The truth is we are no closer to impeachment than we were a year ago...2 years ago. There has not even been a vote to formally INVESTIGATE for impeachment, or draw up articles of impeachment...nothing!

This is dangerous folks! This is the stuff of nazi germany!
I have not heard that. I don't watch tv anymore, though. Even my NYT daily briefing I get by email doesn't say anything like that.
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing. We need them. We are all smart enough to notice bias and work around it.
Trashing the media is not a great idea, Thunk. Conservatives bitch about CNN and MSNBC and the op eds in WaPo, as if those are the only sources of news out there.

Without the media we'd be like populace of any dictatorship.

The majority of the news media even aside from bad examples like CNN and MSNBC all do the same things. Stir up trouble, blow things out of proportion especially if a story might have anything at all to do with racism or sexism. Like the recent nationwide coverage of that black middle schooler who lied about white students cutting her dreadlocks. Why does schoolground disputes need to be made national headlines? Why can't journalists bother to fact check?

Because white man bad, thats why.
You seem to be pretty well versed on the side of the story you like, though.
So there's another side of the story out there that you don't like. Tough cookies. Too many people are just following the pro-Trump crowd with his ignorant wish to do away with the watchdogs entirely.

What's the other side of the story about the girl who lied about white boys attacking her? What's the justification for the media "watchdogs" making a huge spectacle of a goddamn playground incident that turned out to be a lie?
I think there are threads on that story--I haven't read them. If that is your particular beef, why don't you go to that thread and vent your spleen there? I think this is about media bias generally, especially political bias.
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing.

We don't have a clue what they are doing. Not only is the "news" media non-existent...they are counter-productive by confusing people with their lies.

Saying something is happening when it's not happening isn't bias...it's an outright lie.
What, for example, are they reporting happening when it's not happening? The impeachment investigation is happening. What are you think of?
We have a "news" media that blatantly lies to us! Not a lie here and there about little things...but on a minute by minute basis about things of global importance!

For example, in the last week the media has been telling us that we are moving very close to the impeachment of the president of the united states. It could happen at any time now.

The truth is we are no closer to impeachment than we were a year ago...2 years ago. There has not even been a vote to formally INVESTIGATE for impeachment, or draw up articles of impeachment...nothing!

This is dangerous folks! This is the stuff of nazi germany!
I have not heard that. I don't watch tv anymore, though. Even my NYT daily briefing I get by email doesn't say anything like that.
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing. We need them. We are all smart enough to notice bias and work around it.
Trashing the media is not a great idea, Thunk. Conservatives bitch about CNN and MSNBC and the op eds in WaPo, as if those are the only sources of news out there.

Without the media we'd be like populace of any dictatorship.
Have you ever worked a day in your life?
Why, yes. What makes you ask that?
How many people never heard that Trump annihilated 97% of ISIS in his first year in office?

How many people missed the passage of "THE FIRST STEP ACT" where even Van Jones was in the oval office praising Trump?

How many people don't know the names christopher steele or fusion GPS?

Lies of omission are still lies!
Without the media, neither you nor I would have a clue what anyone in our elected government was doing.

We don't have a clue what they are doing. Not only is the "news" media non-existent...they are counter-productive by confusing people with their lies.

Saying something is happening when it's not happening isn't bias...it's an outright lie.
If we don't know what's happening--not even a clue, how do you know the media is lying?

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