Under the National Emergency Declaration could Trump impose a stop and identify mandate?

The left pokes, pokes, then pokes some more, finally someone has had enough and pokes back, then the left cries and screams that we're being violent and hateful. Fuck 'em.
Would you support such an aggressive action?

As a born-here citizen of European background, and wondering now why this question even comes up after 60+ years in this country during which I stood up and saluted the TV when our flag was planted on the moon, I would have to say: AIN'T NO WAY!

I've shot guns in my life. I'm not afraid of them, but I never owned one personally. Should I buy an automatic weapon and learn how to use it in case the American version of the Gestopo comes to town? This is becoming scary.
Trump supporters are being attacked all over this nation. It takes courage to wear a MAGA cap these days.

Oh really? Are these "attacks" occurring with more frequency and intensity than attacks on others? Women are being attacked, African-Americans are being attacked, people whose ancestors are from Spanish-speaking nations are being attacked, as well as LGBTQs, Jews, Muslims, and Sikhs. What is so special about people who choose to wear MAGA hats?
Bullshit. Not one is attacking anyone on the left. In fact, things are so great in America that you have racist black actors staging phony attacks. We have a young innocent Catholic kid getting falsely accused. We have a young kid sitting at a diner wearing a MAGA cap and some idiot throws his soda at him. The left is unhinged in this country. Moron.

One case of someone staging a phony attack because he is pissed off about his salary is a trend?

I don't know whether the "young innocent Catholic kid" was falsely accused or not. Why did the priests allow him to walk around that way to begin with? The kid is supposed to be a Catholic, but from I hear about the Catholic Church (where I started out), I am not surprised at this lapse of Christian values.

What about the attacks on LGBTQs, actually throwing punches at them, sometimes causing grievous bodily harm? Women? People of African descent, like the two murdered while shopping in Kentucky? Attacks on synagogues and mosques, and even Buddhist and Sikh temples? Attacks on Muslim women? People speaking Spanish? The two men stabbed to death on a Portland, Oregon train when they tried to defend two women from an anti-Muslim rant? Eleven murdered while praying at a Pittsburgh synagogue? Of course, there were the earlier cases of the Oklahoma City bombing, Eric Rudolph, Robert Dear, and more.

Do you assume that these attacks were carried out by "leftists," whoever "leftists"actually are? Sounds like these crimes were committed by those of right-wing "conservative" ideology.
Under a National Emergency declaration? No, he could not.

Under martial law? Yes, he could.

I would prefer to see an internal situation legislated that would force the illegals to leave under their own steam.

Guess what? Every time I'm pulled over by a cop I show ID. No question.

After checking me out they just say "Have a good day, Mr. Kinetta." and off I go. :113:

Weird how stand-up legitimate folks who respect law and order have no problem interacting with law enforcement huh?

Don't give me this malarky.

I have a really big problem with any authoritarian regime operating in our country. An authoritarian regime is the exact opposite of the concept of freedom in the United States and the rule of our Constitution. It is essentially un-American. We, The People give them the authority of the badge, but those people who wear badges are just like the rest of us.They have no greater wisdom or entitlement, just because they don a uniform.

I have always respected cops, addressed them as "officer," and followed their commands, but the continuing reports that some law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated by right-wing trash seriously give me pause. One the other day was found to have ties to Patriot Prayer. Some have been found to be members of, or support, the Sons of the Confederacy, etc.

Has our whole law-enforcement system been wrecked? Remember that the people at the Bundy ranch and the people who occupied the Malheur Wildlife Preserve in Oregon showed no respect for law enforcement. Neither did Koresh and others. Now our FBI agents have come under fire from officials in the Executive Branch.

What now?
The Feds had no business interfering in the Malheur Wildlife Preserve. The Feds and Janet Reno really screwed up on the Koresh deal. It's the left that operates like the gestapo, not the right.

Hate to tell you that the federal government has jurisdiction over crimes committed on federal lands. As for koresh, they gave the little bitch and baby raper 51 days to come out, and several agents were murdered when the baby raper and his servants opened fire. It's shameful that the baby raper and his hoodlums got so many innocent people killed. The only thing that Reno did wrong was to wait so long and mollycoddle the baby raper.
Would you support such an aggressive action?

As a born-here citizen of European background, and wondering now why this question even comes up after 60+ years in this country during which I stood up and saluted the TV when our flag was planted on the moon, I would have to say: AIN'T NO WAY!

I've shot guns in my life. I'm not afraid of them, but I never owned one personally. Should I buy an automatic weapon and learn how to use it in case the American version of the Gestopo comes to town? This is becoming scary.
Trump supporters are being attacked all over this nation. It takes courage to wear a MAGA cap these days.

Oh really? Are these "attacks" occurring with more frequency and intensity than attacks on others? Women are being attacked, African-Americans are being attacked, people whose ancestors are from Spanish-speaking nations are being attacked, as well as LGBTQs, Jews, Muslims, and Sikhs. What is so special about people who choose to wear MAGA hats?
Bullshit. Not one is attacking anyone on the left. In fact, things are so great in America that you have racist black actors staging phony attacks. We have a young innocent Catholic kid getting falsely accused. We have a young kid sitting at a diner wearing a MAGA cap and some idiot throws his soda at him. The left is unhinged in this country. Moron.

One case of someone staging a phony attack because he is pissed off about his salary is a trend?

I don't know whether the "young innocent Catholic kid" was falsely accused or not. Why did the priests allow him to walk around that way to begin with? The kid is supposed to be a Catholic, but from I hear about the Catholic Church (where I started out), I am not surprised at this lapse of Christian values.

What about the attacks on LGBTQs, actually throwing punches at them, sometimes causing grievous bodily harm? Women? People of African descent, like the two murdered while shopping in Kentucky? Attacks on synagogues and mosques, and even Buddhist and Sikh temples? Attacks on Muslim women? People speaking Spanish? The two men stabbed to death on a Portland, Oregon train when they tried to defend two women from an anti-Muslim rant? Eleven murdered while praying at a Pittsburgh synagogue? Of course, there were the earlier cases of the Oklahoma City bombing, Eric Rudolph, Robert Dear, and more.

Do you assume that these attacks were carried out by "leftists," whoever "leftists"actually are? Sounds like these crimes were committed by those of right-wing "conservative" ideology.
Under a National Emergency declaration? No, he could not.

Under martial law? Yes, he could.

I would prefer to see an internal situation legislated that would force the illegals to leave under their own steam.

Guess what? Every time I'm pulled over by a cop I show ID. No question.

After checking me out they just say "Have a good day, Mr. Kinetta." and off I go. :113:

Weird how stand-up legitimate folks who respect law and order have no problem interacting with law enforcement huh?

Don't give me this malarky.

I have a really big problem with any authoritarian regime operating in our country. An authoritarian regime is the exact opposite of the concept of freedom in the United States and the rule of our Constitution. It is essentially un-American. We, The People give them the authority of the badge, but those people who wear badges are just like the rest of us.They have no greater wisdom or entitlement, just because they don a uniform.

I have always respected cops, addressed them as "officer," and followed their commands, but the continuing reports that some law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated by right-wing trash seriously give me pause. One the other day was found to have ties to Patriot Prayer. Some have been found to be members of, or support, the Sons of the Confederacy, etc.

Has our whole law-enforcement system been wrecked? Remember that the people at the Bundy ranch and the people who occupied the Malheur Wildlife Preserve in Oregon showed no respect for law enforcement. Neither did Koresh and others. Now our FBI agents have come under fire from officials in the Executive Branch.

What now?
The Feds had no business interfering in the Malheur Wildlife Preserve. The Feds and Janet Reno really screwed up on the Koresh deal. It's the left that operates like the gestapo, not the right.

Hate to tell you that the federal government has jurisdiction over crimes committed on federal lands. As for koresh, they gave the little bitch and baby raper 51 days to come out, and several agents were murdered when the baby raper and his servants opened fire. It's shameful that the baby raper and his hoodlums got so many innocent people killed. The only thing that Reno did wrong was to wait so long and mollycoddle the baby raper.
What do you mean by the parents allowing the kid to walk around that way? What "way" are you referring to?
As a born-here citizen of European background, and wondering now why this question even comes up after 60+ years in this country during which I stood up and saluted the TV when our flag was planted on the moon, I would have to say: AIN'T NO WAY!

I've shot guns in my life. I'm not afraid of them, but I never owned one personally. Should I buy an automatic weapon and learn how to use it in case the American version of the Gestopo comes to town? This is becoming scary.
Trump supporters are being attacked all over this nation. It takes courage to wear a MAGA cap these days.

Oh really? Are these "attacks" occurring with more frequency and intensity than attacks on others? Women are being attacked, African-Americans are being attacked, people whose ancestors are from Spanish-speaking nations are being attacked, as well as LGBTQs, Jews, Muslims, and Sikhs. What is so special about people who choose to wear MAGA hats?
Bullshit. Not one is attacking anyone on the left. In fact, things are so great in America that you have racist black actors staging phony attacks. We have a young innocent Catholic kid getting falsely accused. We have a young kid sitting at a diner wearing a MAGA cap and some idiot throws his soda at him. The left is unhinged in this country. Moron.

One case of someone staging a phony attack because he is pissed off about his salary is a trend?

I don't know whether the "young innocent Catholic kid" was falsely accused or not. Why did the priests allow him to walk around that way to begin with? The kid is supposed to be a Catholic, but from I hear about the Catholic Church (where I started out), I am not surprised at this lapse of Christian values.

What about the attacks on LGBTQs, actually throwing punches at them, sometimes causing grievous bodily harm? Women? People of African descent, like the two murdered while shopping in Kentucky? Attacks on synagogues and mosques, and even Buddhist and Sikh temples? Attacks on Muslim women? People speaking Spanish? The two men stabbed to death on a Portland, Oregon train when they tried to defend two women from an anti-Muslim rant? Eleven murdered while praying at a Pittsburgh synagogue? Of course, there were the earlier cases of the Oklahoma City bombing, Eric Rudolph, Robert Dear, and more.

Do you assume that these attacks were carried out by "leftists," whoever "leftists"actually are? Sounds like these crimes were committed by those of right-wing "conservative" ideology.
Under a National Emergency declaration? No, he could not.

Under martial law? Yes, he could.

I would prefer to see an internal situation legislated that would force the illegals to leave under their own steam.

Guess what? Every time I'm pulled over by a cop I show ID. No question.

After checking me out they just say "Have a good day, Mr. Kinetta." and off I go. :113:

Weird how stand-up legitimate folks who respect law and order have no problem interacting with law enforcement huh?

Don't give me this malarky.

I have a really big problem with any authoritarian regime operating in our country. An authoritarian regime is the exact opposite of the concept of freedom in the United States and the rule of our Constitution. It is essentially un-American. We, The People give them the authority of the badge, but those people who wear badges are just like the rest of us.They have no greater wisdom or entitlement, just because they don a uniform.

I have always respected cops, addressed them as "officer," and followed their commands, but the continuing reports that some law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated by right-wing trash seriously give me pause. One the other day was found to have ties to Patriot Prayer. Some have been found to be members of, or support, the Sons of the Confederacy, etc.

Has our whole law-enforcement system been wrecked? Remember that the people at the Bundy ranch and the people who occupied the Malheur Wildlife Preserve in Oregon showed no respect for law enforcement. Neither did Koresh and others. Now our FBI agents have come under fire from officials in the Executive Branch.

What now?
The Feds had no business interfering in the Malheur Wildlife Preserve. The Feds and Janet Reno really screwed up on the Koresh deal. It's the left that operates like the gestapo, not the right.

Hate to tell you that the federal government has jurisdiction over crimes committed on federal lands. As for koresh, they gave the little bitch and baby raper 51 days to come out, and several agents were murdered when the baby raper and his servants opened fire. It's shameful that the baby raper and his hoodlums got so many innocent people killed. The only thing that Reno did wrong was to wait so long and mollycoddle the baby raper.
What do you mean by the parents allowing the kid to walk around that way? What "way" are you referring to?

I said that the priests did. But the parents are equally to blame. MAGA represents a direct contradiction of the Catholic faith. More shame on the RCC.
Under a National Emergency declaration? No, he could not.

Under martial law? Yes, he could.

I would prefer to see an internal situation legislated that would force the illegals to leave under their own steam.

Guess what? Every time I'm pulled over by a cop I show ID. No question.

After checking me out they just say "Have a good day, Mr. Kinetta." and off I go. :113:

Weird how stand-up legitimate folks who respect law and order have no problem interacting with law enforcement huh?

Don't give me this malarky.

I have a really big problem with any authoritarian regime operating in our country. An authoritarian regime is the exact opposite of the concept of freedom in the United States and the rule of our Constitution. It is essentially un-American. We, The People give them the authority of the badge, but those people who wear badges are just like the rest of us.They have no greater wisdom or entitlement, just because they don a uniform.

I have always respected cops, addressed them as "officer," and followed their commands, but the continuing reports that some law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated by right-wing trash seriously give me pause. One the other day was found to have ties to Patriot Prayer. Some have been found to be members of, or support, the Sons of the Confederacy, etc.

Has our whole law-enforcement system been wrecked? Remember that the people at the Bundy ranch and the people who occupied the Malheur Wildlife Preserve in Oregon showed no respect for law enforcement. Neither did Koresh and others. Now our FBI agents have come under fire from officials in the Executive Branch.

What now?

Anytime law and order is imposed all piece of shits cry “but, but, but....LIBERTY!”
Almost always the piece of shits crying Liberty are the same piece of shits fostering or perpetuating the crimes resulting in said legal crackdowns....coincidence? Nope.....piece of shits are always gonna piece of shit.
Under a National Emergency declaration? No, he could not.

Under martial law? Yes, he could.

I would prefer to see an internal situation legislated that would force the illegals to leave under their own steam.

Guess what? Every time I'm pulled over by a cop I show ID. No question.

After checking me out they just say "Have a good day, Mr. Kinetta." and off I go. :113:

Weird how stand-up legitimate folks who respect law and order have no problem interacting with law enforcement huh?

Don't give me this malarky.

I have a really big problem with any authoritarian regime operating in our country. An authoritarian regime is the exact opposite of the concept of freedom in the United States and the rule of our Constitution. It is essentially un-American. We, The People give them the authority of the badge, but those people who wear badges are just like the rest of us.They have no greater wisdom or entitlement, just because they don a uniform.

I have always respected cops, addressed them as "officer," and followed their commands, but the continuing reports that some law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated by right-wing trash seriously give me pause. One the other day was found to have ties to Patriot Prayer. Some have been found to be members of, or support, the Sons of the Confederacy, etc.

Has our whole law-enforcement system been wrecked? Remember that the people at the Bundy ranch and the people who occupied the Malheur Wildlife Preserve in Oregon showed no respect for law enforcement. Neither did Koresh and others. Now our FBI agents have come under fire from officials in the Executive Branch.

What now?

Anytime law and order is imposed all piece of shits cry “but, but, but....LIBERTY!”
Almost always the piece of shits crying Liberty are the same piece of shits fostering or perpetuating the crimes resulting in said legal crackdowns....coincidence? Nope.....piece of shits are always gonna piece of shit.

They don't want liberty. They want license.
Nonsense. Departments cannot spend money on other projects unless authorized by Congress. The fact is that even Alan Dershowitz says this is not a national emergency.
Doesn't matter who says what. Tens of thousands of MMMs (mindless migrant maniacs) heading straight for your border (after they crashed their way through the Mexican border), and straight to miles of unwalled, mostly vulnerable border, is a national emergency, of course.
Trumptard Logic.:
White supremacists and neo-nazis are good

White supremacists and neo-nazis like you are lowlife degenerate criminals.
The catchwords and catchphrases you're hiding behind, don't do you any good. You're simply on the wrong side of this, and the silly words just make you look silly, and incompetent of waging an honest debate.
You are the racist pig. White people are not being discriminated by anyone you degenerate right wing loon.
Are out of your mind ? Well of course you are. You're a looney liberal, who has been thoroughly indoctrinated by liberal media et al. You are brainwashed into thinking that racial discrimination only applies to minorities.

The fact that over 100 million whites have been racially discriminated against for 54 years, doesn't even faze you. You're programmed to see that as good, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries and whites are the victims. Social insanity.

Give assistantships to the only 8 blacks who apply, and deny the 17 non blacks who apply (despite the 8 blacks being the lowest academically), and you don't see that as racial discrimination. You're either lying, totally deranged, or the dumbest blockhead this side of the Atlantic Ocean. :rolleyes:

BTW, since you openly admit to supporting race-based Affirmative Action, your racism is clearly confirmed.
You are the one who is part of the lunatic fringe on the right. White supremacists and neo-nazis like you apparently run the Republican Party. Americans overwhelmingly oppose Trump's use of a national emergency to build a wall. They recognize the danger that it represents to this country if a President can ignore Congress' Constitutionally mandated power of the purse.
So you haven't heard of the 1976 National Emergencies Act huh ? Or the 1982 one that gives the president power to use military funding. You've got some reading to do

Secondly,I 'd ask you to justify you preposterous blabbers about "White supremacists and neo-nazis" if I didn't know that that's all they are. Why don't you throw all the leftist catchwords in here, just for the hell of it. Shoot the works > "conspiracy theorist"...."nativist"...…"xenophobe"...….etc

And how did race get into this anyway ? I happen to be of the same race as the caravan people (am 1/2 Central American), and some of the people coming into the US illegally (whom Democrats traitorously support) are 100% WHITE. Like the 100,000 + Irish illegal aliens in the New York area.

Alan Dershowitz disagrees with you. He also says Trump cannot use a national emergency to build a wall because Congress refuses to appropriate the money. We will see how many phony conservative judges there are.
I know exactly what Dershowitz says. He's wrong.
Under a National Emergency declaration? No, he could not.

Under martial law? Yes, he could.

I would prefer to see an internal situation legislated that would force the illegals to leave under their own steam.

Guess what? Every time I'm pulled over by a cop I show ID. No question.

After checking me out they just say "Have a good day, Mr. Kinetta." and off I go. :113:

Do they often pull you over with the singular purpose of checking your ID?
Under a National Emergency declaration? No, he could not.

Under martial law? Yes, he could.

I would prefer to see an internal situation legislated that would force the illegals to leave under their own steam.

Guess what? Every time I'm pulled over by a cop I show ID. No question.

After checking me out they just say "Have a good day, Mr. Kinetta." and off I go. :113:

Do they often pull you over with the singular purpose of checking your ID?

Nah. Ostensibly for speeding, but I think they just want to get a good look at the 4-4-2. I never get a ticket.

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