Under Obama the middle east is a COMPLETE DISASTER

That is a fucking war not a stat.

Prior to Obama we had dictators that while anti American kept the hate and terrorism in check. Now we've got the fucking UN voting in favor of hammas in palestine. On top of that we're trying to being terrorists from gitmo to American soil ala Feinstein.

Really? Kept terrorism in check? 9-11 was just a bad dream? And you believe that we should have put troops in to protect these dictators from their own people? Gaddafi killed a bunch of Americans over Lockerbie, but you state that we should have supported him? Is that what it means to be a 'Conservative'?
That is a fact and it can not be denied. Bush was bad, Obama is horrendous.

How many American casualties under Obama vs Bush? What two front wars has President Obama started? Was Israel and Palestine at peace during the previous Administration? Are you upset that the bastard behind OBL has been dispatched of? Are you upset that were are hunting down AQ amd taing them out with Our drones? Are you upset that the man (Qadaffi) allegedly behind Lockerbee and Germany is dead? Are you upset that people in countries under dictatorships are now trying to fight for self determination? Did our colonists and the British just sit and have tea when the United States got it's formation and Independence?

When has the Middle East been this utopia you seem to long for? :)

That is a fucking war not a stat.

Prior to Obama we had dictators that while anti American kept the hate and terrorism in check. Now we've got the fucking UN voting in favor of hammas in palestine. On top of that we're trying to being terrorists from gitmo to American soil ala Feinstein.

Really? Kept terrorism in check? 9-11 was just a bad dream? And you believe that we should have put troops in to protect these dictators from their own people? Gaddafi killed a bunch of Americans over Lockerbie, but you state that we should have supported him? Is that what it means to be a 'Conservative'?

9/11 was perputrated by a few terrorists. Now we have entire countries run by them
That is a fact and it can not be denied. Bush was bad, Obama is horrendous.

How many American casualties under Obama vs Bush? What two front wars has President Obama started? Was Israel and Palestine at peace during the previous Administration? Are you upset that the bastard behind OBL has been dispatched of? Are you upset that were are hunting down AQ amd taing them out with Our drones? Are you upset that the man (Qadaffi) allegedly behind Lockerbee and Germany is dead? Are you upset that people in countries under dictatorships are now trying to fight for self determination? Did our colonists and the British just sit and have tea when the United States got it's formation and Independence?

When has the Middle East been this utopia you seem to long for? :)

Wars represent one govt vs another. Those wars take years to develope. Now we have nations that aspire to end western civilization. Quite different than a few radicals that reside in said countries.
Strange idiot....LH is in charge of Lebanon's Govt. That doesn't seem like they are getting weaker because of Obamination.

Iran is not retreating you stupid piece of shit, they are extending their influence into Iraq because Obamination couldn't get a SOFA with Iraq for a few US combat trainer troops to help out.

Iran is funneling weapons into Syria out in the open while Obamination says nothing. How many thousands have been killed by your buddy Assad in Syria? Nevermind Obamination ignored the DoD plan to keep Syria's WMDs safe, now we don't know what has happened to some of their WMDs.

Then there's Egypt, yeah they're now run by a terrorist dictator thanks to your black messiah. The Hamas problem in Gaza is thanks to Egypt helping them you dumbfuck.

You must've taken a few bullets in the head over in Nam to explain your brain damage, someday you'll figure out liberals like Obamination spat on you and still do today.

The legacy of the Bush administration in the Middle East was an empowered and emboldened Iran. We basically handed them the keys to the region with our befuddled wallowing around in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Under this President, Iran has been forced to retreat and their tentacles to Hizbollah, Syria and Hamas have been damaged. At the same time, our relationship with Israel has been strengthened with joint intelligence and military co-operation at an all time closeness. Obama's deployment of sea-based missile defense systems, to replace the politically volatile land-based system Bush was determined to shove down the Russian's throat, makes the whole region and southern Europe more secure.

Instead of the Middle East being a failure under Obama, it's actually one of his more outstanding successes.
That is a fact and it can not be denied. Bush was bad, Obama is horrendous.

Just another bullshit NaziCon flame thread from Grampa.

Please tell us exactly how, with "credible" facts, the Middle East is more of a complete disaster under Obama than Bush. You made the claim, so back it up with facts...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B83oY16KmHM]Middle East : Islamic Muslim Brotherhood spreading Chaos into 11 Arab Countries (Aug 13, 2012) - YouTube[/ame]
That is a fact and it can not be denied. Bush was bad, Obama is horrendous.

chickens coming home to roost...

who pushed elections in gaza?

who destabilized the middle east by getting rid of the one element that countered iran?

who got rid of a relatively secular regime in iraq to get a radical religious regime entrenched?

who made israel back down against hezbollah?
That is a fact and it can not be denied. Bush was bad, Obama is horrendous.

Just another bullshit NaziCon flame thread from Grampa.

Please tell us exactly how, with "credible" facts, the Middle East is more of a complete disaster under Obama than Bush. You made the claim, so back it up with facts...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B83oY16KmHM]Middle East : Islamic Muslim Brotherhood spreading Chaos into 11 Arab Countries (Aug 13, 2012) - YouTube[/ame]

Who inflamed and unleashed The Muslim Brotherhood?
That is a fact and it can not be denied. Bush was bad, Obama is horrendous.

chickens coming home to roost...

who pushed elections in gaza?

who destabilized the middle east by getting rid of the one element that countered iran?

who got rid of a relatively secular regime in iraq to get a radical religious regime entrenched?

who made israel back down against hezbollah?

You have a point about the Iraq war but the rest is bullshit.
That is a fact and it can not be denied. Bush was bad, Obama is horrendous.

How many American casualties under Obama vs Bush? What two front wars has President Obama started? Was Israel and Palestine at peace during the previous Administration? Are you upset that the bastard behind OBL has been dispatched of? Are you upset that were are hunting down AQ amd taing them out with Our drones? Are you upset that the man (Qadaffi) allegedly behind Lockerbee and Germany is dead? Are you upset that people in countries under dictatorships are now trying to fight for self determination? Did our colonists and the British just sit and have tea when the United States got it's formation and Independence?

When has the Middle East been this utopia you seem to long for? :)

Wasn't the Garden of Eden over there somewhere?
That is until some (probably Liberal) chick stuffed it up, got thrown out and the doors locked behind her...then Obama got elected President of the USA and it's been downhill ever since.
That is a fact and it can not be denied. Bush was bad, Obama is horrendous.

How many American casualties under Obama vs Bush? What two front wars has President Obama started? Was Israel and Palestine at peace during the previous Administration? Are you upset that the bastard behind OBL has been dispatched of? Are you upset that were are hunting down AQ amd taing them out with Our drones? Are you upset that the man (Qadaffi) allegedly behind Lockerbee and Germany is dead? Are you upset that people in countries under dictatorships are now trying to fight for self determination? Did our colonists and the British just sit and have tea when the United States got it's formation and Independence?

When has the Middle East been this utopia you seem to long for? :)

Wasn't the Garden of Eden over there somewhere?
That is until some (probably Liberal) chick stuffed it up, got thrown out and the doors locked behind her...then Obama got elected President of the USA and it's been downhill ever since.

You mean until a liberal woman spread her legs and corrupted man?
That is a fact and it can not be denied. Bush was bad, Obama is horrendous.

chickens coming home to roost...

who pushed elections in gaza?

who destabilized the middle east by getting rid of the one element that countered iran?

who got rid of a relatively secular regime in iraq to get a radical religious regime entrenched?

who made israel back down against hezbollah?

Who made Israel back down against Hamas? Who got rid of a secular regime in Egypt? Sadam Hussein was paying suicide bombers so you think his presence would have stopped Iran? Who failed to back the uprisings in Iran? You’re clueless and a joke
Last edited:
Just another bullshit NaziCon flame thread from Grampa.

Please tell us exactly how, with "credible" facts, the Middle East is more of a complete disaster under Obama than Bush. You made the claim, so back it up with facts...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B83oY16KmHM]Middle East : Islamic Muslim Brotherhood spreading Chaos into 11 Arab Countries (Aug 13, 2012) - YouTube[/ame]

Who inflamed and unleashed The Muslim Brotherhood?


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