And many of us have lost even more. Let's go Brandon!
The Biden economy is crushing Americans’ savings and retirement accounts.
The Biden economy is crushing Americans’ savings and retirement accounts.
Not surprisingly, since President Biden took office, monthly savings have collapsed, falling 83%. (We could never understand how Biden could say with a straight face that Americans are saving more. His “transformation” of the US economy has had just the opposite effect.) Many millions of Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck just don’t have the money after paying the inflated bills to save much.
But to add insult to injury, even what has been already saved and invested by older Americans over past years and even over several decades has been erased from these accounts.
BIDEN ECONOMY: Average Americans' Retirement Accounts Are Down 25% This Year Alone | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft
The Biden economy is crushing Americans’ savings and retirement accounts. Trump economist Stephen Moore with E.