Uncle Tom?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
There is a movie out called "Uncle Tom" by Larry Elder, who is a black conservative. If you want to see it, just google it and stream it. It is a movie about how other black conservatives are treated in the media and within society itself. At one time or another, they were all called "Uncle Tom's", a derogatory term to demean black conservative Americans all around the country. In fact, blacks are treated far worse than whites within the GOP by the Left. Mind you, most of these blacks are success stories, men and women who have come from the ghettos of the inner city hell we see in the US every day. These people should be celebrated in the black community and perhaps find out the formula of success that they tapped into rather than blindly discounting them as human beings simply because they don't vote democrat.

So for those on the Left who are dedicated to the notion that all black conservatives are Uncle Toms, is there a criteria for calling someone an Uncle Tom other than simply saying or voting conservative things?

In fact, Malcom X once called MLK an "Uncle Tome". Who here would agree with this assessment?

Anyone out of lockstep with the Democratic Party is an Uncle Tom.

Anyone who is not fighting for wholesale Marxism = not down for the struggle
Anyone out of lockstep with the Democratic Party is an Uncle Tom.

Anyone who is not fighting for wholesale Marxism = not down for the struggle
In all fairness, you don't get called an Uncle Tom if you are "white" or white enough to be called white like Zimmerman, even though he is really Hispanic.

So blacks get treated far worse than whites by the Left, but BLM, the NAACP, and DNC say that such racism is perfectly PC and acceptable.
There is a movie out called "Uncle Tom" by Larry Elder, who is a black conservative. If you want to see it, just google it and stream it. It is a movie about how other black conservatives are treated in the media and within society itself. At one time or another, they were all called "Uncle Tom's", a derogatory term to demean black conservative Americans all around the country. In fact, blacks are treated far worse than whites within the GOP by the Left. Mind you, most of these blacks are success stories, men and women who have come from the ghettos of the inner city hell we see in the US every day. These people should be celebrated in the black community and perhaps find out the formula of success that they tapped into rather than blindly discounting them as human beings simply because they don't vote democrat.

So for those on the Left who are dedicated to the notion that all black conservatives are Uncle Toms, is there a criteria for calling someone an Uncle Tom other than simply saying or voting conservative things?

In fact, Malcom X once called MLK an "Uncle Tome". Who here would agree with this assessment?

If I'm not mistaken Malcom X later recanted his assessment of MLK as an Uncle Tom when he realized that all whites were not really all white devils through personal experience

Then the nation of Islam assassinated him.
The appropriate definition of an "Uncle Tom" today is any Black person who doesn't use Race as an excuse to fail, or not even try.

There are a lot of them today, and after 55 years of The Great Society, The War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action---there should be.
Scenes like this will be kept from black Americans by the cultural marxists who need black Americans to be their mentally enslaved.

Inclusion and diversity means exclusion and monoculture.
Larry Elder sees that "black failure" in the US is not so much related to the previous oppression, which no doubt kicked it all off, but now it is driven by a culture of secularism and hate and violence and state of mind of not being able to succeed will keep them enslaved.

Larry often cites the oppression of the Jewish people as an example. Here we had a people enslaved for over 400 years, which was longer than blacks, and later oppressed throughout Europe for centuries. Jews over those centuries were kicked out of entire countries, rounded up and placed in ghettos, forced to wear the star of David, since they were often hard to spot, and rounded up and murdered in mass. Then the climax was Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, which was merely a natural progression. And today in Israel, no other country in the world has had so many resolutions against it made by the UN, as anti-Semitism seems to continue unabated. Mind you, there are more resolutions against Israel than countries like North Korea, Syria, and Iran, etc. So while Israel is building walls these other countries are allowed to engage in active genocide? The hate is truly astounding, yet looking at socioeconomic levels, Jews continue to be very affluent. Why? What is the secret to their success? Could it be rooted in the conservative value system engrained into them via their faith?

Or look at Amish society. They also have a faith that ground them, gives them wisdom, and allows them to live a communal existence where they are able to opt out of things like Obamacare, because they take care of their own.
Inclusion and diversity means exclusion and monoculture.
I think we all know that, although the Left says they celebrate diversity, the cancel culture and never ending censorship says otherwise.

No one likes to be told they are wrong about anything, and no one likes to feel different from others. That is why we now have a culture of forced submission of PC.

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