'Uncle Tim' slur against Tim Scott trends on Twitter after his Biden rebuttal

he opportunities are there. It is easier to not try. 70% and more single parents in inner cities. Maybe people can tell them what is wrong. 70% and more single parents in inner cities. Maybe there is an answer to improve things dramatically. 70% and more single parents in inner cities. If we think real hard, we can figure this out. 70% and more single parents in inner cities. Glad to be a help.

Again, you are bit mixed up. Unmarried does not mean that they are single parents.

So refreshing to see a person of color not dwell on any racism that he had encountered and made a success of himself. He's articulate and successful. Total opposite of Maxine, Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson who have made a career out of playing the race card. People of color could learn a lot from Tim Scott, Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell, and Jason Riley.

You mean Uncle Tom's who have made careers out of telling white people what they want to hear?

Sharpton and Jackson are articulate and successful, they just don't say things you agree with.
One of the privileges of being a white Democrat or Liberal is that you can use derogatory or racially insensitive comments about Blacks. Here is another instance. What these dumbshits don’t realize is that they expose their hypocrisy and double standards making their own bullshit cries of racism at conservatives and Republicans further watered down.

Actually, the people who are calling Scott "Uncle Tim" are probably blacks who said, "N****r, Please" when he tried to claim racism isn't a thing in this country.
Kamala agreed with Tim Scott that America isn't racist but she added that racism still exists to keep the narrative alive.

I opine there are about 30% racist around and she shouldn't of agreed with Tim Scott.

I find lots of racist here amongst you of right wing nuts and case in point:
Business InsiderA former Georgia sheriff's deputy said he wanted to charge Black people with felonies to prevent them from voting, court documents show
A former Georgia sheriff's deputy said he wanted to charge Black people with felonies to prevent them from voting, court documents show (msn.com)
One of the privileges of being a white Democrat or Liberal is that you can use derogatory or racially insensitive comments about Blacks. Here is another instance. What these dumbshits don’t realize is that they expose their hypocrisy and double standards making their own bullshit cries of racism at conservatives and Republicans further watered down.

Actually, the people who are calling Scott "Uncle Tim" are probably blacks who said, "N****r, Please" when he tried to claim racism isn't a thing in this country.

And those same people claim everything everyone and everybody is racism. They find racism in the strangest places. These same people can’t decipher among what is racist vs. prejudice vs. stereotypical vs. racial.

What or where is the consensus definition on racism?
And those same people claim everything everyone and everybody is racism. They find racism in the strangest places. These same people can’t decipher among what is racist vs. prejudice vs. stereotypical vs. racial.

What or where is the consensus definition on racism?

I agree, some of the claims of late are kind of dubious. But that just means we all need to be a little more sensitive.

Yeah, if you've encountered racism your entire life, you are going to get offended by something that someone else might have not even thought about.

I give the great example of my ex-boss who couldn't make time for two minority women who were leaving the company after years of service to attend their going-away lunch, but he could make time for the pretty young WHITE intern who had only been there for the summer.

That's what subtle racism looks like. What we white people take for granted.
One thing that you can always count on, is that Incel Joe will always take the side of violent, destructive subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings.


One thing you can count on is Mormon Bob considers white people's property more important than Black lives…

Nothing to do with race.

If any individual believes that his life is more important than someone else's property, then it is his choice to keep his filthy hands off that other person's property. What race the prospective thief is makes no difference. What race the owner of the property is, makes no difference.

My position would be exactly the same if we were talking about a white subhuman piece of shit stealing or destroying a black man's property, as if we were talking about a black subhuman piece of shit stealing or destroying a white man's property.

Once again, all you do is prove what I just said, that you can be counted on to take the side of a subhuman criminal piece of shit against that of an actual human being; at least if the subhuman piece of shit happens to be black, and the victim of that piece of shit's crime happens to be white. Would you similarly side with a white subhuman piece of shit committing a crime against a black man?

In any event, you're the one who thinks that it's about race. To me, it's about the difference between choosing to be a subhuman criminal piece of shit, or choosing to act like an actual human being; and race has nothing at all to do with it.

Again, you are bit mixed up. Unmarried does not mean that they are single parents.

That's the very definition of a single-parent; a parent who is not married. It could include parents who were married, when their children were conceived, but who are now divorced or widowed, but usually, it refers to foolish women who never married the fathers of their children, or the deadbeat dads who didn't have the decency to marry their children's mother and to properly fulfill their duties to provide for their families.
One thing that you can always count on, is that Incel Joe will always take the side of violent, destructive subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings.


One thing you can count on is Mormon Bob considers white people's property more important than Black lives…

Nothing to do with race.

If any individual believes that his life is more important than someone else's property, then it is his choice to keep his filthy hands off that other person's property. What race the prospective thief is makes no difference. What race the owner of the property is, makes no difference.

My position would be exactly the same if we were talking about a white subhuman piece of shit stealing or destroying a black man's property, as if we were talking about a black subhuman piece of shit stealing or destroying a white man's property.

Once again, all you do is prove what I just said, that you can be counted on to take the side of a subhuman criminal piece of shit against that of an actual human being; at least if the subhuman piece of shit happens to be black, and the victim of that piece of shit's crime happens to be white. Would you similarly side with a white subhuman piece of shit committing a crime against a black man?

In any event, you're the one who thinks that it's about race. To me, it's about the difference between choosing to be a subhuman criminal piece of shit, or choosing to act like an actual human being; and race has nothing at all to do with it.

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Nice picture, but race has always factored in this country.
Your use of the racist slur “Uncle Tom” proves that yes, you are a racist.

A slur that blacks use to describe other blacks who suck up to white people is 'racist".

I think that's another one of those words you don't understand the meaning of.

Of course, everyone knows that what you mean by “suck up to white people” is to hold and express opinions other than those that their Democrapic would-be masters want them to hold and express.

The very idea that the color of one's skin obligates one to support the party that has a very long history of oppressing, abusing, and exploiting them, is inherently racist, as is any term used as a slur against those who decline to play along with that.
And those same people claim everything everyone and everybody is racism. They find racism in the strangest places. These same people can’t decipher among what is racist vs. prejudice vs. stereotypical vs. racial.

What or where is the consensus definition on racism?

I agree, some of the claims of late are kind of dubious. But that just means we all need to be a little more sensitive.

Yeah, if you've encountered racism your entire life, you are going to get offended by something that someone else might have not even thought about.

I give the great example of my ex-boss who couldn't make time for two minority women who were leaving the company after years of service to attend their going-away lunch, but he could make time for the pretty young WHITE intern who had only been there for the summer.

That's what subtle racism looks like. What we white people take for granted.

Regarding your boss, I could be wrong but that story sounds more like he had a thing for the YOUNG intern moreso than any racist tendencies. Racism and prejudices keep you stuck in your old ways. It’s the sex that makes you do things out of the ordinary like all of the sudden making time for a summer intern
This has probably already been noted here, but in case it somehow got missed: just a few seconds before Scott claimed that this is not a racist country, he said that he had been called "Uncle Tom" and "n*gger". Anyone else see the conflict there?
The Democratic Party, racists since the 1830s. The party of slavery, the Civil War, the Lincoln assassination, Jim Crow, lynching, the KKK.

"Uncle Tim" trended on Twitter Wednesday night as left-wing users flooded the site with the racial slur on Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C, following his rebuttal to President Biden's address to Congress.
Scott, who is Black, declared the United States is not a racist country while noting he had encountered racism in his life. Some of it, he said, came from the left in the form of being called an "Uncle Tom," a derogatory phrase for Blacks who are viewed as too deferential to Whites.
His rhetoric infuriated some progressives, and Twitter placed "Uncle Tim" on its trending topics as more tweets relayed the insulting, racially charged play on his name. Among them was former MSNBC host Touré Neblett.
"Twitter is choosing to trend a racist attack from the left on Sen. Tim Scott," The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway tweeted. "Apparently they want him to suffer for the crime of upstaging Biden via a highly effective speech."

Those of you on the right deny history so that you do not look bad. The racists switched parties in the 60s. Intelligent, educated people know this. You only fool your own kind.
"Racism is not dead. But it is on life-support. Kept alive mainly by the people who use it for an excuse or to keep minority communities fearful or resentful enough to turn out as a voting bloc on election day."

-Thomas Sowell
It took twitter many many hours to black this racist hashtag from the left. Just appalling.

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