Unbelievable Liberal Stupidity & Hate


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Wayfair employees plan walkout over $200K furniture order to immigration detention facility
Wayfair employees plan walkout over $200K furniture order to immigration detention facility

Employees of online furniture retailer Opens a New Window. Wayfair on Tuesday said they will stage a walkout Wednesday to protest the company’s decision to sell furniture for use in immigration detention facilities at the U.S. southern border.
The planned protest arose days after Wayfair employees learned that the company had received a $200,000 order for furniture from BCFS, a nonprofit government contractor that operates detention facilities, the Boston Globe reported, citing an employee with knowledge of the situation. A group of more than 500 Wayfair employees signed a letter last week asking company executives to cease business dealings with contractors operating at the border


Well, the workers, the employees, the people who make the beds ask the CEO not to take the order! The inmates running the asylum, the employees, told the CEO, “Don’t take the order.” They don’t want the company they work for to do anything that would help Trump! They want the kids not to have beds, apparently! They’d rather the kids not have beds for the photo-ops! The CEO said he was gonna take the order. So today the workers at Wayfair have walked off the job instead of making beds for babies. I think 11,000 unaccompanied children came through the border in April and May. And of course Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is thrilled. She was afraid that somebody would make a profit. They don’t want anybody making a profit helping Trump. There should not be a profit, say the employees who get paid from profit, there should not be a profit making beds for the children. What are they supposed to do? Give them away? And so now since the workers have walked off the job, they may not be able to make the beds, and so the children will now have to sleep on the floor.

And according to a woman identifying herself as an employee of the company, Wayfair employees learned last week that an order for about $200,000 worth of bedroom furniture was placed by BCFS, which operates migrant facilities for the Department of Health and Human Services. (paraphrasing) “BCFS set to open a new facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas, which will accommodate about 1600 unaccompanied minors. More than 500 employees sent a letter last Friday to the senior management at Wayfair asking the company to not do business with this company [BCFS]. They also asked Wayfair to establish a code of ethics that empowers Wayfair and its employees to act in accordance with our core values.” And here we go again. I can’t tell you how this irritates me, these stupid leftists claiming they are the definition of American core values and that, therefore, they ought to be mandated on everybody? When there’s nothing core about left-wing values in relationship to American values.

(Paraphrasing) “Wayfair employees announce on Twitter their plan to stage a walkout Wednesday afternoon in response to the company letter. The employees that spoke to CNN said the walkouts are not meant as a censure on Wayfair but as a way to show workers’ continued concern for the plight of the children at the border. They also are asking the company they work for to donate all profits made from the sale of the furniture to a nonprofit that reunites families at the borders.” So that’s what’s going on in Boston today, which is where the Wayfair people are walking out.

And it’s classic. “We can’t have the kids sleeping on beds if anybody makes a profit on it, can’t have anything, we don’t want to be involved, we don’t want anything to do with anything that’s helping Trump.” And the CEO so far is standing up. But what are the odds the guy caves? I mean, this is what happened. It happened at Disney. It happens in every corporation or company at one point or another. A bunch of malcontent leftist employees start standing up and make it look like they represent the vast majority of everybody doing business with the company. They demand that left-wing issues, political issues be implemented company wide, including how to do business. And everybody caves to ’em, instead of telling them to go to hell and shut down and go back to work. Just like parents that have lost control over their kids.

Commentary Source: LINK
The CEO should tell his workers that he'll donate the profits to charity only if all the company workers agree to work for free while fulfilling the contract. That's seems fair. Bet the workers would balk at that idea too.
Wayfair employees plan walkout over $200K furniture order to immigration detention facility
Wayfair employees plan walkout over $200K furniture order to immigration detention facility

Employees of online furniture retailer Opens a New Window. Wayfair on Tuesday said they will stage a walkout Wednesday to protest the company’s decision to sell furniture for use in immigration detention facilities at the U.S. southern border.
The planned protest arose days after Wayfair employees learned that the company had received a $200,000 order for furniture from BCFS, a nonprofit government contractor that operates detention facilities, the Boston Globe reported, citing an employee with knowledge of the situation. A group of more than 500 Wayfair employees signed a letter last week asking company executives to cease business dealings with contractors operating at the border


Well, the workers, the employees, the people who make the beds ask the CEO not to take the order! The inmates running the asylum, the employees, told the CEO, “Don’t take the order.” They don’t want the company they work for to do anything that would help Trump! They want the kids not to have beds, apparently! They’d rather the kids not have beds for the photo-ops! The CEO said he was gonna take the order. So today the workers at Wayfair have walked off the job instead of making beds for babies. I think 11,000 unaccompanied children came through the border in April and May. And of course Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is thrilled. She was afraid that somebody would make a profit. They don’t want anybody making a profit helping Trump. There should not be a profit, say the employees who get paid from profit, there should not be a profit making beds for the children. What are they supposed to do? Give them away? And so now since the workers have walked off the job, they may not be able to make the beds, and so the children will now have to sleep on the floor.

And according to a woman identifying herself as an employee of the company, Wayfair employees learned last week that an order for about $200,000 worth of bedroom furniture was placed by BCFS, which operates migrant facilities for the Department of Health and Human Services. (paraphrasing) “BCFS set to open a new facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas, which will accommodate about 1600 unaccompanied minors. More than 500 employees sent a letter last Friday to the senior management at Wayfair asking the company to not do business with this company [BCFS]. They also asked Wayfair to establish a code of ethics that empowers Wayfair and its employees to act in accordance with our core values.” And here we go again. I can’t tell you how this irritates me, these stupid leftists claiming they are the definition of American core values and that, therefore, they ought to be mandated on everybody? When there’s nothing core about left-wing values in relationship to American values.

(Paraphrasing) “Wayfair employees announce on Twitter their plan to stage a walkout Wednesday afternoon in response to the company letter. The employees that spoke to CNN said the walkouts are not meant as a censure on Wayfair but as a way to show workers’ continued concern for the plight of the children at the border. They also are asking the company they work for to donate all profits made from the sale of the furniture to a nonprofit that reunites families at the borders.” So that’s what’s going on in Boston today, which is where the Wayfair people are walking out.

And it’s classic. “We can’t have the kids sleeping on beds if anybody makes a profit on it, can’t have anything, we don’t want to be involved, we don’t want anything to do with anything that’s helping Trump.” And the CEO so far is standing up. But what are the odds the guy caves? I mean, this is what happened. It happened at Disney. It happens in every corporation or company at one point or another. A bunch of malcontent leftist employees start standing up and make it look like they represent the vast majority of everybody doing business with the company. They demand that left-wing issues, political issues be implemented company wide, including how to do business. And everybody caves to ’em, instead of telling them to go to hell and shut down and go back to work. Just like parents that have lost control over their kids.

Commentary Source: LINK
Hi, terri, it's me, the moron!
Have to tell you, I'm proud that there are still a majority in America that doesn't want to make money off misery. And I suppose you have heard of the individual folks who tried to make donations of hygienic supplies and were turned away while told there is no need.

Your assumption that the only reason people care about this travesty is out of hatred for Trump is off the mark too. You have the cause/effect backward. People who never hated Trump are leaning in the direction because of the situation he created. He tries so hard to blame Democrats, Hillary, Obama, AOC, MS13, uncaring parents, the list is endless. Everyone knows he could change this situation in a New York Minute with a stroke of that fat black sharpie he proudly defaces documents with, so the excuses fall flat.
Screw the boss. The protest is legitimate and astute. This is extractive crony capitalism not market capitalism.

'The triumph of crony capitalism was only confirmed by the bailout spasms of 2008. Its roots were actually buried deep in the decades that had passed between August 1914 and tbe BlackBerry Panic of 2008. In the intervening decades, a leviathan was arising through a process of economic governance that was halting, piecemeal, and more often than not driven by fleeting emergencies that were of no lasting moment.

A decisive moment in the evolution of American capitalism and democracy -- the triumph of crony capitalism -- took place on October 3, 2008. That was the day of the forced march approval on Capitol Hill of the $700 billion TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) bill to bail out Wall Street. This spasm of financial market intervention, including multitrillion-dollar support lines provided to the big banks and financial companies by the Federal Reserve, was but the latest brick in the foundation of a fundamentally anti-capitalist regime known as "Too Big To Fail (TBTF). It had been under construction for many decades, but now there was no turning back. The Wall Street bailouts of 2008 shattered what little remained of the old-time fiscal rules,'
(Stockman DA, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America, p. 3)

This intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process extracts the protesters' labor while at the same time sets, then (repels [italics]) its own limits.
Screw the boss. The protest is legitimate and astute. This is extractive crony capitalism not market capitalism.

'The triumph of crony capitalism was only confirmed by the bailout spasms of 2008. Its roots were actually buried deep in the decades that had passed between August 1914 and tbe BlackBerry Panic of 2008. In the intervening decades, a leviathan was arising through a process of economic governance that was halting, piecemeal, and more often than not driven by fleeting emergencies that were of no lasting moment.

A decisive moment in the evolution of American capitalism and democracy -- the triumph of crony capitalism -- took place on October 3, 2008. That was the day of the forced march approval on Capitol Hill of the $700 billion TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) bill to bail out Wall Street. This spasm of financial market intervention, including multitrillion-dollar support lines provided to the big banks and financial companies by the Federal Reserve, was but the latest brick in the foundation of a fundamentally anti-capitalist regime known as "Too Big To Fail (TBTF). It had been under construction for many decades, but now there was no turning back. The Wall Street bailouts of 2008 shattered what little remained of the old-time fiscal rules,'
(Stockman DA, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America, p. 3)

This intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process extracts the protesters' labor while at the same time sets, then (repels [italics]) its own limits.

Quoting others is no substitute for having thoughts of your own.
Hi, terri, it's me, the moron!

So it is.

Have to tell you, I'm proud that there are still a majority in America that doesn't want to make money off misery.

You ARE a moron at that. Now the children have to sleep on the floor instead of the beds we were going to give them. Well done, asshole.
They'll be standing on their sacred principles while the children continue to sleep on the floor. Some kind of principles.
I want to see where these idiots will be contributing their paychecks for the next month in order to buy beds somewhere else. If Wayfair doesn't fulfill the contract, another company will, and maybe the other company's employees understand commerce, profit, and business.
Hi, terri, it's me, the moron!
Have to tell you, I'm proud that there are still a majority in America that doesn't want to make money off misery. And I suppose you have heard of the individual folks who tried to make donations of hygienic supplies and were turned away while told there is no need.
Hello, moron. Thanks for saving me the trouble of classifying you. I didn't realize it was "misery" to sleep on a comfy bed instead of the ground, but that's how morons "think".

And I have heard of the donations that were offered at detention centers and unlike morons like yourself I actually checked to see if there is any validity in your claims. Here’s why Border Patrol turns away donations for kids in custody
As usual it turns out you and the other morons who want to pretend we are living in a Third Reich-like nation are 99% spewing bullshit propaganda out for political gain.

There is apparently something called the Antideficiency Act you should know about. But why bother with facts when tales of Cuban-like gulags holding helpless little children hostage make a better story for you and your fellow mental deficients.
Screw the boss. The protest is legitimate and astute. This is extractive crony capitalism not market capitalism.
This protest is not being made on the grounds of crony capitalism. It's a misguided virtue signaling orgy of smug pity and
self satisfied superiority that makes no sense at all.
Take the time to get the issues straight.
Boycott Panhandling, Post-Genocide of the Indigene

Commerce, profit and business is the coercion of predatory extractive capitalism, crony capitalism which seems to want to be as promiscuous as a Manhattan prostitute, forgetting borders of countries. Wayfair employees are like those who confront religion, who are not afraid not to believe.

Immigrant Detention Conditions Were Atrocious Under Obama. Here's Why They're So Much Worse Under Trump.
Immigrant Detention Conditions Were Atrocious Under Obama. Here’s Why They’re So Much Worse Under Trump.
So Trump is trying to make migrants as comfortable as possible by using our tax dollars to buy furniture while they wait processing and the Left has an issue?
So Trump is trying to make migrants as comfortable as possible by using our tax dollars to buy furniture while they wait processing and the Left has an issue?
What the hell do you think Congress is trying to authorize billions of dollars for? They just want to tie that money up so that no one on the ground can determine what is needed and acquire the requisite materials/supplies.
Personally, the only taxpayer money that should be expended on these parasites is that spent for one-way tickets back to the shitholes they crawled out of. Then we won't need beds, food, medical care, schools, etc. Be a lot cheaper in the long run...
How dare those workers unite and send a common message to management.

What's next? Collective bargaining?
Hi, terri, it's me, the moron!

So it is.

Have to tell you, I'm proud that there are still a majority in America that doesn't want to make money off misery.

You ARE a moron at that. Now the children have to sleep on the floor instead of the beds we were going to give them. Well done, asshole.
And Wayfair makes 200K off unnecessary detentions. If the parents are deported, the kids should be with them, no?
Wayfair employees plan walkout over $200K furniture order to immigration detention facility
Wayfair employees plan walkout over $200K furniture order to immigration detention facility

Employees of online furniture retailer Opens a New Window. Wayfair on Tuesday said they will stage a walkout Wednesday to protest the company’s decision to sell furniture for use in immigration detention facilities at the U.S. southern border.
The planned protest arose days after Wayfair employees learned that the company had received a $200,000 order for furniture from BCFS, a nonprofit government contractor that operates detention facilities, the Boston Globe reported, citing an employee with knowledge of the situation. A group of more than 500 Wayfair employees signed a letter last week asking company executives to cease business dealings with contractors operating at the border


Well, the workers, the employees, the people who make the beds ask the CEO not to take the order! The inmates running the asylum, the employees, told the CEO, “Don’t take the order.” They don’t want the company they work for to do anything that would help Trump! They want the kids not to have beds, apparently! They’d rather the kids not have beds for the photo-ops! The CEO said he was gonna take the order. So today the workers at Wayfair have walked off the job instead of making beds for babies. I think 11,000 unaccompanied children came through the border in April and May. And of course Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is thrilled. She was afraid that somebody would make a profit. They don’t want anybody making a profit helping Trump. There should not be a profit, say the employees who get paid from profit, there should not be a profit making beds for the children. What are they supposed to do? Give them away? And so now since the workers have walked off the job, they may not be able to make the beds, and so the children will now have to sleep on the floor.

And according to a woman identifying herself as an employee of the company, Wayfair employees learned last week that an order for about $200,000 worth of bedroom furniture was placed by BCFS, which operates migrant facilities for the Department of Health and Human Services. (paraphrasing) “BCFS set to open a new facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas, which will accommodate about 1600 unaccompanied minors. More than 500 employees sent a letter last Friday to the senior management at Wayfair asking the company to not do business with this company [BCFS]. They also asked Wayfair to establish a code of ethics that empowers Wayfair and its employees to act in accordance with our core values.” And here we go again. I can’t tell you how this irritates me, these stupid leftists claiming they are the definition of American core values and that, therefore, they ought to be mandated on everybody? When there’s nothing core about left-wing values in relationship to American values.

(Paraphrasing) “Wayfair employees announce on Twitter their plan to stage a walkout Wednesday afternoon in response to the company letter. The employees that spoke to CNN said the walkouts are not meant as a censure on Wayfair but as a way to show workers’ continued concern for the plight of the children at the border. They also are asking the company they work for to donate all profits made from the sale of the furniture to a nonprofit that reunites families at the borders.” So that’s what’s going on in Boston today, which is where the Wayfair people are walking out.

And it’s classic. “We can’t have the kids sleeping on beds if anybody makes a profit on it, can’t have anything, we don’t want to be involved, we don’t want anything to do with anything that’s helping Trump.” And the CEO so far is standing up. But what are the odds the guy caves? I mean, this is what happened. It happened at Disney. It happens in every corporation or company at one point or another. A bunch of malcontent leftist employees start standing up and make it look like they represent the vast majority of everybody doing business with the company. They demand that left-wing issues, political issues be implemented company wide, including how to do business. And everybody caves to ’em, instead of telling them to go to hell and shut down and go back to work. Just like parents that have lost control over their kids.

Commentary Source: LINK

A person could disagree with the decision by Wayfair employees without using stupidity and hate. There’s a lot of irony encompassing the title of the thread and it’s content.
Prison bunks have to be built much tougher than ordinary beds, and are therefore more expensive. Consumer particleboard furniture is inappropriate.

Boys will be boys, and girls have too many pillowfights without their parents.
Screw the boss. The protest is legitimate and astute. This is extractive crony capitalism not market capitalism.

'The triumph of crony capitalism was only confirmed by the bailout spasms of 2008. Its roots were actually buried deep in the decades that had passed between August 1914 and tbe BlackBerry Panic of 2008. In the intervening decades, a leviathan was arising through a process of economic governance that was halting, piecemeal, and more often than not driven by fleeting emergencies that were of no lasting moment.

A decisive moment in the evolution of American capitalism and democracy -- the triumph of crony capitalism -- took place on October 3, 2008. That was the day of the forced march approval on Capitol Hill of the $700 billion TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) bill to bail out Wall Street. This spasm of financial market intervention, including multitrillion-dollar support lines provided to the big banks and financial companies by the Federal Reserve, was but the latest brick in the foundation of a fundamentally anti-capitalist regime known as "Too Big To Fail (TBTF). It had been under construction for many decades, but now there was no turning back. The Wall Street bailouts of 2008 shattered what little remained of the old-time fiscal rules,'
(Stockman DA, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America, p. 3)

This intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process extracts the protesters' labor while at the same time sets, then (repels [italics]) its own limits.
The protest is ignorant and stupid just like your post

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