UN Resolutions that Israel has defied/ ignored

They started the war and lost it. The consequences are that they get evicted.

I notice that you still didn't address the issue that I raised. I guess you don't like the answer.

So we won a war in Iraq and get to keep the land?
They started the war and lost it. The consequences are that they get evicted.

I notice that you still didn't address the issue that I raised. I guess you don't like the answer.

France declared war on Germany. Are you saying the French Resistance (which was a terrorist organization by definition) was in the wrong simply because France started its conflict with Germany and lost it?
I thought we were not supposed to keep others lands even if they lose the war?

Can you imagine what the world would look like if people got to keep the land after they won a war?
France declared war on Germany. Are you saying the French Resistance (which was a terrorist organization by definition) was in the wrong simply because France started its conflict with Germany and lost it?
The definition of terrorist depends on who won the war. During the US revolutionary war the British considered the Patriots terrorists.
The US is the only country that doesn't do that. But traditionally, yes, when a country loses a war the spoils go to the victor. In ancient times, especially in the middle east, the losing county also lost its population.
He knows that. He is more of a jackass than a dumbass.
The definition of terrorist depends on who won the war. During the US revolutionary war the British considered the Patriots terrorists.

The point is, at the time of the French Resistance; France was owned by Germany; they had lost to Germany. In a similar way, Palestine has lost to Israel. So were the French wrong? And the British were correct. The Patriots were, by definition, a terrorist group, assuming "The Patriot" was accurate.
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I thought we were not supposed to keep others lands even if they lose the war?

Can you imagine what the world would look like if people got to keep the land after they won a war?
It would look pretty much like it does now. The entire middle east was basically restructured by the allies after WW2. Same with most of eastern Europe. 2000 years before that it was mostly part of the Roman Empire.
It would look pretty much like it does now. The entire middle east was basically restructured by the allies after WW2. Same with most of eastern Europe. 2000 years before that it was mostly part of the Roman Empire.

Wasn't it part of Turkey until 1918? and then controlled by Britain? It seems Britain used Iraqi oil to fight World War II.
Its not about right v wrong, but win v lose.

If Germany had prevailed in WW2 then France would be part of Germany.

but between 1940 and 1944, were the French Resistance in the wrong? during this time, they were part of "Germania"
I thought we were not supposed to keep others lands even if they lose the war?

Can you imagine what the world would look like if people got to keep the land after they won a war?
it seems you are as uninformed about the history of the M.E. as you are about our own history
Do you think they could have all the weapons to wipe them out without the Funds the US sends them?

Of course. They dont need any money from the US to wipe out the Palestinians, but in order to protect them from the entire middle east, who wants them dead, the US funds are very useful. The fact is, Israel already bought many F/A-18s in the late 80s, early 90s. When i was in the Navy, my aviation squadron VFA-125 in Lemoore, California, trained F/A-18 pilots, inculding Israeli pilots. They bought the things, the least we cold do is train them how to operate them.

I believe i heard something recently about them having newer Raptors, but i havent checked to see if thats true, regardless, it wouldnt take many F/A-18s to flatten Gaza within a few weeks. I dont know how long it takes to fly to Gaza, im guessing not long when flying at 600 miles an hour, but once they returned and landed, you could have them refueled, and fully loaded with bombs within about 30 minutes, tops.

On the subject of bombs, i would imagine they already have far more then they will ever use in any situation, and you could keep bombs indefinitely if you wanted. Typically you will have thousands of unarmed bombs and missles at your disposal, and when it comes time to use them and you are the ordinance guy, you go to the explosives storage sheds which are lined up about 500 yards from the aircraft hanger, you grab the appropriate exlosive for the weapon you are using, and you load the bomb or missle with it. Im telling you, these sheds are FULL of explosives, and you have to remember, i was at a training squadron where live fire practice isnt common at all. I cant even imagine how much they would have on an Israeli flightline. I would think tons, literally. Enough for years of combat sorties.
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I thought we were not supposed to keep others lands even if they lose the war?

Can you imagine what the world would look like if people got to keep the land after they won a war?

It depends on what war you're talking about. The 1948-1949 war never ended because the Arabs refused to make peace with Israel, but even if they had, legally other than the land the UN had given to the Jews for their state, the land Israel won in that was not part of any political entity, so there was no one to give the land back to. That's why Jordan didn't give up the West Bank, which it annexed in 1954, and Egypt didn't give up Gaza.

In 1967, the West Bank was won from Jordan, Gaza was won from Egypt and the Golan Heights was won from Syria. Immediately after the fighting ended the US proposed the land for peace concept in agreement with Israel to counter a Soviet demand that Israel unconditionally withdraw, and the land for peace resolution eventually passed as SC 242, but meanwhile, the eight Arab states that were still technically at war with Israel met in Khartoum and issued a joint resolution containing the three no's: No peace with Israel, No recognition of Israel, No negotiations with Israel.

When Egypt finally did make peace with Egypt, Israel returned the Sinai and would have returned Gaza but Egypt didn't want it back because the Arabs in Gaza had become so radicalized by the PLO that Egypt understood it would be impossible to govern them and keep its promise of peace with Israel at the same time. When Jordan later made peace with Israel, it refused to take any of the West Bank back except for a small amount of land just west of the Jordan River again because the Palestinians had become so radicalized that Jordan had already fought a war with them in the 1970's and wanted no part of them later.

Soon after making peace with Jordan, Israel began negotiations with the Palestinian Authority in an effort to give the land that no one wanted to them in exchange for peace, but again, the Palestinians were so radicalized that they were unwilling to compromise and chose violent confrontations with Israel over peaceful negotiations with Israel for statehood by starting the second intifada. So you see Israel had been trying to give that land away in return for peace for forty years, but the Arabs have been very reluctant to make peace with Israel.
Press TV
January 5, 2008

Medics tell Press TV they have found traces of depleted uranium in some Gazan residents wounded in Israel’s ground offensive into the strip.

Norwegian medics told Press TV correspondent Akram al-Sattari that some of the victims who have been wounded since Israel began its attacks on the Gaza Strip on December 27 have traces of depleted uranium in their bodies.

The report comes after Israeli tanks and troops swept across the border into Gaza on Saturday night, opening a ground operation after eight days of intensive attacks by Israeli air and naval forces on the impoverished region.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned on Sunday that the wide-ranging ground offensive in the Gaza Strip would be “full of surprises.”
Alex Jones' Infowars.com: Because there is a war on for your mind!

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