Un-Deniable: List of Crimes Known / Proven To Have Been Perpetrated By Hillary


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1. 18 U.S. Code § 793
"Prohibits "Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information"...or information, relating to the national defense:
- (1) through 'gross negligence' permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed

* Former FBI Director Comey himself declared Hillary had perpetrated this crime...before realizing what he had just done and has now tried to revise his words.

2. Executive Order 13526- Classified National Security Information, Sec. 1.1(4)(d)
"Presumed classified information is defined by Executive Order as "The unauthorized disclosure of foreign government information is presumed to cause damage to the national security."

3. 44 U.S. Code § 3106 - Unlawful removal, destruction of records
That law requires heads of agencies -- no exception for DOS -- to preserve and turn over all official correspondence and records to the National Archives. She didn't do that until confronted after a Romanian hacker leaked Hillary's email correspondence with Blumenthal. Those emails were clearly official not private. HRC admits to destroying at least 30,000 emails she deemed private…
- Hillary had also failed to provide these records to meet a FOIA request and Congressional Committee subpoena, which violates other federal laws.

In violation of an FBI subpoena requiring her to hand over EVERYTHING, Hillary criminally refused to comply, committing 'Obstruction of Justice' while violating 44 U.S. Code § 3106 by deleting thousands of e-mails, refusing to turn in all devices used, remoevd the SIM cards from the devices she did turn in, and illegally destroyed devices in violations of U.S. law covering the authorized methods for destroying classified. she also used BleachBit in an attempt to illegally wipe down her Hard Drive.

4. Freedom Of Information Act / Federal Records Act:
The FBI has stated they have THOUSANDS of work-related official documents and e-mails Hillary illegally withheld, in violation of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.
- The FBI stated it has THOUSANDS of documents in violation of both laws. Each document carries 2 criminal charges, one for each law broken. That means THERE ARE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CRIMINAL CHARGES THAT CAN BE FILED AGAINST HILLARY, JUST FOR THE VIOLATION OF THESE 2 LAWS ALONE.

5. Clinton violated a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) she signed upon becoming Secretary by retaining records with classified information.
- In Section 7 of her NDA, Clinton agreed to return any classified information she gained access to, and further agreed that failure to do so could be punished under Sections 793 and 1924 of the US Criminal Code.

According To § 793 Of Title 18 Of The US Code, anyone who willfully retains, transmits or causes to be transmitted, national security information, can face up to ten years in prison.

According To § 1924 Of Title 18 Of The US Code, anyone who removes classified information “ with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location," can face up to a year in prison.

The agreement considers information classified whether it is “marked or unmarked.”

To date,
1,340 emails on Hillary’s secret server have been found to contain classified material

6. Rule Violation #2: Clinton violated State Department regulations forbidding the storage of classified information anywhere other than "the chancery" or "consulate" even for "reasons of personal convenience."
- According to a State Department regulation in effect during Clinton's tenure
(12 FAM 531), "classified material should not be stored at a facility outside the chancery, consulate, etc., merely for convenience."

Additionally, a regulation established in 2012
(12 FAM 533.2) requires that “each employee, irrespective of rank must certify” that classified information “is not in their household or personal effects.”

7. Rule Violation #3: Clinton used a BlackBerry to transmit classified information despite State Department policy prohibiting its use.
- As of December 2, 2009, the Foreign Affairs Manual has explicitly stated that
“classified processing and/or classified conversation on a PDA is prohibited.”

8. Rule Violation #4: Clinton violated State Department policy by giving classified material to her lawyer despite the fact that he lacked an "approved classified material storage facility."
- Classified information at the State Department can only be accessed in an approved facility at a Foreign Affairs agency or contractor facility (
12 FAM 536.1-3, U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual).

This does not even cover all of the potential criminal violations / charges that could have been / should have been / should be fired by the criminal 2016 DNC Presidential Nominee.

Despite insanely attempting to deny / lie / justify / defend her for her crimes, the evidence against her is undeniable and insurmountable.
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....meanwhile the Left's continued search for any evidence, real or manufactured, to substantiate their claims of 'Trump Collusion' continues...
Government seems terrified to charge the Clintons with anything, they obviously have dirt they are threatening to retaliate with.

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