UK : Pakistani men sexually abused 1400 young/minor girls


The link does suggest there may be errors, but they would have to be massive errors to prove Pakistanis or Muslims were guilty of most sex offences.
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.
I thought this was about Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England.

I agree. This incident does not reflect on Pakistanis in general and Muslims in particular. Peaceful Muslims get slammed by both: the fundamentalist elements aided by the western government (in this case UK) and the population among the western countries which is ever ready to crucify them for the deeds of extremists.

Those perpetrators are British born.
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
The same Nick Griffin who also said.

'I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. . . I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.'

Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

Mail on Sunday, April 2006

He decreased his one-time MP, Alex Carlisle QC, as 'this bloody Jew . . . whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust'.

The Times, April 1999

'We must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and. . . who are the real manipulators of political power.'

The Independent, 2002

'[Jewish academics] originated political correctness. Because they saw it was good for the Jews. Because they saw a West made up of nations, each with its own consciousness as potentially a threat to Jews.'

The Times, 2009

Fundamentally I regard it as quite irrelevant and wrong that at a time when the British people are going to be a minority in our own homeland in 60 years, in other words we're going to be genocided ... at that time along come the liberal media with this big club marked Holocaust and bash me over the head with it.'

Panorama, 2001

Read more: BNP leader Nick Griffin A bigot damned by his own vile words Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@Mindful do you agree with the above? the reason this member resigned is interesting BNP legal officer quits over conscience The Jewish Chronicle
Last edited:
So what? The fact remains that Nick Griffin was the first person who raised the alarm over Muslim paedophile gangs targeting White girls exclusively. And now he's been reluctantly vindicated after the truth became too hard to ignore. He faced seven years in an A-Cat prison for simply telling the truth. What a country we live in, eh.
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
The same Nick Griffin who also said.

'I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. . . I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.'

Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

Mail on Sunday, April 2006

He decreased his one-time MP, Alex Carlisle QC, as 'this bloody Jew . . . whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust'.

The Times, April 1999

'We must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and. . . who are the real manipulators of political power.'

The Independent, 2002

'[Jewish academics] originated political correctness. Because they saw it was good for the Jews. Because they saw a West made up of nations, each with its own consciousness as potentially a threat to Jews.'

The Times, 2009

Fundamentally I regard it as quite irrelevant and wrong that at a time when the British people are going to be a minority in our own homeland in 60 years, in other words we're going to be genocided ... at that time along come the liberal media with this big club marked Holocaust and bash me over the head with it.'

Panorama, 2001

Read more: BNP leader Nick Griffin A bigot damned by his own vile words Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@Mindful do you agree with the above? the reason this member resigned is interesting BNP legal officer quits over conscience The Jewish Chronicle

We know that, ad infinitum. Does that mean he was wrong about his warnings?

You want to mix metaphors, and make this about Nick Griffin?

It's a known fact, self-admitted in some cases, that those in authority at the time, the police, local council, were reluctant to make accusations for fear of being labelled racists. It was easier to call those poor girls sluts, who asked for it.
Somethings that we should do with these human pieces of filth.
1. Tie their hands
2. tie a rope around their nut sacks
3. Kick the chair from under them.
4. Beat them with a spiked stick a dozen times
5. Load them into an airplane
6. Deliver them to the isis!
Somethings that we should do with these human pieces of filth.
1. Tie their hands
2. tie a rope around their nut sacks
3. Kick the chair from under them.
4. Beat them with a spiked stick a dozen times
5. Load them into an airplane
6. Deliver them to the isis!

BEST IDEA OF THE YEAR!!!!! I support a program

we can call it MAGIC CARPET. all muslims in the
USA should be granted FREE passage to THE CALIPHATE---as a spiritual right--------all they have to do is
give up US citizenship----forever----and NEVER RETURN.

donate here --------


also good for Israel, west bank, gaza
1) the men accused of raping 1400 young white girls are muslims acting in accordance with their religious instructions.

Are they?
Please show me the passage in Al Qur'an that allows or encourages sex outside marriage.

Do you mean these

the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, "Guard your private parts except from your wife or your slaves."

Allah, Exalted and Glorified be He, says: "And who guard their modesty, save from their wives or the slaves, that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy, but Who so craveth beyond that, such are transgressors.” (Al-Mu'minun: 5-7)”

And this which puts the nail in the coffin as the Pakistani muslim men saw these girls as their slaves

The Quran restricts sex to four wives and with one's own slaves 4:3
If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess
The above verse says you can marry upto four (free) women but if you cannot treat them with justice (that is give them equal time) than marry only one. Or one can have what your "right hand posses", that means your own slaves. By this verse adultery outside marriage and other than slaves is clearly forbidden. But if one consider slaves as outside marriage, then yes sex outside marriage is allowed, but only with one's slaves.

Afghanistan court sentences seven men to death for gang-rape World news

Seven men sentenced to death for the gang-rape of four women, at court in Kabul.

Freddie----you should learn Islamic law. It is very interesting.
The operative statement is "slaves" or "captives ------the issue is how does
one DEFINE "slave" In Islamic law-----the only non muslim who is NOT A SLAVE-----is one with whom the muslim ruler has
a contract of PROTECTION. All other non muslim chicks are
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern. The courts should be looking at compensation for the girls coming from the muslim community, after all the detractors of the Catholic priests want the Catholic church to pay compensation. So sell of the mosques and place a tithe on the earnings of the muslims of 10% until the costs are met in full.

You want the truth so long as it does not show the extent of Islamic involvement in the child rapes, and how muslim men as a whole are paedophiles just like the perfect muslim. You know the one that had the laws changed so he could "marry" his brothers 9 year old daughter
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern.
Once again @Phoenall the Yok you lie. These disgusting offences took place over 16 years from 1997 to 2013. BBC News - Rotherham abuse scandal Key dates
That is a horrendous average of 86 children sexually abuse per year. I repeat 18,915 children under the age of 16 yrs were sexually abused in 2013. How many were abused by Muslims that year? Statistics on child sexual abuse NSPCC
for the idiots who post here-----the Talmud is not a history book----
it is not even a compendium of legal cases (like "law review") ---
Many of the "cases" cited are allegorical For reasons not clear
to me-----somehow the son of pandera story was thought by some medieval Christian theologians to be a slur on Jesus----but then again -----BALAAM was suppose to be something like
a code word for Jesus. Balaam is a figure in the bible at the
time of Jacob-----he was a gentile. There is lots of discussion
about abuse of children in ancient jewish writings. Most of
it deals with that which was considered the greatest sin of all----
child sacrifice------the "Amalekites" did it which is why
"Amalekite"-----is the worst possible thing to be.
For the idiot that responded, To make it easy for you the talmud is like the Islamic hadiths.
ps this is the yeshua you were rambling about.
Yeshua ben Yosef of Nazareth (of the New Testament)
1. born in Bethlehem and raised in Galilee
2. lived approximately in 4 BCE
3. mother was Mirium (Mary), father was Yosef,
4. studied, practiced and taught Judaism
5. supported the Pharisaic School of Hillel & Shamai - Hasidic movement in Galilee and the Essenes
6. had 12 disciples
7. started the Netzarim (Nazarene) movement
8. had no ties to the government at all
9. executed by the Roman Courts (Rome had imperial rule over Israel, Jewish court had no authority to order or carry out an execution)
10. was executed (scourged - crucified) the day OF preparation for Passover
11. not mentioned in the Talmud except for alluded to writings
thanks delta4
for the idiots who post here-----the Talmud is not a history book----
it is not even a compendium of legal cases (like "law review") ---
Many of the "cases" cited are allegorical For reasons not clear
to me-----somehow the son of pandera story was thought by some medieval Christian theologians to be a slur on Jesus----but then again -----BALAAM was suppose to be something like
a code word for Jesus. Balaam is a figure in the bible at the
time of Jacob-----he was a gentile. There is lots of discussion
about abuse of children in ancient jewish writings. Most of
it deals with that which was considered the greatest sin of all----
child sacrifice------the "Amalekites" did it which is why
"Amalekite"-----is the worst possible thing to be.
For the idiot that responded, To make it easy for you the talmud is like the Islamic hadiths.
ps this is the yeshua you were rambling about.
Yeshua ben Yosef of Nazareth (of the New Testament)
1. born in Bethlehem and raised in Galilee
2. lived approximately in 4 BCE
3. mother was Mirium (Mary), father was Yosef,
4. studied, practiced and taught Judaism
5. supported the Pharisaic School of Hillel & Shamai - Hasidic movement in Galilee and the Essenes
6. had 12 disciples
7. started the Netzarim (Nazarene) movement
8. had no ties to the government at all
9. executed by the Roman Courts (Rome had imperial rule over Israel, Jewish court had no authority to order or carry out an execution)
10. was executed (scourged - crucified) the day OF preparation for Passover
11. not mentioned in the Talmud except for alluded to writings
thanks delta4

PS FREELY has again proven himself an idiot-----when was the book of the Talmud "Sanhedrin" written, freely dear? The Talmud is nothing like "the hadiths" ------the hadiths consist of stuff attributed to muhummad------the Talmud is a compendium--
AN ACTUAL COMPENDIUM of something like the "minutes"
of scholarly meetings in which the torah was discussed using
many mechanisms of discussion including allegory. It was written at the time that the discussions took place. The Koran--hadiths and all-----did not get recorded until about 100 years
after muhummad died. Did you really imagine that your
description of "JESUS" was needed by anyone here?
You better tell that to the Jewish Chronicle read how this article compares the Talmud to Hadith..It must be hard being a wannabe Jew. The Talmud and Islam The Jewish Chronicle
Both Islam and Judaism are religions which minutely regulate every aspect of the believer’s life. They’re each based on a God-given written document – the Torah for Judaism and the Qu’ran for Islam. These divine texts are each interpreted and expanded upon by an oral tradition – the Talmud and the Hadith respectively. Both traditions contain legal and ethical material, and the legal material in each distinguishes between religious laws and social laws.
@irosie91 the shikseh, no response o font of all Jewish wisdom.:muahaha:
Somethings that we should do with these human pieces of filth.
1. Tie their hands
2. tie a rope around their nut sacks
3. Kick the chair from under them.
4. Beat them with a spiked stick a dozen times
5. Load them into an airplane
6. Deliver them to the isis!

They've not even been brought to justice yet. Blame the system, whose job it was to protect those children .
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

Obviously, you misunderstand the purpose of my post. I was commenting on the fact that the western media became very incensed and went on for quite some time talking about all the facets of the Catholic child abuse scandal. They spent weeks talking about it. In this case, they don't even want to mention that the perps are Muslim. I believe it is because they know they face no repercussions from Christians but fear violence from Muslims.
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
The same Nick Griffin who also said.

'I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. . . I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.'

Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

Mail on Sunday, April 2006

He decreased his one-time MP, Alex Carlisle QC, as 'this bloody Jew . . . whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust'.

The Times, April 1999

'We must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and. . . who are the real manipulators of political power.'

The Independent, 2002

'[Jewish academics] originated political correctness. Because they saw it was good for the Jews. Because they saw a West made up of nations, each with its own consciousness as potentially a threat to Jews.'

The Times, 2009

Fundamentally I regard it as quite irrelevant and wrong that at a time when the British people are going to be a minority in our own homeland in 60 years, in other words we're going to be genocided ... at that time along come the liberal media with this big club marked Holocaust and bash me over the head with it.'

Panorama, 2001

Read more: BNP leader Nick Griffin A bigot damned by his own vile words Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@Mindful do you agree with the above? the reason this member resigned is interesting BNP legal officer quits over conscience The Jewish Chronicle

We know that, ad infinitum. Does that mean he was wrong about his warnings?

You want to mix metaphors, and make this about Nick Griffin?

It's a known fact, self-admitted in some cases, that those in authority at the time, the police, local council, were reluctant to make accusations for fear of being labelled racists. It was easier to call those poor girls sluts, who asked for it.
@Mindful simple question, do you agree with Griffins anti Semitic remarks?
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

Obviously, you misunderstand the purpose of my post. I was commenting on the fact that the western media became very incensed and went on for quite some time talking about all the facets of the Catholic child abuse scandal. They spent weeks talking about it. In this case, they don't even want to mention that the perps are Muslim. I believe it is because they know they face no repercussions from Christians but fear violence from Muslims.

In the UK case, the establishment was almost OCD about political correctness. Did not want go be seen as singling out Muslims for such crimes.
Cant see any mention of child rape in the numbers seen in Rotherham in that report, just some cult that used the usual methods of brainwashing and indoctrination.

Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern. The courts should be looking at compensation for the girls coming from the muslim community, after all the detractors of the Catholic priests want the Catholic church to pay compensation. So sell of the mosques and place a tithe on the earnings of the muslims of 10% until the costs are met in full.

You want the truth so long as it does not show the extent of Islamic involvement in the child rapes, and how muslim men as a whole are paedophiles just like the perfect muslim. You know the one that had the laws changed so he could "marry" his brothers 9 year old daughter
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern.
Once again @Phoenall the Yok you lie. These disgusting offences took place over 16 years from 1997 to 2013. BBC News - Rotherham abuse scandal Key dates
That is a horrendous average of 86 children sexually abuse per year. I repeat 18,915 children under the age of 16 yrs were sexually abused in 2013. How many were abused by Muslims that year? Statistics on child sexual abuse NSPCC

Try again ISLAMONAZI APOLOGIST as the girls were not raped once during that 16 year time slot but as many as 5 times a day nearly every day by many hundreds of muslim men. So your 86 becomes 3,139 rapes over the year and if they were raped twice a day it becomes 6278 cases, 3 times a day and it is 9,417 cases, 4 times a day which many of the girls said was normal becomes 12,556 cases a year. This does not take into account sex abuse other than rape does it so looks like the majority of cases in 2013 could have been done by your new friends the MUSLIM CHILD RAPISTS.
David Cameron, honest? Are you high?

When he was leader of the Opposition to Blair's government, Cameron was one of the cheerleaders calling for the real whistleblower's imprisonment. In 2004, the BBC went undercover among the British National Party, where they recorded its leader, Nick Griffin, revealing that he and some of his party officials believed that a Muslim pedophile gang was operating in the north of England and they were exclusively targeting White girls, some as young as nine. Following the programme's broadcast, Griffin was arrested on the charge of inciting racial hatred, and the establishment went for him all guns blazing, demanding that the maximum tarrif of seven years be applied in the event of a guilty verdict. Thankfully all charges were dropped. The guy was looking down the barrel of seven years in an A-CAT prison (seven years!), just for telling some uncomfortable truths about a bunch of pedophiles that happened to be Pakis.

But we were warned that this sort of thing was happening; the gang-rapes, the fearsome brutality, the organised exploitation of White schoolgirls who had the great misfortune to be sent to a Council ‘Care Home’. We were warned ten years ago! But the problem was that, because the person who first made those warnings was not politically acceptable; was not accepted as being trustworthy, was in fact accused of criminal behaviour for uttering that very warning, his words and his warnings were rejected and ignored.

Who was that man?

His name was Nick Griffin

Source. Mike Cunningham
The same Nick Griffin who also said.

'I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat. . . I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.'

Panorama, 2001

'It's well-known that the chimneys from the gas chambers at Auschwitz are fake, built after the war ended.'

Mail on Sunday, April 2006

He decreased his one-time MP, Alex Carlisle QC, as 'this bloody Jew . . . whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust'.

The Times, April 1999

'We must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and. . . who are the real manipulators of political power.'

The Independent, 2002

'[Jewish academics] originated political correctness. Because they saw it was good for the Jews. Because they saw a West made up of nations, each with its own consciousness as potentially a threat to Jews.'

The Times, 2009

Fundamentally I regard it as quite irrelevant and wrong that at a time when the British people are going to be a minority in our own homeland in 60 years, in other words we're going to be genocided ... at that time along come the liberal media with this big club marked Holocaust and bash me over the head with it.'

Panorama, 2001

Read more: BNP leader Nick Griffin A bigot damned by his own vile words Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
@Mindful do you agree with the above? the reason this member resigned is interesting BNP legal officer quits over conscience The Jewish Chronicle

We know that, ad infinitum. Does that mean he was wrong about his warnings?

You want to mix metaphors, and make this about Nick Griffin?

It's a known fact, self-admitted in some cases, that those in authority at the time, the police, local council, were reluctant to make accusations for fear of being labelled racists. It was easier to call those poor girls sluts, who asked for it.
@Mindful simple question, do you agree with Griffins anti Semitic remarks?

Don't try to bait me with that tired old tactic. It could have been the Pope or Father Christmas who gave that warning for all I care. It just happened to be Nick Griffin in this case.
1) the men accused of raping 1400 young white girls are muslims acting in accordance with their religious instructions.

Are they?
Please show me the passage in Al Qur'an that allows or encourages sex outside marriage.

Do you mean these

the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, "Guard your private parts except from your wife or your slaves."

Allah, Exalted and Glorified be He, says: "And who guard their modesty, save from their wives or the slaves, that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy, but Who so craveth beyond that, such are transgressors.” (Al-Mu'minun: 5-7)”

And this which puts the nail in the coffin as the Pakistani muslim men saw these girls as their slaves

The Quran restricts sex to four wives and with one's own slaves 4:3
If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess
The above verse says you can marry upto four (free) women but if you cannot treat them with justice (that is give them equal time) than marry only one. Or one can have what your "right hand posses", that means your own slaves. By this verse adultery outside marriage and other than slaves is clearly forbidden. But if one consider slaves as outside marriage, then yes sex outside marriage is allowed, but only with one's slaves.

Afghanistan court sentences seven men to death for gang-rape World news

Seven men sentenced to death for the gang-rape of four women, at court in Kabul.

Freddie----you should learn Islamic law. It is very interesting.
The operative statement is "slaves" or "captives ------the issue is how does
one DEFINE "slave" In Islamic law-----the only non muslim who is NOT A SLAVE-----is one with whom the muslim ruler has
a contract of PROTECTION. All other non muslim chicks are
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern. The courts should be looking at compensation for the girls coming from the muslim community, after all the detractors of the Catholic priests want the Catholic church to pay compensation. So sell of the mosques and place a tithe on the earnings of the muslims of 10% until the costs are met in full.

You want the truth so long as it does not show the extent of Islamic involvement in the child rapes, and how muslim men as a whole are paedophiles just like the perfect muslim. You know the one that had the laws changed so he could "marry" his brothers 9 year old daughter
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern.
Once again @Phoenall the Yok you lie. These disgusting offences took place over 16 years from 1997 to 2013. BBC News - Rotherham abuse scandal Key dates
That is a horrendous average of 86 children sexually abuse per year. I repeat 18,915 children under the age of 16 yrs were sexually abused in 2013. How many were abused by Muslims that year? Statistics on child sexual abuse NSPCC
for the idiots who post here-----the Talmud is not a history book----
it is not even a compendium of legal cases (like "law review") ---
Many of the "cases" cited are allegorical For reasons not clear
to me-----somehow the son of pandera story was thought by some medieval Christian theologians to be a slur on Jesus----but then again -----BALAAM was suppose to be something like
a code word for Jesus. Balaam is a figure in the bible at the
time of Jacob-----he was a gentile. There is lots of discussion
about abuse of children in ancient jewish writings. Most of
it deals with that which was considered the greatest sin of all----
child sacrifice------the "Amalekites" did it which is why
"Amalekite"-----is the worst possible thing to be.
For the idiot that responded, To make it easy for you the talmud is like the Islamic hadiths.
ps this is the yeshua you were rambling about.
Yeshua ben Yosef of Nazareth (of the New Testament)
1. born in Bethlehem and raised in Galilee
2. lived approximately in 4 BCE
3. mother was Mirium (Mary), father was Yosef,
4. studied, practiced and taught Judaism
5. supported the Pharisaic School of Hillel & Shamai - Hasidic movement in Galilee and the Essenes
6. had 12 disciples
7. started the Netzarim (Nazarene) movement
8. had no ties to the government at all
9. executed by the Roman Courts (Rome had imperial rule over Israel, Jewish court had no authority to order or carry out an execution)
10. was executed (scourged - crucified) the day OF preparation for Passover
11. not mentioned in the Talmud except for alluded to writings
thanks delta4
for the idiots who post here-----the Talmud is not a history book----
it is not even a compendium of legal cases (like "law review") ---
Many of the "cases" cited are allegorical For reasons not clear
to me-----somehow the son of pandera story was thought by some medieval Christian theologians to be a slur on Jesus----but then again -----BALAAM was suppose to be something like
a code word for Jesus. Balaam is a figure in the bible at the
time of Jacob-----he was a gentile. There is lots of discussion
about abuse of children in ancient jewish writings. Most of
it deals with that which was considered the greatest sin of all----
child sacrifice------the "Amalekites" did it which is why
"Amalekite"-----is the worst possible thing to be.
For the idiot that responded, To make it easy for you the talmud is like the Islamic hadiths.
ps this is the yeshua you were rambling about.
Yeshua ben Yosef of Nazareth (of the New Testament)
1. born in Bethlehem and raised in Galilee
2. lived approximately in 4 BCE
3. mother was Mirium (Mary), father was Yosef,
4. studied, practiced and taught Judaism
5. supported the Pharisaic School of Hillel & Shamai - Hasidic movement in Galilee and the Essenes
6. had 12 disciples
7. started the Netzarim (Nazarene) movement
8. had no ties to the government at all
9. executed by the Roman Courts (Rome had imperial rule over Israel, Jewish court had no authority to order or carry out an execution)
10. was executed (scourged - crucified) the day OF preparation for Passover
11. not mentioned in the Talmud except for alluded to writings
thanks delta4

PS FREELY has again proven himself an idiot-----when was the book of the Talmud "Sanhedrin" written, freely dear? The Talmud is nothing like "the hadiths" ------the hadiths consist of stuff attributed to muhummad------the Talmud is a compendium--
AN ACTUAL COMPENDIUM of something like the "minutes"
of scholarly meetings in which the torah was discussed using
many mechanisms of discussion including allegory. It was written at the time that the discussions took place. The Koran--hadiths and all-----did not get recorded until about 100 years
after muhummad died. Did you really imagine that your
description of "JESUS" was needed by anyone here?

Shows that he is completely clueless on Jewish history and culture and so cant be a secular Jew. My money is on him being a LYING SCOT's CRIMINAL that has came here from another board. One that you know well from the PoI board and Deep Blue. Remember them when they claimed the Pakistani muslims were not organised into child rape gangs and that it was a LIE spread by the BNP to stir up religious and racial hatred for the muslims.......................
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

Obviously, you misunderstand the purpose of my post. I was commenting on the fact that the western media became very incensed and went on for quite some time talking about all the facets of the Catholic child abuse scandal. They spent weeks talking about it. In this case, they don't even want to mention that the perps are Muslim. I believe it is because they know they face no repercussions from Christians but fear violence from Muslims.

In the UK case, the establishment was almost OCD about political correctness. Did not want go be seen as singling out Muslims for such crimes.

Catholics, OTOH, are completely fair game.
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

Obviously, you misunderstand the purpose of my post. I was commenting on the fact that the western media became very incensed and went on for quite some time talking about all the facets of the Catholic child abuse scandal. They spent weeks talking about it. In this case, they don't even want to mention that the perps are Muslim. I believe it is because they know they face no repercussions from Christians but fear violence from Muslims.

In the UK case, the establishment was almost OCD about political correctness. Did not want go be seen as singling out Muslims for such crimes.

Catholics, OTOH, are completely fair game.

Also many white prominent celebrities in jail for historic sex abuse.
Also many white prominent celebrities in jail for historic sex abuse.

\And there goes the point.
One, Jimmy Saville, abused more underage victims than the Rotherham gang managed as a group, and that's before the dead bodies he had sex with, but according the the forum morons, Pakistanis are guilty of most of the sex crime.

That's the big problem with extremists idiots, they have to blame whoever they hate, regardless of the truth.
In fact the reality is simple:
There were gangs of bastards from Pakistani families that went around raping children.
The local authorities covered it up in a stupid attempt to stop racism.
There are also lots of other people involved in this sort of filth, mostly white guys.

If you want to actually do something about the problem of child sexual abuse, you have to look at who commits the crimes and act accordingly.
Of course, the racists don't really care about the kids, they just want to paki bash.

The bit I would find amusing, if it wasn't so disgusting, Britain's far right cretins are on about Pakistani gangs, but ignore their own people.

Richard Price EDL Co-ordinator - Placed on the sex offenders register. - UK Indymedia

A leader of the English Defence League who was described as a “political prisoner” after being jailed for violence at a march had already been placed on the sex offenders register for downloading indecent images of children, The Times can reveal.

The far-right group launched a campaign to free Richard Price, co-ordinator of the West Midlands division of the EDL, after he was jailed last month for violent behaviour. But Price, 41, had been convicted in June 2010 of making four indecent images of children, and possessing cocaine and crack cocaine.

There's a whole string of these racist idiots, that are also child sex offenders, but they're member of a party that moan on about child sex crime, as long as Muslims are the guilty ones.
Their stupidity is astounding.

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