UK Has Become A Nation Of Islamic Ghettos

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Katie Hopkins is describing the deterioration of the U.K. it's culture, stability and generally peaceful communities due to the immigration of Islamic refugees who brought their war zone attitudes and mentalities and divisive hatred from the Middle East to The UK on Fox News tonight.

She said this was one of the reasons Brits voted for Brexit so as to stop the EU from sending more and more refugees (I.E. Muslim Men of Military Age.) to the U.K.which place its citizens in continual peril.

She said that you cannot go in to what used to be quaint and historical
British towns without fearing for your lives. British women still living in these areas cannot go out at night or without being in large groups and neither can men.

British Law Enforcement is afraid to go in to these communities and it is essentially every man for himself. The only law is Sharia Law in many historic British Towns. British LEO need firearms now where for years great respect for LEO only made this occasionally necessary if they even dare to set foot in an Islamic Enclave.

All across Europe there are no go zones. Rape and hate crimes committed in these Islamic No Go Zones is becoming epidemic and is drastically under reported because of Fear of Retribution and Political Correctness and the defensive and hostile attitudes of liberals towards anyone that would challenge the idea of unfettered immigration.

I have to ask everyone, Left and Right, why on Earth would you want to import that here? Hell, we already let some of it here already, and some people want more of it even promising to increase the importation of hostile Foreign Values by 550%

Islam is incompatible with Individual Liberties like Free Speech, Equal Rights for Women, Religious Freedom and all American Values.

No free society is equipped to handle this or deal with this. It's the equivalent of objecting cancer cells in to an otherwise healthy body.

Please explain to me Liberals exactly Why You Need and Want This Kind Of Immigration and why a place like Maryland that just experienced a graphic and hostile rape a 14 year old by Illegals would still vote Yes for Sanctuary City status.

Where is the benefit of things like that to our society?
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Katie Hopkins is describing the deterioration of the U.K. it's culture, stability and generally peaceful communities due to the immigration of Islamic refugees who brought their war zone attitudes and mentalities and divisive hatred from the Middle East to The UK on Fox News tonight.

She said this was one of the reasons Brits voted for Brexit so as to stop the EU from sending more and more refugees (I.E. Muslim Men of Military Age.) to the U.K. and place its citizens I n continual peril.

She said that you cannot go in to what used to be quaint and historical
British towns without fearing for your lives. British women still living in these areas cannot go out at night or without being in large groups and neither can men.

British Law Enforcement is afraid to go in to these communities and it is essentially every man for himself. British LEO need firearms now where for years great respect for LEO only made this necessary occassionally.

All across Europe there are no go zones. Rape and hate crimes committed in these Islamic No Go Zones is becoming epidemic and is drastically under reported because of Fear of Retribution and Political Correctness and the defensive and hostile attitudes of liberals towards anyone that would challenge the idea of unfettered immigration.

I have to ask everyone, Left and Right, why on Earth would you want to import that here? Hell, we already let some of it here already, and some people want more of it even promising to increase the importation of hostile Foreign Valies by 550%

Islam is incompatible with Individual Liberties like Free Speech, Equal Rights for Women, Religious Freedom and all American Values.
No free society is equipped to handle this or deal with this. It's the equivalent of objecting cancer cells in to an otherwise healthy body.

Please explain to me Liberals exactly Why You Need and Want This Kind Of Immigration.

Where is the benefit to our society?

Oh, jesus, you're using KATIE FUCKING IDIOT HOPKINS as a source. God help you. That woman is a nasty bitch who will say anything to get attention, and people give it to her, and she falls, gets sued all the time for making shit up.

Do you have any evidence to back up your claims, because, Katie Hopkins isn't worth shit for a source.
Did you know Chicago has one of the largest Islamic Populations in Illinois?

It also has one of the highest murder rates and violent crime rates in The United States!

As suburbs grow, Muslim population booms, too -- Daily Herald

Chicago's murder rate soars 72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%

But keep sticking your hand in the sand!

Katie Hopkins is describing the deterioration of the U.K. it's culture, stability and generally peaceful communities due to the immigration of Islamic refugees who brought their war zone attitudes and mentalities and divisive hatred from the Middle East to The UK on Fox News tonight.

She said this was one of the reasons Brits voted for Brexit so as to stop the EU from sending more and more refugees (I.E. Muslim Men of Military Age.) to the U.K. and place its citizens I n continual peril.

She said that you cannot go in to what used to be quaint and historical
British towns without fearing for your lives. British women still living in these areas cannot go out at night or without being in large groups and neither can men.

British Law Enforcement is afraid to go in to these communities and it is essentially every man for himself. British LEO need firearms now where for years great respect for LEO only made this necessary occassionally.

All across Europe there are no go zones. Rape and hate crimes committed in these Islamic No Go Zones is becoming epidemic and is drastically under reported because of Fear of Retribution and Political Correctness and the defensive and hostile attitudes of liberals towards anyone that would challenge the idea of unfettered immigration.

I have to ask everyone, Left and Right, why on Earth would you want to import that here? Hell, we already let some of it here already, and some people want more of it even promising to increase the importation of hostile Foreign Valies by 550%

Islam is incompatible with Individual Liberties like Free Speech, Equal Rights for Women, Religious Freedom and all American Values.
No free society is equipped to handle this or deal with this. It's the equivalent of objecting cancer cells in to an otherwise healthy body.

Please explain to me Liberals exactly Why You Need and Want This Kind Of Immigration.

Where is the benefit to our society?

Oh, jesus, you're using KATIE FUCKING IDIOT HOPKINS as a source. God help you. That woman is a nasty bitch who will say anything to get attention, and people give it to her, and she falls, gets sued all the time for making shit up.

Do you have any evidence to back up your claims, because, Katie Hopkins isn't worth shit for a source.
Votes...democrats would make a deal with the devil to win

They ally with Illegals and Radical Islam and are using them as Mules and Proxies to fight their war against American Culture but like in Benghazi where Hillary Clinton contracted with Terrorists to take out Qaddafi, they will turn on them the minute they see an advantage and something worth killing for.

And in that case they found out Clinton was using Benghazi as a weapons dump... so her paid assassins attacked it and slaughtered everyone they could get their hands on.

It will be no different here in the US once they feel they have the upper hand in any given situation.
Did you know Chicago has one of the largest Islamic Populations in Illinois?

It also has one of the highest murder rates and violent crime rates in The United States!

As suburbs grow, Muslim population booms, too -- Daily Herald

But keep sticking your hand in the sand!

Katie Hopkins is describing the deterioration of the U.K. it's culture, stability and generally peaceful communities due to the immigration of Islamic refugees who brought their war zone attitudes and mentalities and divisive hatred from the Middle East to The UK on Fox News tonight.

She said this was one of the reasons Brits voted for Brexit so as to stop the EU from sending more and more refugees (I.E. Muslim Men of Military Age.) to the U.K. and place its citizens I n continual peril.

She said that you cannot go in to what used to be quaint and historical
British towns without fearing for your lives. British women still living in these areas cannot go out at night or without being in large groups and neither can men.

British Law Enforcement is afraid to go in to these communities and it is essentially every man for himself. British LEO need firearms now where for years great respect for LEO only made this necessary occassionally.

All across Europe there are no go zones. Rape and hate crimes committed in these Islamic No Go Zones is becoming epidemic and is drastically under reported because of Fear of Retribution and Political Correctness and the defensive and hostile attitudes of liberals towards anyone that would challenge the idea of unfettered immigration.

I have to ask everyone, Left and Right, why on Earth would you want to import that here? Hell, we already let some of it here already, and some people want more of it even promising to increase the importation of hostile Foreign Valies by 550%

Islam is incompatible with Individual Liberties like Free Speech, Equal Rights for Women, Religious Freedom and all American Values.
No free society is equipped to handle this or deal with this. It's the equivalent of objecting cancer cells in to an otherwise healthy body.

Please explain to me Liberals exactly Why You Need and Want This Kind Of Immigration.

Where is the benefit to our society?

Oh, jesus, you're using KATIE FUCKING IDIOT HOPKINS as a source. God help you. That woman is a nasty bitch who will say anything to get attention, and people give it to her, and she falls, gets sued all the time for making shit up.

Do you have any evidence to back up your claims, because, Katie Hopkins isn't worth shit for a source.

Wait, you're making statistics fit.

I'd assume that Chicago has the highest Islamic population, seeing as Chicago has 2.7 million people out of the 12.8 million people in the state, that's 20%. It's simple math.

Saying they have the highest Islamic population in Illinois and then moving off to Chicago having one of the highest crime rates in the US, so what? You've not use facts well here.

Islam in the United States - Wikipedia

Here are some of the facts.

Illinois has the largest Muslim population as a percentage with 2.8%, Virginia is second, New York, then New Jersey.

Illinois is 14th in the US for murder rate. Virginia is 24th, New York 36th, New Jersey 29th.

What does this say?

Well it says the state with the highest murder rate is Louisiana and has a Muslim population of 1%, that's 2.8 times less than Illinois.

Also it says that New York City has the most Muslims, then Dearbon, Michigan, LA is third, not Chicago.

Dearbon has a crime rate that is basically national average.
Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?

There are No Go Zones in the U.K. Police do not even go in to these areas even if they get a call about an ongoing violent crime. They have to mass forces and go in like an invading army in their OWN Phucking Country.

Phucking Chicago is no different and our LEO has Weapoms out the ass and bullet proof vests.

Get your head out of your ass. There are now Sharia Courts that Liberal Phucksticks allowed to be built within the U.K.!

There are now 85 Sharia Courts in the U.K. Practicing Barbaric Islamic Law, and the U.K. Justice System is powerless to shut them down and challenge them.

Inside Britain's Sharia courts dispensing 'justice' across the UK | Daily Mail Online

It's like the Phucking Nazis invaded the U.K. And won WWII.

And you want that here?

Please tell me you are joking because you aren't even denying that this is what you are advocating!
The UK bent over backwards to accommodate the Islamic culture but jihadists couldn't care less. Terrorism is all they understand. Terrorists stabbed a Police Officer to death and mowed down dozens of people today in London.
The UK bent over backwards to accommodate the Islamic culture but jihadists couldn't care less. Terrorism is all they understand. Terrorists stabbed a Police Officer to death and mowed down dozens of people today in London.

By putting them in ghettos ?

Why don't we have these issues in the US? Oh, cause our muslims have opportunities here . They can get jobs and have lives .

No so much in Europe. Which makes for easy pickings for extremists.
It is unbelievable that liberals will support illegal immigration and unvetted importation of somcalled refugees after seeing the news the past two days.

Liberalsm is a cancer, and a bigger threat than Radical Islam or any other enemy anyone could name.

The UK bent over backwards to accommodate the Islamic culture but jihadists couldn't care less. Terrorism is all they understand. Terrorists stabbed a Police Officer to death and mowed down dozens of people today in London.
Do you have a reading comprehension above the 3rd Grade?

No one is putting them in Ghettos. Your Favorite Phucksticks are taking peaceful quaint UK towns and villages and destroying them and turning them in to Ghettos like ChicagoPhuckistan!

Sex, Violence, and Radical Islam: Why 'Persepolis' Belongs in Public Schools

Or DearbornIslamobad

Michigan: Police coverup Islamic honor killings in Dearborn (video)

The UK bent over backwards to accommodate the Islamic culture but jihadists couldn't care less. Terrorism is all they understand. Terrorists stabbed a Police Officer to death and mowed down dozens of people today in London.

By putting them in ghettos ?

Why don't we have these issues in the US? Oh, cause our muslims have opportunities here . They can get jobs and have lives .

No so much in Europe. Which makes for easy pickings for extremists.
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The #1 name for a newborn male in London is "mohammed" and the crazy jihadists are still murdering and terrorizing the people in the UK capital.
I mentioned this before about illegal aliens from Mexico, there is a totally dark side to unquestioned influx of immigrants. It's odd we also condemn the mistreatment of "indigenous " peoples, as long as they aren't European, White and poor. Talk about conflicted here, white people of Europe/England have a native culture too, by the by. Worthy of preserving just as well.
The Left wants Islamic Radicals here because of their shared Hatred of Jews, Christians and American Freedoms.

They are using them and Illegals as proxies and mules to do the dirty work of destabilizing America so they can continue to push for Globalism and Leftist Fascist Control of our Society, but in the end it will not only destroy America, it will destroy them and is along with them!
The UK bent over backwards to accommodate the Islamic culture but jihadists couldn't care less. Terrorism is all they understand. Terrorists stabbed a Police Officer to death and mowed down dozens of people today in London.
Policemen are shot and killed every single week in America. (64 killed in 2016)

Every city in America has a lawless known as the Hood, where drug gangs rule the streets and cops are reluctant to go. And thousands of shootings, rapes, and robberies, take place every year.

But let's point fingers at the UK;..... which has a small fraction of crime compared to America;.... and talk about how awful it is over there. .... :cool:
Many policeman in America were killed by Radical Liberals or Radical Muslims.

But I have a great couple of questions for you.

Why was Muhammad a Pedophile and raped a 9 year old girl?

And who really is allah when you read the Koran and compare allah's description of himself with other deities in other religious texts?

Let me tell you who allah is. He is the Great Deceiver. The Father of Lies. The Lord of Flies. He Tempted Eve. He Murdered Abel. He Rebelled against The Creator. He was like God but was not God. He was thrown from Heaven along with a third of the angels who warred against The True God.

He Crucified Christ The Living God.
He is The Lord of The Pit. He Fornicates with Pigs and Unclean Beasts. He Commands Demons, Princes and Principalities and is the god of this world and his True name is Lucifer, The Bright And Morning Star or in his Common Name, is called SATAN.

He Will Be Defeated By The Resurrected Christ In The Final Days and be vanquished along with his followers to The Pit of Hell Forever!
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