Uh Oh ... The Only Thing Now Standing Between Us and a Terminator-Style AI Apocalypse is 'Kackling Kamala'

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Well, I guess it is time to do all those things on my bucket list because this is certainly not going to end well. Essentially this act of stupidity is the Biden handlers' way of saying that they are not going to do anything about addressing the ethics of our evolving AI. They are content to just let happen whatever is going to happen.

I had a conversation with my teenage son recently about this. Of course, he is tech savvy and thinks I only understand stone-age principles of technology, like levers and wheels and such. He assured me that the AI will only work within the parameters we establish for it, and therefore the idea of the machines gaining intelligent and declaring war on the human race is complete hogwash. I think he even laughed at me under his breath. I countered that (1) there is a certain proportion of rotten human being on the face of the earth, (2) there is nothing exempting highly intelligent people from being rotten, and (3) if a truly rotten person composes the enabling code for AI, then HE defines the parameters. There is nothing stopping some fat incel pig who is mad at the world from writing some malevolent code, hacking some key infrastructure (e.g., utilities, defense, etc...) , and inserting said malicious AI code into the existing AI code. My son seemed to reluctantly agree that the possibility may be genuine.

Moreover, technology generally is aimed at making things work better and more efficiently. Integration is key to this. But will there be effective firewalls put into place in order to compartmentalize otherwise integrated systems for security purposes? One would think so. But we know that absolutely NOTHING is immune from hacking/cracking operations. Therefore, there will always be exposure to risk. As the automated apparatus grows, the the consequence of a breach in security mounts. The only sure way to protect a system is to unplug it from the integration. But this is absolutely opposite of the direction big tech has been headed for the past 50 years.

My point is that the risks posed by AI, and admittedly intriguing concept, shall be subject to the individual ethics and moralities of the people developing, controlling, and maintaining it. Personally, I have found highly intelligent tech people to generally not be to my liking. 9 out of 10 of them are creepy and socially awkward. Many of them don't bathe regularly. They read and watch a lot of fantasy based bullshit and play video games in which they are effectively a god (i.e., they want to be a god). They don't get their dicks wet in appropriate ways, and so on. They possess great knowledge and skill, but they need to be kept under tight control if we are going to grant them the ability to code our futures. These are not the humans we want establishing what our futures look like (unless you want your future to look like World of Warcraft, and I don't.

AI is an arms race, so there is no time to develop it cautiously. Therefore, it must be developed with reckless abandon!

Essentially you are creating an intelligence higher than your own, only, without empathy.

People like this are referred to as sociopaths.

It's kind of like how democrats are, only, without the intelligence.
Well, I guess it is time to do all those things on my bucket list because this is certainly not going to end well. Essentially this act of stupidity is the Biden handlers' way of saying that they are not going to do anything about addressing the ethics of our evolving AI. They are content to just let happen whatever is going to happen.

I had a conversation with my teenage son recently about this. Of course, he is tech savvy and thinks I only understand stone-age principles of technology, like levers and wheels and such. He assured me that the AI will only work within the parameters we establish for it, and therefore the idea of the machines gaining intelligent and declaring war on the human race is complete hogwash. I think he even laughed at me under his breath. I countered that (1) there is a certain proportion of rotten human being on the face of the earth, (2) there is nothing exempting highly intelligent people from being rotten, and (3) if a truly rotten person composes the enabling code for AI, then HE defines the parameters. There is nothing stopping some fat incel pig who is mad at the world from writing some malevolent code, hacking some key infrastructure (e.g., utilities, defense, etc...) , and inserting said malicious AI code into the existing AI code. My son seemed to reluctantly agree that the possibility may be genuine.

Moreover, technology generally is aimed at making things work better and more efficiently. Integration is key to this. But will there be effective firewalls put into place in order to compartmentalize otherwise integrated systems for security purposes? One would think so. But we know that absolutely NOTHING is immune from hacking/cracking operations. Therefore, there will always be exposure to risk. As the automated apparatus grows, the the consequence of a breach in security mounts. The only sure way to protect a system is to unplug it from the integration. But this is absolutely opposite of the direction big tech has been headed for the past 50 years.

My point is that the risks posed by AI, and admittedly intriguing concept, shall be subject to the individual ethics and moralities of the people developing, controlling, and maintaining it. Personally, I have found highly intelligent tech people to generally not be to my liking. 9 out of 10 of them are creepy and socially awkward. Many of them don't bathe regularly. They read and watch a lot of fantasy based bullshit and play video games in which they are effectively a god (i.e., they want to be a god). They don't get their dicks wet in appropriate ways, and so on. They possess great knowledge and skill, but they need to be kept under tight control if we are going to grant them the ability to code our futures. These are not the humans we want establishing what our futures look like (unless you want your future to look like World of Warcraft, and I don't.

The easy answer to that one is to stop ostracizing, mocking and bullying nerds and geeks. These are the smart kids with massive chips on their shoulders who are developing tomorrow's AI, and you're at their mercy. The time for controlling them, moreover, is long gone since they now have the tools to punish humanity for the way that they were treated in the past, and they can make it almost impossible to control the systems they develop. As easily predicted, the tables have turned, and now the star quarterback has blown out his knee, never made it to the NFL, and is selling used cars while he pays big bucks to nerds he used to stick in trash cans to run his computer systems and protect his data.

Have fun in the new world.
The easy answer to that one is to stop ostracizing, mocking and bullying nerds and geeks. These are the smart kids with massive chips on their shoulders who are developing tomorrow's AI, and you're at their mercy. The time for controlling them, moreover, is long gone since they now have the tools to punish humanity for the way that they were treated in the past, and they can make it almost impossible to control the systems they develop. As easily predicted, the tables have turned, and now the star quarterback has blown out his knee, never made it to the NFL, and is selling used cars while he pays big bucks to nerds he used to stick in trash cans to run his computer systems and protect his data.

Have fun in the new world.
I don't think people fully appreciate how AI will change the world in the very near future.

As with other things we see going on around us, they are clueless, which is why AI is such a danger.
I don't think people fully appreciate how AI will change the world in the very near future.

As with other things we see going on around us, they are clueless, which is why AI is such a danger.
And, of course, as AI gets more powerful, the government will try to weaponize it, making it even more dangerous.
And, of course, as AI gets more powerful, the government will try to weaponize it, making it even more dangerous.

Despotism is the human condition, or at least, just look at human history to see that.

But despots are human and stupid like the people they rule over, so this stupidity is usually their down fall

For example, Hitler decided to micromanage his generals. Problem was, he was an idiot. Also, to micromanage the war 24/7, to avoid sleep he took drugs to keep him awake. So Hitler essentially ran the war ill equipped in terms of training and an additional problem in lack of judgement because he was a junkie.

This all helped lead to his downfall.

However, what if Hitler had turned things over to AI, a program smarter than any human on earth?

We would all be speaking German.

AI can track, study and micromanage ever man, woman, and child on the planet, and manipulate them on a whim.

Wait till they go to digital currency as all your financial transactions will either be approved or denied by AI as well.

It will be total control

China, who has no moral qualms about anything, leads the way as other governments have thrown caution to the wind to keep up with them

It's now an arms race.

Yea, we are all screwed.
Well, I guess it is time to do all those things on my bucket list because this is certainly not going to end well. Essentially this act of stupidity is the Biden handlers' way of saying that they are not going to do anything about addressing the ethics of our evolving AI. They are content to just let happen whatever is going to happen.

I had a conversation with my teenage son recently about this. Of course, he is tech savvy and thinks I only understand stone-age principles of technology, like levers and wheels and such. He assured me that the AI will only work within the parameters we establish for it, and therefore the idea of the machines gaining intelligent and declaring war on the human race is complete hogwash. I think he even laughed at me under his breath. I countered that (1) there is a certain proportion of rotten human being on the face of the earth, (2) there is nothing exempting highly intelligent people from being rotten, and (3) if a truly rotten person composes the enabling code for AI, then HE defines the parameters. There is nothing stopping some fat incel pig who is mad at the world from writing some malevolent code, hacking some key infrastructure (e.g., utilities, defense, etc...) , and inserting said malicious AI code into the existing AI code. My son seemed to reluctantly agree that the possibility may be genuine.

Moreover, technology generally is aimed at making things work better and more efficiently. Integration is key to this. But will there be effective firewalls put into place in order to compartmentalize otherwise integrated systems for security purposes? One would think so. But we know that absolutely NOTHING is immune from hacking/cracking operations. Therefore, there will always be exposure to risk. As the automated apparatus grows, the the consequence of a breach in security mounts. The only sure way to protect a system is to unplug it from the integration. But this is absolutely opposite of the direction big tech has been headed for the past 50 years.

My point is that the risks posed by AI, and admittedly intriguing concept, shall be subject to the individual ethics and moralities of the people developing, controlling, and maintaining it. Personally, I have found highly intelligent tech people to generally not be to my liking. 9 out of 10 of them are creepy and socially awkward. Many of them don't bathe regularly. They read and watch a lot of fantasy based bullshit and play video games in which they are effectively a god (i.e., they want to be a god). They don't get their dicks wet in appropriate ways, and so on. They possess great knowledge and skill, but they need to be kept under tight control if we are going to grant them the ability to code our futures. These are not the humans we want establishing what our futures look like (unless you want your future to look like World of Warcraft, and I don't.

You don't "program" intelligence, that's not the way it works. Intelligence is self organizing, you can no more control an AI than you could control a real person
Well, I guess it is time to do all those things on my bucket list because this is certainly not going to end well. Essentially this act of stupidity is the Biden handlers' way of saying that they are not going to do anything about addressing the ethics of our evolving AI. They are content to just let happen whatever is going to happen.

I had a conversation with my teenage son recently about this. Of course, he is tech savvy and thinks I only understand stone-age principles of technology, like levers and wheels and such. He assured me that the AI will only work within the parameters we establish for it, and therefore the idea of the machines gaining intelligent and declaring war on the human race is complete hogwash. I think he even laughed at me under his breath. I countered that (1) there is a certain proportion of rotten human being on the face of the earth, (2) there is nothing exempting highly intelligent people from being rotten, and (3) if a truly rotten person composes the enabling code for AI, then HE defines the parameters. There is nothing stopping some fat incel pig who is mad at the world from writing some malevolent code, hacking some key infrastructure (e.g., utilities, defense, etc...) , and inserting said malicious AI code into the existing AI code. My son seemed to reluctantly agree that the possibility may be genuine.

Moreover, technology generally is aimed at making things work better and more efficiently. Integration is key to this. But will there be effective firewalls put into place in order to compartmentalize otherwise integrated systems for security purposes? One would think so. But we know that absolutely NOTHING is immune from hacking/cracking operations. Therefore, there will always be exposure to risk. As the automated apparatus grows, the the consequence of a breach in security mounts. The only sure way to protect a system is to unplug it from the integration. But this is absolutely opposite of the direction big tech has been headed for the past 50 years.

My point is that the risks posed by AI, and admittedly intriguing concept, shall be subject to the individual ethics and moralities of the people developing, controlling, and maintaining it. Personally, I have found highly intelligent tech people to generally not be to my liking. 9 out of 10 of them are creepy and socially awkward. Many of them don't bathe regularly. They read and watch a lot of fantasy based bullshit and play video games in which they are effectively a god (i.e., they want to be a god). They don't get their dicks wet in appropriate ways, and so on. They possess great knowledge and skill, but they need to be kept under tight control if we are going to grant them the ability to code our futures. These are not the humans we want establishing what our futures look like (unless you want your future to look like World of Warcraft, and I don't.

And being able to build a machine like that...
Don't worry, she isn't in charge of shit. It's a token title given to a token vice president.
If ai is that intelligent, and we set boundaries for it, it can't ignore those boundaries right? Just like people are intelligent and have boundaries set for them and they never ignore those boundaries. Right?
Well, I guess it is time to do all those things on my bucket list because this is certainly not going to end well. Essentially this act of stupidity is the Biden handlers' way of saying that they are not going to do anything about addressing the ethics of our evolving AI. They are content to just let happen whatever is going to happen.

I had a conversation with my teenage son recently about this. Of course, he is tech savvy and thinks I only understand stone-age principles of technology, like levers and wheels and such. He assured me that the AI will only work within the parameters we establish for it, and therefore the idea of the machines gaining intelligent and declaring war on the human race is complete hogwash. I think he even laughed at me under his breath. I countered that (1) there is a certain proportion of rotten human being on the face of the earth, (2) there is nothing exempting highly intelligent people from being rotten, and (3) if a truly rotten person composes the enabling code for AI, then HE defines the parameters. There is nothing stopping some fat incel pig who is mad at the world from writing some malevolent code, hacking some key infrastructure (e.g., utilities, defense, etc...) , and inserting said malicious AI code into the existing AI code. My son seemed to reluctantly agree that the possibility may be genuine.

Moreover, technology generally is aimed at making things work better and more efficiently. Integration is key to this. But will there be effective firewalls put into place in order to compartmentalize otherwise integrated systems for security purposes? One would think so. But we know that absolutely NOTHING is immune from hacking/cracking operations. Therefore, there will always be exposure to risk. As the automated apparatus grows, the the consequence of a breach in security mounts. The only sure way to protect a system is to unplug it from the integration. But this is absolutely opposite of the direction big tech has been headed for the past 50 years.

My point is that the risks posed by AI, and admittedly intriguing concept, shall be subject to the individual ethics and moralities of the people developing, controlling, and maintaining it. Personally, I have found highly intelligent tech people to generally not be to my liking. 9 out of 10 of them are creepy and socially awkward. Many of them don't bathe regularly. They read and watch a lot of fantasy based bullshit and play video games in which they are effectively a god (i.e., they want to be a god). They don't get their dicks wet in appropriate ways, and so on. They possess great knowledge and skill, but they need to be kept under tight control if we are going to grant them the ability to code our futures. These are not the humans we want establishing what our futures look like (unless you want your future to look like World of Warcraft, and I don't.

I heard there is AI Porn of Kamala jacking a guy off with her feet. Anyone know where I can find this video?

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