UCI 6- Students Voted to Remove US Flag from Campus


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Isn't illegal immigration great!

The fools social media sites are getting hammered.



Its assholes like this that vote. Like I have said, leftist tend to be one, maybe two generations deep here in America


A portion of the resolution reads: “(F)lags construct paradigms of conformity and sets homogenized standards for others to obtain which in this country typically are idolized as freedom, equality and democracy.”

Authored by student Matthew Guevara, the resolution goes on to state that since “the American flag has been flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism,” its display “does not express only selective aspects of its symbolism but the entire spectrum of its interpretation.”

After citing freedom of speech as a “valued right that ASUCI supports,” the resolution states that “freedom of speech, in a space that aims to be as inclusive as possible can be interpreted as hate speech.”

The resolution concludes with the following: “Let it be resolved that ASUCI make every effort to make the Associated Students main lobby space as inclusive as possible. Let it further be resolved that no flag, of any nation, may be hanged on the walls of the Associate Student main lobby space.”

UC Irvine Student Leadership Panel Votes To Remove American Flag From Campus Lobby CBS Los Angeles
Typical third world representatives bringing over their anti-American views. We need to end all immigration. We have to stop this nightmare.
Typical third world representatives bringing over their anti-American views. We need to end all immigration. We have to stop this nightmare.

It's a lost cause, and it's not going to stop. My advice, start checking out places, like Australia for instance, to move to.
UCI is a no nonsense school. It stands to reason they wouldn't put up with this.
UCI is a no nonsense school. It stands to reason they wouldn't put up with this.

I agree. My son went there

Again, I think Americas problem today is people come to America, and vote, but they aren't coming to America for the same reasons our ancestors did many generations ago. Moreover, I think leftist liberals family tree might, just might go on average, 2 generations deep. They have no idea what America is suppose to be yet their vote is just as strong as mine.

We're our own worst enemy

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Here we can see so-called multiculturalism in action!
It also seems like hatred, not like multiculturalism! These people hate America, because i don't know people who have common sense and who wanna ban symbol of freedom!

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