U.S. special forces conduct raid against ISIS in Syria...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
U.S. special forces hit Islamic State in Syria raid Reuters

U.S special forces have carried out a raid inside Syria that killed a man identified as a senior Islamic State leader who helped direct the group's oil, gas and financial operations, U.S. officials said on Saturday.

The White House said President Barack Obama ordered the raid that killed the Islamic State figure identified as Abu Sayyaf. U.S. officials said his wife was captured in the raid.

It is the first publicly declared special forces operation by U.S. forces in Syria since their failed attempt to rescue American journalist James Foley and other American hostages held by Islamic State last summer. Foley was killed by the ultra-radical group, an offshoot of al Qaeda.

The United States is leading a coalition in a military campaign to roll back the jihadist group whose self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq has reshaped the region.

What we need are more of these raids. We don't need thousands of boots on the ground. Good job, U.S. special forces. :thup:
U.S. special forces hit Islamic State in Syria raid Reuters

U.S special forces have carried out a raid inside Syria that killed a man identified as a senior Islamic State leader who helped direct the group's oil, gas and financial operations, U.S. officials said on Saturday.

The White House said President Barack Obama ordered the raid that killed the Islamic State figure identified as Abu Sayyaf. U.S. officials said his wife was captured in the raid.

It is the first publicly declared special forces operation by U.S. forces in Syria since their failed attempt to rescue American journalist James Foley and other American hostages held by Islamic State last summer. Foley was killed by the ultra-radical group, an offshoot of al Qaeda.

The United States is leading a coalition in a military campaign to roll back the jihadist group whose self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq has reshaped the region.

What we need are more of these raids. We don't need thousands of boots on the ground. Good job, U.S. special forces. :thup:
Fuck you!!

You increase these raids and the element of surprise is lost.

Then you start filling bodybags.

Commando raids should be a last option.
U.S. special forces hit Islamic State in Syria raid Reuters

U.S special forces have carried out a raid inside Syria that killed a man identified as a senior Islamic State leader who helped direct the group's oil, gas and financial operations, U.S. officials said on Saturday.

The White House said President Barack Obama ordered the raid that killed the Islamic State figure identified as Abu Sayyaf. U.S. officials said his wife was captured in the raid.

It is the first publicly declared special forces operation by U.S. forces in Syria since their failed attempt to rescue American journalist James Foley and other American hostages held by Islamic State last summer. Foley was killed by the ultra-radical group, an offshoot of al Qaeda.

The United States is leading a coalition in a military campaign to roll back the jihadist group whose self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq has reshaped the region.

What we need are more of these raids. We don't need thousands of boots on the ground. Good job, U.S. special forces. :thup:
Fuck you!!

You increase these raids and the element of surprise is lost.

Then you start filling bodybags.

Commando raids should be a last option.

How do you lose the element of surprise with secretive raids, but retain it with thousands of troops on the ground? That makes no sense. :eusa_eh:
you forgot fox news delayed its coverage a nano second .....because hey were informed last....
U.S. special forces hit Islamic State in Syria raid Reuters

U.S special forces have carried out a raid inside Syria that killed a man identified as a senior Islamic State leader who helped direct the group's oil, gas and financial operations, U.S. officials said on Saturday.

The White House said President Barack Obama ordered the raid that killed the Islamic State figure identified as Abu Sayyaf. U.S. officials said his wife was captured in the raid.

It is the first publicly declared special forces operation by U.S. forces in Syria since their failed attempt to rescue American journalist James Foley and other American hostages held by Islamic State last summer. Foley was killed by the ultra-radical group, an offshoot of al Qaeda.

The United States is leading a coalition in a military campaign to roll back the jihadist group whose self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq has reshaped the region.

What we need are more of these raids. We don't need thousands of boots on the ground. Good job, U.S. special forces. :thup:
Fuck you!!

You increase these raids and the element of surprise is lost.

Then you start filling bodybags.

Commando raids should be a last option.

How do you lose the element of surprise with secretive raids, but retain it with thousands of troops on the ground? That makes no sense. :eusa_eh:
It is because the President is of a darker hue...that takes away everything.

I guess mudboy thinks that ISIS fighters sit around and play checkers and never worry about raids or drones....I guess the mudboy thinks... in a war situation...as created by ISIS...they don't worry about raids.

Hate is so funny. Idiots lose common sense.
U.S. special forces hit Islamic State in Syria raid Reuters

U.S special forces have carried out a raid inside Syria that killed a man identified as a senior Islamic State leader who helped direct the group's oil, gas and financial operations, U.S. officials said on Saturday.

The White House said President Barack Obama ordered the raid that killed the Islamic State figure identified as Abu Sayyaf. U.S. officials said his wife was captured in the raid.

It is the first publicly declared special forces operation by U.S. forces in Syria since their failed attempt to rescue American journalist James Foley and other American hostages held by Islamic State last summer. Foley was killed by the ultra-radical group, an offshoot of al Qaeda.

The United States is leading a coalition in a military campaign to roll back the jihadist group whose self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq has reshaped the region.

What we need are more of these raids. We don't need thousands of boots on the ground. Good job, U.S. special forces. :thup:

Dress rehersal for their take-over of Texas no doubt. ;)
It's actually good that Obozo is finally catching on to the fact that there is no substitute for boots on the ground....

One down, 20,000 - 31,500 to go...

ISIS has between 20 000 and 31 500 fighters CIA says - CNN.com

A CIA assessment puts the number of ISIS fighters at possibly more than three times the previous estimates.

The terror group that calls itself the Islamic State "can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters across Iraq and Syria," a CIA spokesman told CNN on Thursday.
U.S. special forces hit Islamic State in Syria raid Reuters

U.S special forces have carried out a raid inside Syria that killed a man identified as a senior Islamic State leader who helped direct the group's oil, gas and financial operations, U.S. officials said on Saturday.

The White House said President Barack Obama ordered the raid that killed the Islamic State figure identified as Abu Sayyaf. U.S. officials said his wife was captured in the raid.

It is the first publicly declared special forces operation by U.S. forces in Syria since their failed attempt to rescue American journalist James Foley and other American hostages held by Islamic State last summer. Foley was killed by the ultra-radical group, an offshoot of al Qaeda.

The United States is leading a coalition in a military campaign to roll back the jihadist group whose self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq has reshaped the region.

What we need are more of these raids. We don't need thousands of boots on the ground. Good job, U.S. special forces. :thup:
Fuck you!!

You increase these raids and the element of surprise is lost.

Then you start filling bodybags.

Commando raids should be a last option.

How do you lose the element of surprise with secretive raids, but retain it with thousands of troops on the ground? That makes no sense. :eusa_eh:

Probably because you never planned one of these operations yourself...

....I'm glad you're in the dark. That is the point. The less everyone knows the better.
It's actually good that Obozo is finally catching on to the fact that there is no substitute for boots on the ground....

One down, 20,000 - 31,500 to go...

ISIS has between 20 000 and 31 500 fighters CIA says - CNN.com

A CIA assessment puts the number of ISIS fighters at possibly more than three times the previous estimates.

The terror group that calls itself the Islamic State "can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters across Iraq and Syria," a CIA spokesman told CNN on Thursday.

Your article is from September 2014. That's when many people first started hearing about ISIS. We have made significant gains since then, and halted their advance in many areas.
Mudwhistle is correct...the success of these operations is based upon surprise. And you don't waste Delta (CAG) operators by using them on a regular basis. Of course Barry had to grandstand the success of the raid, diminishing the intel we got from it. I swear, the punk has to be the most despised CIC in US history.
I'm not praising Obama. He doesn't plan these operations. He only authorizes them. I'm praising our military. Have any of you ever given credit for any of the successes we have had, or is your hatred for Obama that strong? :dunno:
U.S. special forces hit Islamic State in Syria raid Reuters

U.S special forces have carried out a raid inside Syria that killed a man identified as a senior Islamic State leader who helped direct the group's oil, gas and financial operations, U.S. officials said on Saturday.

The White House said President Barack Obama ordered the raid that killed the Islamic State figure identified as Abu Sayyaf. U.S. officials said his wife was captured in the raid.

It is the first publicly declared special forces operation by U.S. forces in Syria since their failed attempt to rescue American journalist James Foley and other American hostages held by Islamic State last summer. Foley was killed by the ultra-radical group, an offshoot of al Qaeda.

The United States is leading a coalition in a military campaign to roll back the jihadist group whose self-declared caliphate in Syria and Iraq has reshaped the region.

What we need are more of these raids. We don't need thousands of boots on the ground. Good job, U.S. special forces. :thup:
Fuck you!!

You increase these raids and the element of surprise is lost.

Then you start filling bodybags.

Commando raids should be a last option.

You're right. In fact, the Left has a child like affinity for special forces, believing they can be inserted anywhere and accomplish any mission. Such belief has proved disastrous for both Carter and Obama who have presided over failed missions with deadly results.

The truth is, special forces are at their best when they're the tip of the spear, that is, part of an occupational force and relying on the support of existing military infrastructure. When they're sent on missions without nearby support, we're just playing craps with them, hoping to get lucky. Because they are very good at what they do, it's likely they will succeed even without support, but there's also an unacceptable risk that things could go very badly and an entire team can be lost due to the fact that they are simply outnumbered.

Like you said, if we keep up these missions, our enemy, who has proven to be infinitely smarter than the chimp in the White House, will adjust and even anticipate our next move and be ready for us.

Actually, in addition to sending fighters that they have trained back to western countries, they are shifting their main focus from Iraq to Syria.

Same hood, they just moved across the street to the other corner, and they are apparently holding their own in those areas.
ISIS in Syria Campaign Update March 31 2015 Institute for the Study of War

Also, don't forget their recent gains in Anbar Province...

Believe me, the fight is far from over...

And we haven't even discussed the terrorist situation in places like Libya or Syria yet, have we?

Can I ask you a question?

Now we know that ISIS is actually an offshoot of Al Qaeda in Iraq, and they went from being almost defeated to their strength last summer (and managed to get all those tanks and other weapons) when we pulled out of Iraq. Since we don't have the special forces troops to decimate them, what good do you think it will do to just take one of them out occassionally?

If they're not wiped out, they'll just rebuild, and we will be fighting this war forever.

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