U.S. Forces begin moving into Saudi Arabia.


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Iran is opening a new regional front in Iraq, the US must act

US government officials have concluded that the May 14 drone attack on the east-west Saudi pipeline was launched from southern Iraq, having previously identified Yemen as the launch site.

Despite calls from the Iraqi government to disband, several Iranian-backed militias are active in southern Iraq. Iran has equipped these militias with the same weaponized UAV strike capability as its Houthi allies in Yemen.

According to the US government, the May 14 drone attack was likely launched by Kata’ib Hezbollah, an Iraqi militia and designated terrorist group created, funded, and directed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards – Quds Force (IRGC-QF). The attack therefore means that Iranian proxies have attacked Saudi Arabia, a key US ally, from two different fronts.

The IRGC’s ability to carry out proxy attacks against a US ally from Iraq, another supposed US ally, highlights America’s failed strategy in Baghdad. As a result of US and Saudi pressure, Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi ordered the closure of IRGC-QF militia offices across Iraq on 1 July. However, militias have ignored similar calls before. Despite Prime Minister Mahdi’s order, the Iraqi government either cannot or will not remove the Iranian-backed militias from its territory, nor will it prevent them from targeting US allies.

The militias have always bragged about being able to wear any uniform in the Iraqi military – this order allows them to access US funds, US equipment, and US intelligence. This move will make the IRGC-QF militias a legitimate part of the Iraqi Security Forces, giving them more influence than ever.

They will be the ones flying US F-16s, they will be the ones driving US M1A1 Abrams tanks and the newly delivered Russian T-80 tanks. They will still answer to Soleimani directly and will be commanded by Hadi al-Ameri of Badr Corps and by his deputy Mohandes. This is a win for Soleimani, who may even now be inspired to try and integrate Lebanese Hezbollah into the Lebanese Armed Forces, whilst the US continues to insist it is marginalizing Soleimani.

The US needs to change course in Iraq. The militias need to be opposed, and Mohandes needs to be removed, one way or the other.
500 troops are support capacity only.
If we end up going to war, like I said in a different thread, it won't be a conventional one.
It'll be massive escalating AIR POWER as needed.
500 troops are support capacity only.
If we end up going to war, like I said in a different thread, it won't be a conventional one.
It'll be massive escalating AIR POWER as needed.
Fairly obvious to me that this is being done to counter the Iranian proxies in Southern Iraq. They are now saying the drones are being launched from Iraq and not Yemen.

This is a move to shoot them down. My opinion of it.
Iran hasn't done a dam thing Trump started this buy acting like a child which he is.The idiot had a chance to sign that nuclear deal instead ran like a bitch.
Wooo Hoooo! One bullshit war I don't have to be a part of!

Onward goyish soldier
Marchin on to war
For the Star of Remphan
Fighting ever more!
Iran hasn't done a dam thing Trump started this buy acting like a child which he is.The idiot had a chance to sign that nuclear deal instead ran like a bitch.
As you ignore their proxies in Yemen, Syria, Lebannon, Jordan, and now Southern Iraq.

They are in a War with Saudi Arabia and have been for a long time via proxies.........Now they are putting proxies in Southern Iraq to threaten them from there.

The drones in the gulf were from Southern Iraq.

Guess you just ignore that..........hmmm
I'm sure we have been loading up Saudi Arabia with weapons and intelligence...it will start as a proxy war....with SA as the tip of the sword...If I were a common sense person in Iran I would be working on a way to over throw the Mullahs pronto....
Iran hasn't done a dam thing Trump started this buy acting like a child which he is.The idiot had a chance to sign that nuclear deal instead ran like a bitch.

WTF shithole are you from, its by not buy. You mean that crap deal Obama signed on to?
I'm sure we have been loading up Saudi Arabia with weapons and intelligence...it will start as a proxy war....with SA as the tip of the sword...If I were a common sense person in Iran I would be working on a way to over throw the Mullahs pronto....

I dunno, I'd be packing my bags and renting a camel.
England is STILL a signatory today as we speak, and they hijacked two of their oil tankers!
Please, lay off the crazy pills before you post.
England hasn't kept to the terms of the JPOA and hijacked an Iranian tanker.
England is STILL a signatory today as we speak, and they hijacked two of their oil tankers!
Please, lay off the crazy pills before you post.
England hasn't kept to the terms of the JPOA and hijacked an Iranian tanker.

So the treaty ended up being a POS because it was a POS to begin with.
Thank you!
P.S. Trump was right to get us outta more shit dropped by the previous Administration.
England is STILL a signatory today as we speak, and they hijacked two of their oil tankers!
Please, lay off the crazy pills before you post.
England hasn't kept to the terms of the JPOA and hijacked an Iranian tanker.

So you're siding with Iran? No surprise there.

Why don't you connect the dots, and back up your statements?

From the BBC:

Grace 1 - was carrying Iranian crude oil to the Baniyas Refinery in Syria.

The refinery is subject to European Union sanctions against Syria.
Iran hasn't done a dam thing Trump started this buy acting like a child which he is.The idiot had a chance to sign that nuclear deal instead ran like a bitch.

WTF shithole are you from, its by not buy. You mean that crap deal Obama signed on to?

Actually it wasn't a crap deal numskull look it up and learn.

Initially it looked good on paper.
But Obama and ketchup-boy lost their scruples and forgot they were dealing with a lying, thieving terrorist state.

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