U.S. adds 200,000 jobs in Dec.; unemployment drops to 8.5%

Unemployment has averaged 9.4% since the stimulus.... great job!!
The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected. The recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted.

Bulcrap, our government has allowed the shipping of jobs overseas for decades as well as increased immigration to take the jobs left here. Anyone with 1/2 brain knows you can't keep shipping our jobs out of the country or increasing the compitition for the jobs left in this country and not have an economic catastophy.
The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected. The recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted.

Wow, right out of the DNC playbook. You come up with that on your own?
No, I borrowed it from t president.

Actually the recession of 2000 was much worse in terms of job loss. The difference was job creation was much higher during the post-2000 era. This is the slowest recovery on record, and not coincidentally the one marked by the greatest gov't intervention.
Say what???

We didn't even have a recession in 2000. What are you smoking?

You are incorrect...............So what are you smoking?

Early 2000s recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Dems are bragging about these numbers.
But the truth is it is a mark as to how bad their polciies are. We should have been here at least a year ago. This is the slowest recovery on record. And it only kicked in when the GOP took the House, blocking further damage.

That is such horseshit. Okay, tell me what exactly did the GOP do that helped the economy?

They blocked Obama's Jobs Bill, created a dangerous crisis over the debt ceiling, and tried (but failed) to end the payroll tax cut.

Is that not enough?
The Dems are bragging about these numbers.
But the truth is it is a mark as to how bad their polciies are. We should have been here at least a year ago. This is the slowest recovery on record. And it only kicked in when the GOP took the House, blocking further damage.

That is such horseshit. Okay, tell me what exactly did the GOP do that helped the economy?

They blocked Obama's Jobs Bill, created a dangerous crisis over the debt ceiling, and tried (but failed) to end the payroll tax cut.

Is that not enough?


They stopped a union payoff, Tried to stop Democrats from pissing away money. Then tried to salvage SS because the tax cut is ineffective. That has been proven BTW.
Why do you keep repeating this after it's been debunked?

In 1936, FDR won because the GOP ceased to function as a party, not because people were overwealmingly for FDR. America had essentially ceased to be a real democracy, much like the rest of the world had written democracy off as a bad idea at that point.

Eventually, FDR went too far and his own party yanked him back. (Trying to stack the Supreme Court, interferring with elections on the state and local level). And five minutes after he was in the ground, they amended the constitution so something like that could never happen again.

Now, that said, I think the magic number for Obama is still about 7.5. Actually worse than he found the economy in, but better than it's worst.

The fact the GOP is about to nominate a weird Mormon robot probably helps him, too.
I see parallels between the 1936 election and the 2012 election. In both years the economy was improving. The Republicans in 36 attacked the New Deal just as Republicans today attach the economic stimulus plans. In 36 they painted the president as a dictator and a socialist who would bankrupt the country just as they are doing today. In 36 the Republicans chose a weak candidate in Landon and it looks like they are going to make the same mistake again by choosing Romney.

Actually I see parallels to 1980: a weak socialist simp who left the country adrift versus anyone else.

A weak socialist wimp/ power-mongering dictator, you mean.
I see parallels between the 1936 election and the 2012 election. In both years the economy was improving. The Republicans in 36 attacked the New Deal just as Republicans today attach the economic stimulus plans. In 36 they painted the president as a dictator and a socialist who would bankrupt the country just as they are doing today. In 36 the Republicans chose a weak candidate in Landon and it looks like they are going to make the same mistake again by choosing Romney.

Actually I see parallels to 1980: a weak socialist simp who left the country adrift versus anyone else.

A weak socialist wimp/ power-mongering dictator, you mean.
He's not a total puss. He let our military cap Osama Bin Laden, by dint of not getting in the way, and deferred to local control to kill those somali pirates.
Unemployment has averaged 9.4% since the stimulus.... great job!!
The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected. The recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted.

Wow, right out of the DNC playbook. You come up with that on your own?

Actually the recession of 2000 was much worse in terms of job loss. The difference was job creation was much higher during the post-2000 era. This is the slowest recovery on record, and not coincidentally the one marked by the greatest gov't intervention.

When you make shit like that up, where does it come from? Do you know it makes you look like an ass? Do you think everybody is as clueless as you?
The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected. The recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted.

Wow, right out of the DNC playbook. You come up with that on your own?

Actually the recession of 2000 was much worse in terms of job loss. The difference was job creation was much higher during the post-2000 era. This is the slowest recovery on record, and not coincidentally the one marked by the greatest gov't intervention.

When you make shit like that up, where does it come from? Do you know it makes you look like an ass? Do you think everybody is as clueless as you?

Translation: I am beat so rather than try to refute it I will call him names.

Game, set, match Rabbi. Thanks for playing. Jerk.
Wow, right out of the DNC playbook. You come up with that on your own?

Actually the recession of 2000 was much worse in terms of job loss. The difference was job creation was much higher during the post-2000 era. This is the slowest recovery on record, and not coincidentally the one marked by the greatest gov't intervention.

When you make shit like that up, where does it come from? Do you know it makes you look like an ass? Do you think everybody is as clueless as you?

Translation: I am beat so rather than try to refute it I will call him names.

Game, set, match Rabbi. Thanks for playing. Jerk.

I don't know what to tell you, bub. Live in your own world. Be happy.
The Dems are bragging about these numbers.
But the truth is it is a mark as to how bad their polciies are. We should have been here at least a year ago. This is the slowest recovery on record. And it only kicked in when the GOP took the House, blocking further damage.

That is such horseshit. Okay, tell me what exactly did the GOP do that helped the economy?

They blocked Obama's Jobs Bill, created a dangerous crisis over the debt ceiling, and tried (but failed) to end the payroll tax cut.

Is that not enough?

He asked what helped the economy, not what hurt it.

Blocking a jobs bill, creating a bogus "debt crisis", and opposing tax cuts hurts the economy.
I see parallels between the 1936 election and the 2012 election. In both years the economy was improving. The Republicans in 36 attacked the New Deal just as Republicans today attach the economic stimulus plans. In 36 they painted the president as a dictator and a socialist who would bankrupt the country just as they are doing today. In 36 the Republicans chose a weak candidate in Landon and it looks like they are going to make the same mistake again by choosing Romney.

Actually I see parallels to 1980: a weak socialist simp who left the country adrift versus anyone else.

A weak socialist wimp/ power-mongering dictator, you mean.

Ask Osama Bin Laden, Gaddafi, and the Somali pirates how weak Obama is.

Oh.....wait.....you can't.

They're dead.
You can get really good news if you cook the books enough.

The real unemployment rate is 11.4%. Having a jump like that would put obaabaa into a coma, so they just lie about it.

Real Jobless Rate Is 11.4% With Realistic Labor Force Participation Rate | ZeroHedge

Pointless statistic for the purpose of this discussion, along with the "People stopped looking." It's only meaningful if you use the same formula for the comparative beacon. You can't take what you're calling "Real UE" and pit it against "Official UE" from other points in history.

Same goes for labor participation. Discouraged workers are never counted; This is not something new Obama invented to make his numbers better. They weren't counted in any of the other examples, either (eg, Bush's numbers or Obama's peak numbers); Yet you quote the statistics as though you believe, or wish for others to believe, that they were counted in the past but not anymore.

The number is either going in the right direction, or it ain't. And right now it is. Be happy.
The Dems are bragging about these numbers.
But the truth is it is a mark as to how bad their polciies are. We should have been here at least a year ago. This is the slowest recovery on record. And it only kicked in when the GOP took the House, blocking further damage.

That is such horseshit. Okay, tell me what exactly did the GOP do that helped the economy?

They blocked Obama's Jobs Bill, created a dangerous crisis over the debt ceiling, and tried (but failed) to end the payroll tax cut.

Is that not enough?

And the jobless rate went down! Go, GOP!
Actually I see parallels to 1980: a weak socialist simp who left the country adrift versus anyone else.

A weak socialist wimp/ power-mongering dictator, you mean.

Ask Osama Bin Laden, Gaddafi, and the Somali pirates how weak Obama is.

Oh.....wait.....you can't.

They're dead.
How'd P-BO get Gaddafi? Oh that's right, he didn't. NATO did and some local rebel put a pill in his brainpan.

I'm willing to give him SOME cred, but come on.
Wow, right out of the DNC playbook. You come up with that on your own?
No, I borrowed it from t president.

Actually the recession of 2000 was much worse in terms of job loss. The difference was job creation was much higher during the post-2000 era. This is the slowest recovery on record, and not coincidentally the one marked by the greatest gov't intervention.
Say what???

We didn't even have a recession in 2000. What are you smoking?

You are incorrect...............So what are you smoking?

Early 2000s recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't know where you are, I am in the U.S.. Did you even read that article?? Or were you hoping the title alone was enough to establish a recession in the U.S. in 2000?

The early 2000s recession was a decline in economic activity which occurred mainly in developed countries. The recession affected the European Union mostly during 2000 and 2001 and the United States mostly in 2002 and 2003.

It goes on to state ...

The NBER's Business Cycle Dating Committee has determined that a peak in business activity occurred in the U.S. economy in March 2001. A peak marks the end of an expansion and the beginning of a recession.

Nothing about a recession in the U.S. in 2000.
Wow, right out of the DNC playbook. You come up with that on your own?

Actually the recession of 2000 was much worse in terms of job loss. The difference was job creation was much higher during the post-2000 era. This is the slowest recovery on record, and not coincidentally the one marked by the greatest gov't intervention.

When you make shit like that up, where does it come from? Do you know it makes you look like an ass? Do you think everybody is as clueless as you?

Translation: I am beat so rather than try to refute it I will call him names.

Game, set, match Rabbi. Thanks for playing. Jerk.
How did you win without posting the numbers which prove you right??

Obviously you can't read a chart.

It would tell you that government stimulus is a temporary measure.

You have to remove the causes of the malaise first before you can get any long-term benefit. Simply flooding the federal trough with cash won't solve the problem, only extend it.

Course with folks like Obama, it's not his money anyway so why should he worry. He really has no skin in the game.....but he loves to make sure we do.

Also you notice how the biggest drop happened during an election year. The rest of it just seems cyclical. So the big drops during the 08' election year appear to be in anticipation of an Obama Presidency. The hope and change he promised, the wealth distribution, the Social Justice he constantly proclaimed appears to have scared the shit out of job creators.

So everyone tightened their belts if they wanted to stay in business after Obama got in the White House. We still don't know what your taxes will be like after Feb and we still don't have a budget after waiting for Congress to pass one for 3 years. Obama and the Democrats did too good of a job telling us this was the worst economy since the Great Depression.

Uncertainty can cause a lot of damage to the economy.
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