U.N. says Earth is too close to the Sun already


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
And we'll pretend man-kind can do something about it for idiocy, profits & public debt, and they'll take our freedoms away in the process.

Not to worry, it will be a lot further in 180 days or so.

And we'll pretend man-kind can do something about it for idiocy, profits & public debt, and they'll take our freedoms away in the process.

The REAL cause of global warming. Maybe Musk can send a rocket up, lasso the earth and pull it away. We are just coming out of a UN/WHO/CDC fear mongering scamdemic and now they are trying to drum up another "crisis" to distract from the globalist plans. Fuck the UN. The US should kick them out and leave.
And we'll pretend man-kind can do something about it for idiocy, profits & public debt, and they'll take our freedoms away in the process.

The REAL cause of global warming. Maybe Musk can send a rocket up, lasso the earth and pull it away. We are just coming out of a UN/WHO/CDC fear mongering scamdemic and now they are trying to drum up another "crisis" to distract from the globalist plans. Fuck the UN. The US should kick them out and leave.

We have more problems than the UN, but yeah, the Kamala train is wide open for their entertainment and will follow to the letter as written by the regressive elite.
And we'll pretend man-kind can do something about it for idiocy, profits & public debt, and they'll take our freedoms away in the process.

The problem with global leaders is their reputation is toast. It continues to slide aggressively since the Covid "leadership" lead by the W.H.O and the climate issue has been promoted for the last 50 years or more.

Another issue I keep raising, "What in the hell was the Paris Accord for?!?!?!" We were told that this would solve it all' "God bless all the worlds taxpayers, we are saved, thank you'! Then a week later they are demanding MORE?! If the Paris Accord doesn't solve it, then everyone should withdraw.

it's never enough. It's crooked. There may come a time Communist China will be respected more because they sometimes tell the global leaders "no". Think about that for a moment.
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And we'll pretend man-kind can do something about it for idiocy, profits & public debt, and they'll take our freedoms away in the process.

the UN is just a huge money laundering organization...not good for anything else
The guy that made yall'unz fine operating system you idiots are enslaved to is going to install an vaccine as a sunblocker to keep you secure.
No worries. Bill knoweth alleth
PBU Bill !
And we'll pretend man-kind can do something about it for idiocy, profits & public debt, and they'll take our freedoms away in the process.

They must be in consultation with The Emperor.
And we'll pretend man-kind can do something about it for idiocy, profits & public debt, and they'll take our freedoms away in the process.

The earth is slowly drifting AWAY from the sun. Liberals are fucking stupid.

The rate at which the sun is slowing is also tiny (around 3 milliseconds every 100 years). As the sun loses its momentum and mass, the Earth can slowly slip away from the sun’s pull.

The sun's carona will expand in billions of years but EVERY STAR in existence does that as it dies

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